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 Sep 28
Hush, hush, dear heart, and listen well,
To the moon's soft melody, its gentle spell,
As moonbeams rock, and the night's sweet sway,
Lulls you to sleep, at the end of day.

Let dreams take flight on the whispering air,
In the cradle of night, there’s magic to share,
For within the silence, peace will be found,
As the moon spins tales, without a sound.

Hush, my love and let your heart beat slow❤️
Lunar lullaby is my favourite 🌙✨
 Sep 28
In moonlit gardens, flowers unfold,
Their petals shimmering, like stardust told.
In secret beauty, they bloom and thrive,
Under the moon's gentle, silvery drive.

Night's perfume dances on the breeze,
In the quiet hours, whispers tease,
Each blossom sings a lullaby sweet,
As shadows sway to the rhythm of sleep.

And in their beauty, I find peace.
 Sep 27
In silver light, my heart beats slow,
A midnight peace, my soul does know.
The world is hushed, in quiet sleep,
As moonbeams whisper secrets deep.

Each twinkling star, a silent cheer,
Woven thoughts in the night appear,
Like echoes of wishes from long ago,
In the cool embrace of the moon's soft glow.

And in the stillness, I am free.
 Sep 27
In the hush of night, the world concedes,
Beneath the silver glow where silence breeds,
The moon, a guardian with a tender light,
Casts whispers of peace through the tranquil night.

Through shimmering clouds, her gaze breaks free,
A gentle caress for the restless sea,
Echoes of dreams weave through the air,
In the stillness, find solace, a soft prayer.

Stars twinkle softly in a cosmic embrace,
Every heartbeat syncs with the universe's grace,
In the quiet expanse, our fears unfold,
Nestled in shadows, our stories retold.

Bathed in the glow of celestial streams,
Awake in the silence, we dance with our dreams,
And as the night deepens, let your spirit soar,
For in the silence of moonlight, we’re forever more.

— The End —