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 May 2013
i think that
as long as i know you
possibly longer
you will cling to the innermost
recesses of my mind
to the notches in my spine
to the cavities behind my eyes
and the creases of my elbows

but i
i will only leave traces
of myself
on the soles of your shoes.
 May 2013
i would gladly die tonight
i would be born anew at dawn;
my heart did not know you when i arose;
i could

forget you
 May 2013
i love you.
your words make me dizzy;
my thoughts like ants who've lost their trail.
i hate you.
one glance sends the blood rushing to my face;
i can hear my heart pound like waves against a stony shore.

get out
of my head.

i love you
because you're sweeter than honey
and sharp as a tack.
i love you
because you make me laugh
and make me feel special.

i hate you,
because you love

and yet you still have my heart.
dear ****r,
sometimes i wish we weren't friends.
 May 2013
for every time
i get high off your attention
there is an inevitable crash.
i want only to crawl into bed
each time
and sleep away the betrayal
(that isn't really betrayal).
but sleep is hard to come by
and hard to endure
when my dreams are only of you.
and the hardest part
is that i know
that i have not crossed your mind

— The End —