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 Apr 2013
Sean Banks
Naked in socks isn’t naked
“I guess I faked it “
And if you say that to my face
I am going to ask you to state it
Belated in front of a judge I will say
Your honor let me prove that my moves
Would never allow me to
Have a fake ****** on my hands
I know what I do
And you know that this is true
Me and you,
Naked in front of a judge and jury
You start to worry
That if I go any deeper
That a rush of emotion
Comes in a hurry, and surely
If you bite your bottom lip
I am going to bite it next
***, drugs and I don’t know
But if you make me try any harder
I am going to blow
My cover
You used to be my lover
And in front of this crowd you scream out loud
“I was lying I never faked it – I’m just too busy and confused!”
To be naively used
Over and over again
Is the final sentencing
 Apr 2013
Sean Banks
The masses are covered in gloss
And makeup that does not make up
For Imperfections
My reflection
Is my religion
My poetry
Is where I begin
You used to be where I end
My back is what used to bend
My bank account is what I used to spend
And then
I was there
At a destination that happened to be nowhere
No place, your hair, your face, you are not aware
You left a poet drunk
And in despair
This poem is about you
And I hope you read it anywhere
 Apr 2013
Sean Banks
Where in the world do we go from here
Other then forward, which tracks will I retrace
Do you realize – you have the most beautiful face
My lips are on fire – for the girl who eats her ice cubes
Put me out or at least cool me down
And just like a vegan still eats food
I still hear the irreplaceable sounds
Of your voice, your moan, your compliments, your phone
And if you are home all alone
And alone I sit lonely – this will not be the only
Poem I write before I win you back
If I stop composing after you rest under my arm once again
I’ll read life, and as we interpret two different stories
We will find common ground in you and me
If we are both naked, we will both have that too
And when I am inside you – you can be me
I will become your problems and solutions
Its true – you will see what I see
Feel what I feel
Hear what I hear
Do what you love, do what feels right
Do what we do.

— The End —