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Chin up
It's gonna be a long one
But chin up
Untimely you're the strong one
Chin up
You've already won
So chin up
There's no fear in losing
Chin up
For those who can't do it
Chin up
You're the star and they're looking
Chin up
Don't be afraid
Chin up
You're everything in this parade
Chin up
Take hold of all the possibilities
Chin up
Cause I believe in you
Like you do in me
Chin up
Sometimes I am my only positive voice in my head. Let this one be yours. You can do it! How ever minimal or astronomical. I believe in you.

Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
You're lovely and sweet
     Is all they can tell you
Cause you won't move
     You won't leave
When all you can do is
     Shed tears
          Animate your fears

You gotta move to survive
To keep your spirit alive
When you see that look in his eyes.
It's more than obvious
You're putting up a good fight
But he's still not coming home tonight

So you start something new
     but your phone shakes
You list the Five that keep you alive
     Your heart skips a beat
Your blood goes cold
     Your mouth goes dry
Your panic attacks emerges
     Cause your hoping it's not but it is
           It's the guy who left you

You gotta move to survive
To keep your spirit alive
You dread that look in his eyes.
It's more than obvious
You're putting up a good fight
But you won't see him tonight

Ultimaltely it's up to you to decide
      Survive passed those who don't value you
Who spread you thin when you let them in
      To rise above lackless love
      You're lovely and sweet
Is all they repeat
      Cause you won't move
You won't leave
       When all you can do is
     Shed tears
          Animate your fears
So dare to move to survive
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
There's a block of space
Where you use to be
When you made me laugh
When you made me smile
We had our secrets mile for mile
I had my misgivings and anger in a pile
With nothing but memories turn vile
I remember the warning of voices that strained
To stay away from that train
I understand now that it was a game
Meant nothing to you but I still miss you,
Guess I missed my cue
I'm the one who lost it, who blew it, there's no one to blame.
Learned from the punches now I'm never the same but this heartbreaker's cry will not be in vain.
"Don't hate the player hate the game
And maybe next time there won't be a train."
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
Sometimes we think we are alone together
Even if the world is going through the same thing
Whatever it means to be free
Can't free us from our misery
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
I've only just begun
But it feels like I've been doing this forever
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza
My sins out way
My disappointments
Copyright 2013 © J. Barraza

— The End —