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 May 2013
i scream at you
you scream at me
trying to make some sense
of this triviality
i don't even
want to be here
so what's the point
of arguing
what's the point of
if i'm not going
to stay,
 May 2013
these days
i am constantly reminded
of how much i need to remember
where i came from...
where i've been.

i went back through all these old pictures of me
when my face was round
and chubby
when my hair wasn't perfectly straight
my bangs a mess...
before the idea
that i needed to be
entered my mind.
and i remembered my background
the importance of the foundation
that i rest on...
i sit and remember
what made me

i'll look at my life like this long line
that sometimes goes haywire on me
sometimes it comes
to the edge of a cliff
plummets downward
and then climbs back up
i'll think about holding little kids
and being friends with different people
and being so
so untouched
(i didn't think so then)
by the complete horror
this world truly

i will sit in this room
that i have never had the heart
to call 'mine'
it is small
with one window near the floor
with three white walls
and one chocolate colored
in a house
we don't own
in a town
i always wanted to live in
just not like this
and i'll picture
the girl that lived in that crazy
falling down yellow house
with the green roof
and the rusty door
and the green fields
in the brilliant,
royal purple
with all the funny hair things
and colorful tights
and big
that say nothing
that resembles
'**** me'
and i'll think....
did i get here
 May 2013
(first of all
i'd like to inform you of the fact
that my mother didn't die
in an unfortunate way
although everything about her departure
was unfortunate
and before it's time
she didn't die of breast cancer
or in a car accident
or whatever
she's one of the few
that this earth has been blessed with...
she's one of the mothers

1. if you don't have a mom
you probably have come to the realization
that you are never going to have nice socks
or even clean ones
ever again

2. you probably don't eat a lot
if your mother was
the cooking type
you probably eat mostly
and hot pockets
you'll probably die
a premature death
because of it

3. if you don't have a mom
you will be suddenly aware of all the **** you leave
lying around
for like
and never touch
until you break your
******* face on it

4. you probably have discovered
that talking to your dad
about boys
usually isn't a good idea
it gives him
the strange urge
to grease up his
make sure that's all
in fine working order
sit on porches
give total
crap advice
about all of it

5. if your mother has left you
you've probably realized
that you're looking for a new one
that suddenly
your friend's mom
takes over where she left off
like some sick network
but it's not really sick
sometimes it's kind of nice
you get soup an' ****
and those awkward
usually choking
mom hugs

6. your dad
has probably tried learning to cook
he's probably almost
killed you
more times
than you can count
on two hands
but every once in a while
he hits gold
on total accident

7. if you're a motherless child
you probably do your own laundry
or wear the same clothes
for four months
until you drag
your sorry ***
to the laundry mat

8. if you're a motherless child
you've probably pondered the fact
that you sorta wanted both your parents at your future wedding
but you'd tell mom to *******
at the drop of a hat

9. if your mom left you
rather unconventionally
(thanks, 1960's. didn't do **** for me)
you probably
pretend a lot:
pretend to be ok with her
pretend to want to tell her about your life
so she can tell
all the million other single moms
who left their husbands
(sometimes for good reason)
that her kid is smart
although she hates your guts
oh well
it's the thought that counts

10. if your mom has abandoned you
you've probably sobbed a lot
hit a lot of walls
slammed a lot of doors
kicked a lot of ******* bookshelves
pounded floors
stifled screams into pillows
plugged your ears
slit your arms
bit your fingernails
blamed it on your dad
once or twice
smashed your head onto hard stuff
trying to forget
that feeling
of wholeness
spent a lot of time
about home
and how it used to be
and then cut some more
if your mom has left you
robbed you
broken you
lied to you
spit on you
smacked you
discredited you
then you're probably
a lot like



and the secret is

you don't survive
 May 2013
i just
charged my old phone
my first phone
i got when i was 18
the phone that i didn't have long
before my mother
cut off our account
after she'd left

and on that phone
are hundreds of old
from family
oh god
of the old room in my sisters house
pictures of the packed truck
that me and my sister
and my dad
were shoved into
a picture of the sheriff's car
outside the window
of my sister's room
the sheriff
that stole our
i guess that was

there are
pictures of a scrape i got on my arm
while moving dad's filing cabinet
into a house we didn't belong in
an innocent picture
meant to remember
the day
but somehow
over a year and a half
it's become obscene
in my eyes
cuts on my arm
are remembered
for different reasons now.

