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 Mar 2015
Loose thoughts
I went for a walk
and found a fork

I went beck to the house
and saw a mouse

I took him in
and he ran to the bin

what a long busy day
what will i find on Friday.

An utterly touching poem that makes full sense which I have written when I was 9 years old. Thinking that one day, maybe, just maybe, my future self would be a famous poet, and that I'd show people my work when I was a kid. I never though i'd get this far with my poetry. I love my younger self.
 Mar 2015
Loose thoughts
I  went for a walk
and had a talk
with a little bunny
that tasted like honey
and had some money
I asked him for a carrot
because he couldn't do my salad
but he had non
because there is only one.

A touching poem that makes full sense which I have written when I was 9 years old on a crumbled piece of paper that I've still kept. Thinking that one day, maybe, just maybe, my future self would be a famous poet, and that I'd show people my work when I was a kid. I never though i'd get this far with my poetry. I love my younger self.

— The End —