Does he love me
Does he not
His actions say yes
His words say yes
But how can I believe what I’ve seen and heard before
Empty words and actions leaving me crying on the floor
Always an obstacle in the way
Wait for this, wait for that
In time, please wait, coming soon is the day
Well this and that has happened
Now am I expected to forget?
Believe that you love me, like you said when we first met?
Forget the lonely waiting moments?
Wondering where you were
If you loved me or not, what you were doing with her?
You dangled the carrot for so long
I don’t know if the damage can be undone
I’m sober now
And she is dead
Of course you want to crawl into my bed
I want more, and so I deserve
I’ve told you this, have you not heard?
No commitment from you still
I’m single and free
If you wait much longer
You will never be with me