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 Nov 2015
Mike Essig
Just a few
sharp instants
of clarity
like ghosts
from blurry

 Nov 2015
Mike Essig
The Law is the Law;
**** is ****;
do the math.


Try not to **** away
your life on nonsense.


While I wasn't looking,
the whole earth was
zoned commercial.


There is always
another corner
around the next


It is hard
on your soul
to admit
how often
you have
been full
of ****.


Never let clocks
control your life.


Waking up
every day
is another
chance at


Wherever you go
you carry along
all the places
you've ever been.


We are
breeding people
who will
have no place
in the world.


It takes
a life's work
to recognize
the mystery
of the obvious.


Much that you see
isn't for your eyes.


Exactly how long
does forever last?


I keep waiting,
unsure of what
I am waiting for.


Sometimes, you walk
through doorways
in you mind
and can't get out.


When you are sure
you can't stand more,
the worst is just beginning.


We must learn to appreciate
our fatal savagery.


Don't disrespect alcohol.
It provides consolation
for the inconsolable.
Not a small feat.


Sometimes, art must be foul
in order to scrub the heart clean.


There are no
brave, new worlds;
just this one
seen clearly at last.
Random jots; hence, snap poems. Cookies that didn't turn into cakes.
 Oct 2015
Mike Essig
my soul
and let me
drape you
in the black
silken lace
of my heart.
  - mce
rp weezy
 Sep 2015
Mike Essig
Poems not written
remain forever frozen
in a glaze of ink,
lonely words floating
like icebergs in a
boreal sea of
unrealized possibilities.
 Sep 2015
Mike Essig
You must believe that you
can escape the prison
of your present.

The innocent future is available
if you empty your memory
and enter the fire that calls you.

You must believe there
is an angelic ****
you can **** that will
rekindle your virginity
and make you pure once more
in this deadly profane world.

You must imagine living
far from the prison of now
in a small house surrounded
by flowers and possibilities;
a small house that can become a home
despite the dreary lovers
buried in the flesh of your past.

What were they anyway but
mistaken barbarian shafts
upon which you impaled yourself
because you longed for love
but discovered only six inches
of throbbing, indifferent muscle
spurting urgent, burning seed
for their own pleasure?

When you never came did you think
you were being denied for settling,
for promiscuously accepting the
futility of their grunting flesh?

You must learn to **** the spirit,
not just magazine bodies and faces.

You must realise you
are ******* for your very being.

This is hardly about mere lust.

****** alone cannot possibly
solve the riddles of existence.

You must open your legs wide
once more to the ******* of hope.

You must know that it is possible
to escape the prison of the present
and emerge like a spring blossom
into the hands of a holy future
if only you let its fingers
pleasure you to ripe perfection,
if only you allow its swollen *****
to ****** deeply enough
to nourish your heart
with its steaming, sticky sanctity.

Meat and soul must finally conjoin
and in their junction innocence
will find and carry you triumphantly
like a chaste bride to the home you seek.

 Sep 2015
Mike Essig
Who doesn't want
a secret life of adventure
beyond the day's work,
something decadent,
wild, preposterous,
lustful, dangerous
and enduring as
the babble of
poets and philosophers
who talk a good game
but rarely get around
to living.

 Sep 2015
Mike Essig
Even in my seventh decade
enough remain:

impatience, ****, whiskey,
too many cigarettes,
lust (eternal and bright),
driving carelessly, laziness,
not being Buddhist enough,
preferring my own silence
to the chattering of humans
and others that come and go.

I once hoped to die pure,
but I know now these blemishes
will stick to me like true love
and follow me into the grave.

Such terminal devotion,
so rarely to be found
in this fickle world.

Friends to the end,
womb to tomb.
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