pictures of the one happy day
before we were forced to leave;
the waterfall.
the day before we left
i slipped
and fell into
the rushing rage
of that waterfall
almost drowned
but held on
to the ledge
i wonder why
i lost control
of everything
so suddenly

so many texts
of advice
from my eldest sister
we had to be so careful
how we talked to mom
so she would keep calling
so we could try and figure out
where she was
the absolute
of those summer days
slam into me
like a wrecking ball

will i ever
get over
the pain
 May 2013
no, mom.
you don't get to see
a single one of these
i know my little sister
has been telling you
how well i've been writing
what the english department
of my school
has been saying
but you never wanted to hear a single one
until i was gone
and i wasn't gone
until you left me
you don't deserve to see
one line
one rhyme
one smile
and no
not just for a little while
while i get through this 'phase'
no, mom.
 May 2013
take that small handful of light
that you found
on your afternoon walk
put it up in a corner
to brighten it
for a bit
hope that it will make you smile
every once in a while
when you feel wrong
 May 2013
missed all three classes
this morning
dad didn't even
bother me
maybe i'm not the only one
who's given up on me
is this what i wanted?
why am i still not happy
 May 2013
lost all ambition
by 8 o'clock in the morning
my condition
is getting worse
and by condition
i mean the fact
that i've realized
that this isn't where i want to be
 May 2013
i am
giving up
i'm tired of sharpie butterflies
over the cuts
i'm tired of eating
i'm tired of
let's drop out of school
***** all those golden rules
gold is ******

who can i call
to drop out of life?
can i call the dean of admissions
for that one?

if you don't live the dream
you live some ******
full of these cracked smiles
and paper dollars
that we trade
for happiness
only we don't get
that it doesn't come all packaged up and pretty
happiness is ugly
happiness is bitter
you have to give up
too much
to be happy
these days

when you finally reach
the glittering end
of the tunnel
it's just some light
and what the **** am i gonna do
with a handful of ******* light
 May 2013
i've started to resent people with two parents
i mean
what do you got
that i don't got
what did you do
sacrifice a ******
or something?

in all reality...
i know i make it out like a joke
but i'm actually ******* tired of writing about this
about being abandoned
and not knowing what the **** i'm doing with my life
i'm tired of feeling like **** every time
i see a mother
on tv
every time
i wish i had one
i'm better without one
i'm fine
i really am
i am
 May 2013
haven't talked to you in two days
which is
haven't done that since
early december
we kind of collided tonight
and ricocheted apart
that was quick
and then i leave
and you're asking everyone
about me
i think i'm starting to lose track
of what we're doing
where we are
how far
we've gone

i feel kind of bad
that i left you by yourself
but it was too weird for me
i always do something like this
personal fault
i guess
whenever something gets too unfamiliar
i pack up
and leave
i always try to tell everyone
that i'm nothing like my mother
but i guess after all
 May 2013
when i was
i remember whenever i went over
to a friend's house
who had a sort of get-together
with a whole ton of other kids
about once a month
i'd sit on the rug in their basement
with twenty other teenagers
looking at

there are ten kids
in my family
and two ****** parents
and we had a whole bathtub full of socks
and if you could find two that actually fit
you were golden
never mind matching
or nice and white...
and sitting
looking at all the other kids' socks
i felt like ****
they had the nicest
socks you ever saw
and mine were grey
that i'd dug out from the very
and somehow i decided
that this was a failure
on my mother's part
that she didn't keep our floors
clean enough
or she didn't wash my socks
and so i spent my thirteenth year
feeling like ****

and today
i was folding some socks
(do you fold socks? i dunno how it works. whatever)
and i was looking at them
grungy still
and the white ones
still grey
and i thought
i don't have a mother anymore
and my socks still aren't
white and
i guess that's one less ****** thing
in my life
i don't have to blame her for
another nice thing
is that i don't give a ****
about socks
 May 2013
i can't sleep either.
i just wrote two poems
about how much i hate you
for leaving.
i was starting to think god doesn't listen
to people who ***** their entire family over
but maybe i was wrong.
sorry for being blunt,
but that's who i am
at four in the morning."

i can't believe
i just sent that text
it was kind of an accident
but not really
chew on that
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