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Apr 2017 · 283
The warmth of forgetfulness
Colin Cabral Apr 2017
A campfire glows bright in the twilight on a beach
The ocean is near, but I cannot hear it
I’m sorry I left, however, in this place we are still together
She’s wearing my black Dickies sweater that I loaned her a year ago
Did you want it to continue forever?
She slowly moves away from the fire, leaving only footprints
I just wanted you to know the truth my prince
The sky is about black, and the stars turn blue
I can’t let go either, even though I already have
On the shore the ocean carries out the waves as I watch them move
And I miss you, you shouldn’t have gotten so mad
What was once another source of light, now just a new moon
I know now, but unfortunately we have to leave this place soon
The campfire burns out and became smoke and soot

This memory, vague and blurry, endlessly echoes
Why did you leave?  You took my heart to Adjuntas you know
Will I accept the truth?  Even though I must?
Always, I can’t picture myself without us
You said you left because you fell ill, but your head laid low
I know that now, but I can’t let go
Perhaps you haven’t found a significant other.  That may be true
Maybe you have, but I haven’t, I still miss you
Sometimes the anger burns a vibrant, deep blue
I’m not mad anymore princess, I wish you knew
This one last memory is the one that always causes the most pain
My heart breaks now and always, can I have a kiss to know the passion remains?
Apr 2017 · 228
Colin Cabral Apr 2017
As destiny bitterly awaits
I sit by thecurb and watch other fates
Unfolding, just before my very eyes
It’s like the sky follows so low
And the wind blows so bitterly cold
Then having done so untold
To have misgivings when it rains
When others follow the stray light
I remain seated, growing is the blight and bane

By the road of Babylon I move on
To the supermarket in distance
I walk pass the brown lawn
Until the sun’s dawn
And the 3 fawn that gathers so close to me
They fade back into woods
I hear one say
“Why’s the man so lonely?”
I don’t respond as I see they are gone
Gone like the girl who left from this island
To a smaller island
So far away, but I can see her
Through the thick winter’s fog
Through the clear Caribbean sea of salt
Through all of it, even though it’s my fault

*I just need another moment by thecurb
Apr 2017 · 240
The Department Store Girl
Colin Cabral Apr 2017
The Department Store Girl*

She’s a view to see

Blame me for what I say

But she makes my day

I want to say something

But nothing ever comes out

In my head I scream and shout

Ohh..It kills me inside

And I hunger more

She’s so deep in my thoughts

That she’s hard to ignore

And what’s strange is..

I know you feel the same way too

For every time I look at you

You stare back and smile

Sometimes it’s for a while

And I wonder..

What life would be

If I was in love with you

But what hurts the most

Is that you’re so close

Yet this dream is so far

I feel like I’ll never know who you are

Because my heart is taken

And so is yours..

But sometimes love happens

Even in a department store.
Apr 2017 · 159
The Will of a Man
Colin Cabral Apr 2017
Joshua leads his men around the walls of Jericho once everyday for seven days accompanied by his priests, and the Ark of the Covenant.  Joshua commanded his people and spoke, empowered by the LORD's will..

"Ye shall not shout, nor let your voice be heard, yet shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; Then shall ye shout."
When the seventh day arrived the ram horns sounded off in triumph.
The walls fell

Joshua 6:1-27

The Will of a Man

For who is to say that a man cannot achieve his goals?
For he who is only bold and never to abide to the status quo
A man must persevere or succumb to being thrown off his throne
As foretold, he will neither stand on the mountains tops, nor obtain riches and gold
“Lend a hand to the man who is overcome with disparity and false hope”
However, no hand was extended, the man is left to determine life on his own
He is never shown which road is right as all is untold

Baring a sword and shield, he takes to the light and prepares to fight
But behold!  There in the mist, a deadly, dire dragon hinders the man’s path
Its scales shine, its wings wavering, and its breath a fiery wrath
The man stands stoic, “move or be slain dragon for it will be a bloodbath”
It is then the dragon retracts its neck, opens its mouth, and unleashes hell in one breath
The man dodges fast as to not be burn by the dragon’s magical cast
Not overcome with thoughts of fear in his mind
The man triumphantly thrusts his sword into the dragon’s heart, piercing its thick scaly hide
The dragon bitterly befalls to the man’s will and dies at his side
Humbled, the man continues on his path, but with a liberating stride.

— The End —