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 Dec 2024
Sia Harms
All we’re living for. . .
With time, does that
Statement degrade?
Do we tweak it, here 

And there, justifying
The smallest changes?
Like an engine, pulled
Apart, piece by piece,
And re-assembled with
Shiny, new parts that
Have never been tested,
Do we remember the
Original, or have we
Burned the blueprints?
“I choose Jesus.” He
Thinks that the cross
Below his collarbone
Is enough, that it saves
All of the choices he
Never brings to God--
Is it weighing on him?
He uses scripture as a
Means to his own end,
But Jesus knows his
Heart, and He does not
Want a necklace--He
Wants well-intentioned
Thoughts & choked
Words that he cannot
Speak aloud to anyone
Else—He wants him
To see that his back is
Turned, that his hand is
******, & that he faints
To ask what his true
Motivations are. A
Cross necklace does
Not disguise a failing
Heart--and God only
Asks what it is he's
Living & fighting for?
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
Raining questions and

An umbrella of answers--

They roll and drip

Down the sloped sides,

Reaching one conclusion

As they are absorbed

Into the ground.

Jesus Christ does not

Dispel the questions;

He encourages them

And answers in gentle

Tones, unaltered by the

Torrential downpours.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
[who am I?]
                                                             ­      Hardworking and determined,
                                                     ­          Statistics on a spreadsheet—
                                         That is all I am. 

                                                I have to be reminded that
                               I am not simply my resumé--
            I am full of love and passion,
Overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

My misdirected goals are only fuel for
         The accomplishments He has already
                   Ordained before my first screeching.
                                       --There is always time to pivot.

                                                      A daughter of God,
                                                            That­ is all I am.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
When will I crouch down in disbelief,
Holding a beeping metal rod as I
Stare down at the unfeeling mud
That hides my supposed salvation? 

Do I find these answers that I seek
Because I am out looking for them
On windswept ***** beaches, both
Crowded and filled with lightning,
Or do I never find them at all?

I rest for nothing. Day or night,
I sift through granulated rock,
Hoping to find something slightly
Shiny, even if my hands are ruined
And red from the relentless digging.

All along, the answers were not
At my feet, but resting on my shoulder:
A gentle hand, a waiting embrace,
And a father who wanted to walk
With me, not watch as I scrambled
On rocks to insanity—I found
Gilded answers, but not through
A machine or mindlessly scratching.

I found the greatest treasure of all:

My Lord & Savior, Jesus.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
There was a transience to the laughs,
A way it all fell out of focus--
Bright for an instant, only to diminish
Into something that never existed.

Slick-tongued quips and smiles
Enticed by a topical instance,
How do I feel knowing
That nothing is lasting?

An umbrella of headphones,
And an open bible--
The world is never constant,
But Jesus is the exception.
He is not of this world, yet He bore it for us.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
A blue face and lidded eyes,
A bright smile and a skip
To a step, chestnut hair
And pouting lips--I sit
Minding my own business,
******* watching those
Flicker through life
Around me—
Would there be a day,
When I would merely
Look into unfamiliar
Eyes, and see words?
Or know the struggles
That girl in bell-jeans
Scrawls in her journal?
I stay sitting, not knowing
How I love so many people,
Not knowing how I could
Possibly add one more—
Lord, who do you want
In my circle?
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
Jesus Wept.

And I only Sat,

Staring. Staring.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
What did I do to deserve a life?
Of what, it doesn’t matter—
What beauty God must see
In the creation of His image,
Forever corrupted, but His.
Like a child that has wronged
Her father, but her look
Of wide-eyed repentance
Only makes his heart exhale,
Overflowing with love
For the child who knows
Better, or maybe doesn’t,
And only wants to heal
Her broken parts—
A life of joy, of sadness,
But a life nonetheless,
One that I do not deserve
In the slightest—He gifted
Me out of the most profound
Love I couldn’t imagine
Save for the fatherly arms so
So often wrapt around me,
Reassuring, though the air
Is empty—I can feel His

Grace in this life that I live.
He is everywhere, inside all of us, even if we are not deserving of the joy that is Him.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
He cries with us

Even when He

Knows our tears

Are unnecessary.
 Nov 2024
Sia Harms
It was a sweet downpour,
Sprinkling on her nose
Like freckles. 

There was no one to watch,
No one to please,

Only Jesus.

The flowers lollygagged
And her skirt swished,
She laughed.

The sound flooded the wind,
Her palms facing up,
Nose crinkled.

She was a little girl again,
Yellow wellingtons in puddles,
Without a shadow.

It was a sweet downpour,
She spun and spun,
In nostalgia.
 Oct 2024
Sia Harms
What is the basis of my faith?
What is the thought, the belief
I have, that casts colored glass
Over the rest of who I am?
Is it the word “love,” “forgiveness”
Or is it “disappointment?”
Am I bathing in a subconscious
Foundation of not being enough?
How can I consistently do right
By Him if I do not have faith
In his love?
 Oct 2024
Sia Harms
A somber corner--
It’s too dark to see
My form huddled there.
I sat alone at lunch,
Waiting, side-eyeing
The lonely souls on
Benches around me.
Was I truly surprised,
When none of them
Approached me?

Somehow, the air
Grew less dense, &
My words quivered
Less, when I trusted
That, perhaps, the
Downcast eyes and
Gangly frames, full
Of feigned belonging
And misguided hopes,
Only needed a voice
To come and ask a
Genuine question of:
“Do you know your
Savior's love?”
“Do you see a face
In the stars?”

“What do you think of
When you zone out at
The wall, and your gaze
Glasses over?”
Nobody asked me
Anything other than
Silly, scandalous remarks--
But I learned not to respond
And seek out those who were
Willing to sit on tin roofs &
Contemplate the reasons
For moral midnight suns,
And Jesus' love, instead.
 Oct 2024
Sia Harms
I would sit with the stubbornness of a child
Dragging down my face, a question on my lips,
“Who was Jesus? How did he save us?”

I only received scoffs in return,
Disbelief as busy adults said “What did he do?
Be serious.”
They never understood that I was.

Unaware of His presence and His love,
I curled into myself, wondering why I always
Failed at satisfying the standard I had
Carefully constructed in my head—
It turned out, I was only waiting
For God's perfect timing.

It was slow--a sluggish trial
Of Him holding out his hand, and mine
Hovering tentatively, not fully convinced.
But He spoke through those around me,
He filled the emptiness I had walked around with
Like a book with blank pages, chapters filled in
At the binding. He gave me a community,
Something that was completely unfamiliar
And alien considering the isolation I was so
Accustomed with. Gradually, I turned to face Him.
I talked to Him under rain-soaked trees and rooms
Infused with the fear of darkness, and He offered
The resolute peace of His love and guidance—

I will never forget the day of extended worship,
One voice flowing through the music, settling
Itself in my heart as I stood alcoved in a hallway,
A borrowed guitar clutched close & eyes full of tears
I was suddenly becoming unafraid of. That anxiety,
That defining phobia of never being enough,
He began to heal as I took His hand and let Him
Give me the strength to persevere through
 I didn’t believe myself capable of.

In that moment, leading up to it, and even now,
When I know there is so much left for Him
To teach me, I feel the unburdening weight
Of his purpose for me—His sovereignty
Over the life I tried to control, year
After year, with my own understanding.

I will never know everything, but I finally

Comprehend what Jesus did for me--
And that knowledge continues
To motivate everything I am,
A daughter of God, into pursuing
An eternal relationship with Him,
Unhindered by my self-righteousness
And fear of failing to fulfill his plan.

Jesus truly is Everything.
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