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 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
No title
no title
words slither
in the mind subtold
like serpents to behold

No title
no title
a choice so unmade
no words in braids
not one word or two
not even just a few

No title
no title
no time to entitle
that title so futile
cast out the title
and leave it untold
but the ending--- contemplate
the insatiable ultimate
story must unfold.

No title
no title
Though no title surfice
the ending tis precise
like a run for the mice
the maze is the challenge
but--- the escape is the goal.

© Written by Linda Bates Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
Brave hearts forever burdened
while the daunting hearts rule
forgiven of timeless blunders
nights forbidden lovers so cruel

© Written by LindaTerrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
"The Ville."

There was a town they called the ville
It set at the top of the hill
It never was with a light or clue
It was a hunters dream come true
It's coyotes whined with a shrill
Deer run to the bottom, of the Ville's hill.
It was just a hunter dream.

© Written by Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
Swirling cloths of green folage among bricks divine
flowing forward up and down
always to its roots comes its frowns

© Written by Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
TILL ONE DAY (second version)

It puzzles the brightest minds
It captivates all entwined
Its vastness cradles all within
Its a battle of sink or swim.  

All Poems © Written by Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
One loudly dying tree, cries to me,

"I too yearn to be free,
But my roots will not, of that allow me.
Forever, I am bound to this spot,
And in the end, my withered trunk.
will serve, as my own burial plot."

Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
The Old Church
upon the hill
based on love and God's free will
it call to all of Jesus filled heart
it somehow, sets apart.

© Written by Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
Today is the day I lingered in deep though of yesterday
But now I find it so bewildering why I ever did
Is worry just humble thoughts colliding
Or is it that
the unknown of the tomorrows unleashed
in just another humble sigh?

© Written by Linda Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
My own lover
his arms wrapped round me tight
his heart entwined with mine
Love is all that lasts
through all rehlms of time
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
Love's regret swirling within her humbled brow,
Heartaches of confined lust, she still believes-- some how.
Tearful days forced then behind of all past loves links,
Emerges the child like woman, in victory of her strengths.
She, a brave woman, wore her love scars-- for all to behold,
But , yet, hides her lustful passions, of her stories untold.
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
I shutter in the nights moon.
I hide my self way before noon.
I fear, I fear, night will drift me away.
Moon! I gasp! Do you see me,
turn your judging face from me.
I shutter in the moons glow.
I fear! Which way should I go.
I see the morn only in my mind.
Its solemnly burrow within the trees
like a spy. Yet the cannot escape
my keen eye.
Day light!  Blasted day light!
Sneeks its glow upon me.
Yet,  comforts like a blanket!
But though I shutter in the moon light
And yet, I welcome a  
pleasantly new days sun,
Woot! Whoo! Comes my weak calls.
For by days sun I hunger no more.
I just peck lustfully blood from my
fluttering feathers, of nights telltale gore.
I am just a hungry owl,
Whoot!  Whoot! I cry.  
My beak shutters to softly croon
My calls fierce, again in nights moon,
Alass!  Shouts of fear from the mice.
from chipmunks from the baby racoons.
Hide! Hide! Hide!
For I will stalk you in the night.
You shall be my dinner before
day light.
Comes now too, my endless fear.
I float over fierce brown deer
Its mighty weight, yet, of me
it does not flinch,
Yes, even with my nightly, whoot!
Whoot! Over it  my eyes gauntlet glare
It just looks me over as if I am not there.
I flutter full, to appear stronger, but though
I am mighty to the new birthed young,
I am desolate to the ones more than I, so strong.
Whoot! Whoot! Whoot! I cry out.
I cry strong and brave,.
Yet, not a small beast does not fear as it
shows its self to me
They scamper, Ha! Ha! I laugh.  
Do they not realize their tiny legs will
not free them from my swooping outcome.
I swoop, Ha! Ha! Silently I am upon them.
I since their heart beats like a drum.
Soon it is over. Their will is no more, but mine.
As I perch way up in this tree
Shutter I do of beasts, but so do they.
For in the woods all too is fair play
For that is nature's contract
guaranteed, to all forest prey.

© Written by Linda Bates Terrell
 Jun 2013
Linda Terrell
She's a maiden of the night
spun curls golden ribbon twined
Men long for her beauty
Her lips a tell tale sign
She sighs within prides whipers
of breath of scotch and water
Yet, she's humbled by the days light
She casts her trust upon none
Huddles in her covers till noon's sun
She was once innocent,
her beauty natural it flowed
Now a maiden of devils honor
she sighs, at night, for the pay
Ah yes, the pay, keeps her alive
She, by night she smiles
her red lips to dazzle her King
She glows beneath the chandeliers
Sensually, she giggles
Then, all glass tips high
Who will win her eye
Cheers the gentlemen all cry
And she smiles-- again
thinking quietly-- she sighs
Yet, beneath her breath---
the words she'd whispered haunt her
"just one more time"

© Written by Linda Bates Terrell

— The End —