"yes mom......... no mom"
sometimes that's the most I try to say.
For I know if I say anymore my heart would be overwhelmed
with the scolding "I'll break your jaw!"
and many more.
Three words I dear not hear,
but like a child full of hope still I listen.
I've almost given up hope but I'm bound to hear it sometime,
aren't I?
She throws words in my way that do nothing but hurt!
Scar me, wound me, then kiss the cut you made.
We are silently close and I keep reminding myself you love me
but at times it's not that easy.
I hold in my pain
and fear my tears,
though tears release pain,
I know you'll say that I look for nothing but pity
and so your pity I've grown to hate.
I've grown into silence for it's there I hear the most
where your actions speak louder than words,
only there I hear your words of compassion and love
rather than scolding and criticism.
Reminding myself of those who have less,
possibly none, I appreciate the little I have.
I patiently await the day that you say those three words,
and when you do I hope you mean it;
I'll reply with a smile that's tied from ear to ear.
but until then,
we'll exchange our silent I love you's
and be there for each other till the end.