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Jan 2014 · 417
A Thought
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
I feel like a liar
when I type words
that don't have much
meaning beyond their meaning,
when the fire
burns out
and I fall back,
these words
are simply letters
strewn together
on a computer screen
on a wednesday night
on a couch
in a room
near an ocean
Jan 2014 · 539
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
"Stop trying
to explain yourself,
have a little dignity."
this is what a
homeless man
said to me
while he was
on a
in the middle
of town
Jan 2014 · 375
Smiling at a Suicide
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
Bukowski lived in the third
dimension but
wrote in the fourth
when he died he
was released back
into the ever

on and on
and down and around
a winding whirling rabbit hole
to find a stronger whiskey,

if you ever witness
a suicide,
smile, and
wonder what the two
will talk about
Jan 2014 · 577
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
"Indulge in
that which
gives you
or pain,
in between
is a waste
of time,"
I heard these
words uttered,
by whom is
Jan 2014 · 432
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
I threw her
clothing out of the
third story window
gripping a fifth
like a banister
laughing a deep
mad chuckle
as I felt, for
the first time,
like a child
Jan 2014 · 713
Where My Poems Come From
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
I'm hungover,
and colors don't
smell right
and images don't
taste right
and my lungs
are coated in
exhaust and liquor

I'm hungover
like a dog searching
for a bone that
was buried long ago
in a deep hole
in the middle of

god ****** I'm hungover!
and I can't escape
the cigarette smoke
that follows me like
a bad pun
and there's a headache
starting in my toes
that wretches my
brain in the back
left corner
where my poems
come from
Jan 2014 · 205
Writing is not a Calling
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
writing is not
a calling
it's a warning
it's Bukowski
saying, "get out
while you can."
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
alcohol gives
short periods
of drunkenness
followed by long
periods of contrast,
but in that drunkenness
god whispers
insanity in
your ear
and you
Jan 2014 · 526
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
Courage is what you get
when you imagine fear
while it's tucked away
snug in your garrett
surrounded by doubt
and tiny walls
that disappear
entirely when looking
down the barrel of a .45
which isn't long
and isn't expensive
and is the most common
gun in the country
Jan 2014 · 238
Some Are Not Men
Colin Anhut Jan 2014
Man's flaw
is that his
heart is far
larger than
his body,
some are
not bound
by humanity,
some are
not men
but ideas
in the form
of men

— The End —