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Mar 2012 · 1.2k
You gave wings to my hopes
a chance for my talents
I wear your space like a coat of freedom
Your skies
As a hat of cornucopia
Your mountains
as an echo of love
your plains
as an ample cape of independance
Your oceans
as the children that you gave me

Colette Anne Naegle

copy rights 2006
Thank you America
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
America land of my dream.
When i was knee high
Could i ever cry for our countries gone under
Because we had to surrender
Shredded by German's plunder
Yet i rejoiced and thanked God
when the sun was shinning
I did a lot of day dreaming
watching the clouds as they went by
The only jewells i saw were the daisies by the road
their perfect little rows
of white petals , center gold
I dreamt of far away lands where people were free
free to speak, free of fear and striffe
America land of my dreams
you were floting in my inner space like a desert's mirage
I clung to it with determination
until the day, it came into action
Young Gi's fresh faced, full of youth
smiled at us from their metal girth
tanks, cannons, guns and the likes
They looked so vulnerable and young
they held my hand " small " in theirs " strong"
in their palms well fed and reassuring
they could be so loving to a little girl
who defied dying
So land of my dreams you will come true
In my heart you grew and grew
till one day, i will see NewYork bay
Land of my dreams you will be mine

Colette Anne Naegle
I wrote it at twelve when America blew down the **** sign in Berlin
When i was knee high
Could i ever cry for our countries gone under
Because we had to surrender
Shredded by German's plunder
Yet i rejoiced and thanked God
when the sun was shinning
I did a lot of day dreaming
watching the clouds as they went by
The only jewells i saw were the daisies by the road
their perfect little rows
of white petals , center gold
I dreamt of far away lands where people were free
free to talk, free of fear and striffe
America land of my dreams
you were floting in my inner space like a desert's mirage
I clung to it with determination
until the day, it came into action
Young Gi's fresh faced, full of youth
smiled at us from their metal girth
tanks, cannons, guns and the likes
They looked so vulnerable and young
they held my hand " small " in theirs " strong"
in their palms well fed and reassuring
they could be so loving to a little girl
who defied dying
So land of my dreams you will come true
In my heart you grew and grew
till one day, i will see NewYork bay
Land of my dreams you will be mine

Colette Anne Naegle
Mar 2012 · 3.6k
Nick's bird grandson
You took my hand with eyes of fear
Against the fence in mud burried
Your pet... wet colorless...desolate
The lovely bird who sang to you
Who made your day when you were sad
Now still and gone
never to sing
Trying to grasp
What's after life

Leaving the body was too hard
For a toddler to understand
You said " us too  ? we also die?
I tried to explain eternity
Your big eyes of woe
Crushed my heart

Colette Anne Naegle
Fronds of grass
Struggling toward the sun
Cutting through the earth
With their sharp green shoots
Sun streaming through the branches
A perfect breeze for a perfect day
The world is still

Near the bark of a fallen tree
Lies a young man in repose...
His skin is fair,
The wind plays in his hair
Almost a child
With tender spots of pink
Around his ears, the nape of his neck
A young soldier wearing his uniform
Golden buttons adorn his chest
Right above his heart

A clean round hole
The war came by
He is gone

Colette Anne Naegle
Copyrights 2005
Mar 2012 · 3.0k
Venitian siesta
Mutted sounds
The city sleeps... traditional
Rest...closed shutters
Against the heat....skies white
Blinding, implacable
Brurnt, liquid: coupolas baking
Through centuries of glazed splendor
My lover's breath on old fashioned
Sheets: starched, crip...ironed flat
Our bodies recouping
In the cool inner wall... welcomed presence
Nary a sound...inanimate objects
Enrobed in silence
Languid , heavy, waiting for the shadows
Announcing night's fresh enconter.
Colette Anne Naegle

copyrights 2005
Mar 2012 · 3.3k
American quilt
Women bent over in a circle
A quilt is being born
Created with precision
of structure, harmony
Geometrically perfect
wedding band,log cabin.

The men are far away
fishing, hunting bisons
A dying fire, logs glowing
Icy winds wisttle under the door
back out through the chimney flue
Strong women, used to dangers
hunger, incertitude
marauding Indians
hidding out in the woods
Tighten up your circle
warm up your fingers
the quilt must be ready
For the new bride of spring
Colette Anne Naegle

copyrights 2009
I love America and wanted to learn " as much as i could from its people" as i am a new American of European ancestry: British, Scotish, Irish ( Armstrong one of my ancestors) and some French
I was raised in French and British in language  and learned to speak like an American .
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Navaho...sitting by your tee,***
Looking far away...
Lost in space and time
Old warrior
Tired and  tranquil
Remenbering the old braves of yore
Phantoms that you see  
Among the clouds
Old partners of wars
Pow wows... in the night skies

Sleeping on the hard earth
Joined in efforts , tenacily
Wise as serpents
Light as a deer
Running in tall grasses
Your arrows  lined together
Above your shoulder
Your name" light foot"
Protected by the canopy
Of the wide Arizona skies

Colette Anne Naegle
copy rights 2005
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
I am a leaf in the winds
        Of time
Floating through space
Face up, face down
Knocking on walls
      of eternity
In an Einsteinian sort of way

I do not belong
  to this plane
Going in and out of
  Many dimensions...
Like the spirit that i became

Colette Anne Naegle
copyrights 2008
Feb 2012 · 1.4k
Walking with Van Gogh
Twirling madly with his stars
In Arles
Surrounded by night at the café
Where he drank pastis

With his sun  illuminated wheat
Taking a walk among
The wind blown cypress trees
His girating irises
His spinning suns

Loosing my eyes
in his self portrait of red hair
intent stare
Of genius

How sad ...they never told you
What a giant you were

Colette Anne Naegle
copyrights 2005
Feb 2012 · 1.7k
Black widow
In a deep recess
Cloaked in darkness
Her shinny body
Glowing outside of its opaque deeds
Waiting for a prey
She does not miss a beat
The fact that you are alive
Makes her tremble with hate
Black becomes her
Messenger of death
A she twirls around in her webb
Exposing the red dot
Of her hour glass

Colette Anne Naegle
copy rights 2007
Feb 2012 · 911
Wisper, because time
passes so quickly.
Wisper for fear the clock strikes
one too many

The hours like sighs
rob us of our moments
the good, the bad, the indiffrernt
I try to hold you .
Like the seive holds water
Through my fingers you glisten
you glimmer, you disappear
Time, time, my elusive one
You make my life appear
like a dream I hardly dreamt

You are going, you are gone
Of all the sunsets of my days
I'll remember but a few....time so dear
So unpalpable
You are gone

Colette Anne Naegle

— The End —