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 Jan 31
Georgia parry
You made me punch a wall
I’ve never done that before
You make me whole
I’ve never had a stable home
You make me wanna fight
I’ve never liked arguments
You make me mad
And I hate you for it
You infuriate me
I shake when I think of it
I can’t even explain
I love you so **** much
I hate it all the same
You stop my anxiety
Yet you cause my attacks
You lifted my depression
Yet make me so low
I can’t breathe without you
I can’t breathe when your here
I’ve run out of air
But I’m surrounded by trees
I can’t see the stars but I’m living in the night
A nocturnal love
A trippy tale
Inhale the high
‘Until the end of time’
‘Until the universe dies’
‘Until every atoms passed its time’
Was I not supposed to say?
How you make my heart hurt
How you make my soul scream
How when we’re lay together like that
You fuel my everything
‘ I push you cause I wanna see you go far ‘
So why do I feel like pulling away
I’m wasting away
You came so quickly
And left even faster
But hey maybe I’m just lost in my ways
But maybe I’m scared of love
But maybe my hearts covered in rust
Maybe it’s a different sort of lust
Infuriation and imagination cause the best radiation it melts my heart
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Didn’t realise you were everything I was looking for
Didn’t know that it was you right from the start
Didn’t know someone could ever feel like home
Cause now I’m all alone
And it’s your body that I’m missing
It’s your lips that I’m craving
It’s your smile it’s illuminating
It’s your heart and it’s overwhelming
I’ll never need anymore
But when you show up at my door
Your all I’m living for
A future with you could repair my past
A lifetime with you and that’s all I ask
For me your perfect
My one true desire
I shown this too you and you cried
I love you
So much
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Something about you is perfect
Everything about you feels like home
Your light it’s picturesque
Your beauty I confess
I’m absolutely in love
With something about you
I wrote this at 2:25 it’s now 2:29,
Woah okay amma just go
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
To think I called you family
To think you’re my brother
To think that now it’s were
To think how you destroyed her
To think that all your mates now think your fake
To think how much your mum protects your fate
To think how much longer this will drag
To think where you’ll be in 5 years time
To think about how it all went wrong
To think that we were destined from the start
To think that our parents done the same
Surely man like you’d think that was enough
Enough to stop the scale tipping
Enough to stop our lives becoming
Enough to keep us going on living
Enough to keep us away from the streets
Enough too keep us on our feet
Enough too keep us all clean
Enough too not destroy our dreams
Enough to keep us together till the end of things
Enough I guess it’s just a memory
To my brothers and my sisters who I thought were better than who they are
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Antihistamines antidepressants and paracetamol
Tanned skin white skin unexplainable
Falling and flying now one and the same
Who knew about the summer rain
Lying here you confirm my fear
I love you more than life itself my dear
I’d hate for you to up and leave
But I couldn’t fill your wildest dreams
Your wishing for another I know
She may act like me but she won’t
She’d do the things I do not do
She’d love you different to how I do
But she’d never look at you the way I do
She wouldn’t fall in love with your smile like me
She wouldn’t kiss you before you sleep
Or when her insomnia woke her
Or when her anxiety got her
But I do
I do because you mean everything to me
I do because your my remedy
I do because maybe I’m not scared of being in love with you anymore
I’m in love with the idea and thought of you
The being and existence of you
I’m in love with you
I literally wrote this today,
Thank you for reading x
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Hearts take months too fix and minuets too break
Of course I’ll miss her soft warm lips, but how could you understand that even still she does not long for me
I just love for her I want for her mouth on my neck
But alas she turned me away
And from the girl who wouldn’t dare
How could you understand
That although my heart is broken
I cannot feel nor care
I wrote this in like 2014 so enjoy something I haven’t seen myself in around 3/4 years
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
I can remember wanting love, wanting to love somebody and them be as in love with me for my ground to move underneath their feet and their world turn with me
I remember wanting simplicity and the quietness among the madness and
I can remember being in love the gleam and the glow the battles and breaths I can remember being held and not wanting to let go
I can remember the aftermath, and every heartbeat in between the breaks,
I can remember loosing my best friend and my world in a day and I remember how alone I felt
I can remember how I forgot your touch
I left
I got on a train and I’ve never got back on to go back too you and I’ve not walked up that hill to hers I’ve gone past his street but never through my heart and eyes are sensitive too all of you, I can see you, just not where we were alone or when because I’m scared of falling back in love because I do
I can remember everything that made me fall in love with everyone I’ve ever fell in love with, but I can remember why it didn’t work and why it ended
Half of it on account of me half on you,
But I fall in love too easily and I’m scared because I love you
I do
I genuinely feel love towards you but my heart breaks and mends quite quickly nowadays and it’s sorta killing me cause I can fill the cracks with other people
Like some weird glue
I’m currently in love with you
So everything to me about you is still unreal
But my love for you is real
I believe that we can make it work
We just gotta realise that we work
-/- death is painless -/-
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
A thing people should know about my work: I can start a piece about one thing sounding one way and by the end of it you forgot what you were reading about because my words make you confused yet they make sense see I read my work and I know what I was thinking when I wrote it but other people just see a mess of a paragraph using words that don’t mesh together or things that shouldn’t be put together but to me they work, I could describe to you the way I see the sky, but you’d never see the same sky, my words will tug at heartstrings maybe a word or two will send you on your own set of emotions but every word meant something
