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 Sep 2021
Ian Lax
I awoke in a dream
a castle crumbling
I'm writing a book
The hero dies
I'm left in ruins

I wake up to leave
then fall back asleep
I see a castle complete
and I am the King
I touch walls ornate
It starts to shake

The next night I lie awake
I fight but sleep overtakes
Corpses lie all over the place
I'm at the end of my Reign
but the walls don't cave

The middle of night
Again, I lose the fight
My kingdom prospers
Though I feel trapped
I search for a doorway out
I search for a trap played out

I take pills to stay awake
but soon reality fades
Suddenly, I am royalty
Whispers of disloyalty

I no longer fight
I simply shut my eyes
I am just a man
in my backyard
The castle is there
abandoned and old
I enter alone
 Sep 2021
Ian Lax
I am odd yet aware

of my mind-numbing


and ill-conceived


I see the

uniform stares

from brain abandoned

eyes to fixate

on my posture

and gait.

I don't fit in

with my fit-out


but I won't sit-in

or sit-out

from the outset

nor resile

who I am

to become

all the while
 Sep 2021
Ian Lax
Under the Marion  

apartment marquee  

apart from

an ordinary dawn  

struck listless  


with cold-beating droplets

I felt brazen today

The business-as-usual

triumvirate of me,  

myself, and I

half-cocked and vapid

sincere an old-college-try

towards interpreting  

the internal


The foreboding  

cycle of thoughts  

I turn over endlessly  

is ******-minded.  

It is perpetual  

perhaps habitual and  

recurring cognizant



I light up from a  


and nourishing

plethora of filtered  

tobacco and  

gaze the same  

cut-cloth blank stare  

at the ordinary dawn

under the Marion  

apartment marquee
 Sep 2021
Ian Lax
I lie pregnable

-wide open


manning my woes

Head high

yet on my knees

I await beheading

below me

swallowing the swill

of my still

I hear merriment

I have found asylum
 Sep 2021
Ian Lax
The day after

Independence Day

a paroxysm

of sparks 

from a lit 

fuse of

natal celebration

re-echoed pressure 

in my skull

fireworks fulminated

directly over my head

painting an abyssal 

night sky 

neon splattered

inapt colors 

reminding me 

of my countries 


If pills tasted 

like the

ice cream cake


in the middle

of the road 

maybe it 

wouldn't be.

The man

I've loved

has a warm smile

from the open flame

atop his head

and a magical sundry 

of plié-like movements.

Entrancing perfection

a self-inflicted hypnosis 

unbroken left me desperate 

for personal perfection.

When a Phoenix rebirths

it has been written the 

amassing thickets shed 

a layer of their earth's green.

Though, a Phoenix is deific,

Wildfire befit my epithet.

Emerging life was a grace 

of kindness when my laxness 

engrossed, and 

malfeasant memories

of the neurotypical 

remain to unsettle, but 

a blowsy man regrets not. 

Exemption finds me not 

in the arms of grace 

but true despairing. 

Timelessness is a disservice

to progress, and age sheds

light upon transgression.

This is my only accomplishment

— The End —