And that’s what you need to know
I may dramatically show it
Using words I can barely spell and my fingers shaking I’ll type and I’ll make it sound worse than it is
But that’s how I see it
I spend hours watching rain, see it coming from miles away the clouds which fade from a bright white to a dark grey and I watch as they break
As they pour down upon the city’s and streets as the mountains pierce them they crumble and turn into rocks
But somehow city’s and mountains stand
Rain can’t wash the concrete and stone away
I haven’t
I’m from a town, no big city’s near, I live away from the mountains and next to the coast, so truth be told I’ve grown up watching the sea
In a town where everyone knows everyone and news can travel fast
When a person gets stabbed you know in the next 3 days
When a kid goes wrong it’s apparent to all the families that live around
But still
To me this place is a city
Idk what this is about make of it what you want? Thanks
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Titles make me weird
I mean how do you word what your words are trying to explain
It’s confusing see words just flow with me I don’t think I just write and type until I look at the screen and I stare and ponder I just let my hands write that which they choose  whenever my eyes red and full take in my soul when my body’s in harmony because I’m slightly too intoxicated but it’s fine, because it’s making me feel alive, listening too old acoustic songs that make you feel like your flying and that’s where I write, I write when I’m in the deepest cave at the bottom of the endless sea, where there is little oxygen or room to breathe, my soul will break through the rock and let me float away through and across where no human has gone before, that’s where I see my minds creations is where my heart belongs it’s where my soul breaths it’s my home eternal and true
But let it not be said that my perfect home no matter how old my soul seems to be, is with you with your arms around me,
They are my ultimate perfections,
You were
No are
The most important thing to me
And that’s where my heart truly beats
Where my soul can break
It’s final resting place
I’ll lay it all on you if you just once promise me forever and always
I will genuinely vow
Because if you genuinely feel that way I think I’d know
So I think in time we could
Because right now I love you more than words can describe
I m  s o r r y   T h a t  t h I s  w o n t  m a k e  s e n s e
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
I wanna write but my words are empty
I can’t breathe without not wanting too
I can’t sleep knowing who you’re next to
I can’t eat because my stomach won’t let me
I can’t scream because my lungs refuse
I can’t stand the sound of my own heartbeat
Is this normality?
To shake at the thought of leaving my home
To hate the feeling in a crowded room
Even if it’s the people you love the most
I’m only comfortable when I’m alone
I’m just trying to get by
But when there’s nothing to keep you breathing
No glue to stop you breaking
No **** can make you high
No alcohol can make you forget,

Nothing but what you remembered from the fall through December back again to in mid spring then your mind went to somewhere in July when the sun was high and together you soared above every and anything that you both saw, took every chance made every mistake but you did it so gloriously you made it painlessly and you survived with them by your side but now it’s gone
And you both know it went on for so long
But the thought that somewhat it went wrong still it haunts your head so full of now grief and sorrow but for the person you lost so quickly and it felt like less than a year but a entire lifetime because some part of you refuses to let you believe it was real, the aftermath of it all keeps you realising it was real it was a living nightmare
when they left
you remember how suddenly your nights got cold and your days short, the weeks started feeling like months and 5 days in to the month you felt it had already dragged about 7 years, but you kept going even though you’d lost yet another light, not even that but two
I somehow managed

But alive
I am alive
Yeah I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote this so...
thanks :)
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
How do I word this
There were complications
Not at the start
I felt it kick
I watched it grow
I bonded with something I’d never seen
And I cleaned up the mess
With bleach and scouring
I removed most of the blood
Off the now off coloured concrete
I watched out for the ambulance
Helped them through the door
I also was left alone at home
Not knowing how bad it was
Parts of me still don’t fully understand
But I’d never make any demand
That even my worst enemy would endure
The pain of a labour that defaulted
A life that was meaninglessly tore away
A last chance at indefinitely
But I still don’t know how too word it
But I’ll try
Rest in peace my little sibling
I didn’t even say goodbye
- too all the people that understand this I’m sorry x
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
Reading over old poems and I’m thinking,
I used to care so **** much
Like everything to me was so intense, I’d be having normal day and something extremely mild would annoy me immensely and I’d just crack daily,
I used to be so broken
my soul was eggshells and my heart was always in pain when I tried to fall asleep at night all I’d feel was rain, of blood of tears thunder screaming my fears lightning flashing my life
Not like there was ever anything worth the blinding light that shattered my darkness, and brought me back to my pain...
I’m bad at titles so I’m now putting them as numbers
 Jan 31
Georgia parry
I'll love myself even if that means breaking my own heart to fix it myself,  I will not let someone else put back the wounded pieces of my soul, I am not fragile but I am not steel I am human and I am real I have emotions, scars and wounds, I have a spirit a soul a brain, I am nothing to be given away, while what lies in others eyes is respect for themselves and not the earth on which they walk, I have done nothing but adore, adore every leaf as it turns from a glorious green into an amber red or seized the warm summer air  before the days of bitter cold rain, but yet I will endure every heartbroken moment and every single butterfly flutter I will alow my eyes to see city lights as beautiful and allow myself to stare at the stars in its almighty form I will whisper with the wind and scream with the waterfalls.
I will alow me to be me and nothing less of who I am ment to be
So ***** your so called reality
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