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Jul 2011 · 645
cohdee Jul 2011
Dreams do come true.
Never as expected,
Except when it comes to you.
Every nightmare you star in,
Ends up becoming reality.

Your face stagnant in my thoughts,
Its making me sick.
In another town,
Frolicking with whomever.  
I can't take it.

Marks on your neck,
words that you speak.
Do You not see how I feel.

Frogs croak, cats meow, spilt milk, not now.
Jun 2011 · 796
cohdee Jun 2011
Love? I have none,
I am pretty sure after this i will be done.
No more blindly stumbling in the dark.
Looking for a bed that isn't empty.
Things go so simply,
lacking that little spark.
No moon shines bright in winter,
Summer comes, all is gone.

I want the ocean,
Paper filled bin,
Discarded notes,
Nothing floats,
no hope, just rope.
May 2011 · 572
cohdee May 2011
Pick something and write.
Well... maybe i shouldn't write,
writing is for people with things to say.
No one has ever looked at a blank page and said
"Wow, what a genius"
They don't read babbles and say
"That was beautiful"
No ones ever said that about you.
Always at a loss for words,
nothing ever to say.
Never getting complemented,
always going under the radar.
shy people go unseen
Mar 2011 · 524
I am insane
cohdee Mar 2011
Yes, i am going insane,i think its some chemical imbalance in the brain.
Feb 2011 · 825
its a lime
cohdee Feb 2011
Every word he said was meant,
Every promise he made he kept.
And apparently you didnt get the hint,
All escaped you while you slept.

Everyday he was at a loss of words.
Uncapable of being able to say,
I want to fly free with the birds
And To mold our love out of clay.

All was at a loss,
Nothing more to look forword for.
Everything covered in moss,
Tattered and washed up to shore.

He couldnt say what he meant,
Couldnt give what he wanted to get.
Forgotten about like pocket lint,
He has no fish in his net.
Feb 2011 · 793
the spice
cohdee Feb 2011
I flew the nest,
Left my jesus
Im independent all grown up
On my way to becoming a mother sparrow.
When you are on your own
you will know what its like,
To be awake
not having a sparrows support.
Doing everything on your own
Not needing jesus there for you.*

But really?...
Are you serious,
You are just at the begining.
I am at four years in,
My jesus forgot me
My sparrow tossed me out
If anyone knows lonely
Its me...
To do it all on your own,
To have no supporter
To be 'awake' so you speak.
I am already there
And doing a terrible job at it
But non the less i am and have been
Sooner before you knew.
Feb 2011 · 1.8k
cohdee Feb 2011
A little sea bird,
               flying so high.
My little sea bird,
               trying to reach the sky.
I know i can do this,
               I wont stop untill i reach it

Farewell Bird said with one last kiss
               The sky he climbed bit by bit.
My little sea bird,
                Never seen again.
Finally reached it after the third...
                In my soul he will remain.
Farewell bird slips my lips
                as i see him fly off the worlds edge.
On a lunar eclips,
                Standing on a clifs ledge.
Me to you
Feb 2011 · 503
A short
cohdee Feb 2011
To know is to wonder.
To accept is to ponder.
Jan 2011 · 441
cohdee Jan 2011
no one really knows anything,
No matter how much they think they do.
Blind men in dark.
Stumbling around like broken legged sheep.
Trying to find the truth,
Trying to get some faith.
Jan 2011 · 1.3k
cohdee Jan 2011
lets make pie together.
Get everything ready
And put it between two sheets of dough.
Get heated.
You and i can make pie all night long.
In the dark using only the shadows of the moon.
Jan 2011 · 376
Why would you?
cohdee Jan 2011
How do you tell someone you love them if the feelings not real?
Why would you tell someone you loved them if the feeling not returned?
Jan 2011 · 473
cohdee Jan 2011
One to two
two to one
one to two
two to three
three to one
one to two
two to four
four to one.
Jan 2011 · 433
my haiku
cohdee Jan 2011
Self inflicted pain,
To become a piece of art.
Could it hurt less, please?
Dec 2010 · 491
Take it or leave it?
cohdee Dec 2010
I cant find the words
and i probably shouldn't
it might ruin something beautiful
or create a whole new beginning
but why risk it
when i know it will never happen
i don't even feel that way for you
so why is it that i care
friendship is amazing
anymore and it gets complicated
why try for more
when your content with what it is
this feeling doesn't exist
so why do you consume my every thought
Cohdee 12-24-2010
Dec 2010 · 565
Something about yesterday
cohdee Dec 2010
We can just live together,
Be each others muse.
Make beauty and art forever,
Creativity on a fuse.
I will dress you up,
You will Dress me down.
Hidden behind the wolf pup,
We will live with out a frown.
Life is about living,
so we should do our best.
No time for dreams of reliving,
Put all worry's to a rest.
Cohdee 2010
Dec 2010 · 2.2k
Copy that.
cohdee Dec 2010
Oh whats this?
this is a very familiar read,
have i read this before?
OH, that's right i wrote this.
posted it just last week.
Oh you say it's different? so you admit to reading mine.
oh this is your original idea? all that is different is the same reacuring word. You changed it to a simile.
Why not come up with your own ideas.
inspiration is one thing but plagiary is illegal.
well, good day sir.
you will get nowhere by stealing besides 8 kids and a **** addiction.
or your a female?
a fat one by that.
Dec 2010 · 541
Dream Six
cohdee Dec 2010
Woke up shaking and screaming trying to save you from the beast that lured into into a dark room while no one else was aware of anything around them hyped on pills and ***** even you unaware of what was going to happen being invisible and helpless while you throw away your life is something nobody wants to dream I woke up angry that you came back upset because of it afraid it was true and i dont know im unsure and don't want to know if anacondas are as fearful as they say i dont want to know if you did feel the painful bite.
Dec 2010 · 606
cohdee Dec 2010
He forgot to fill my stalking,
i hope this year he wont forget
i made sure to be extra nice
and put smiles on every sad face
or at least
i tried.
So lets hope i did enough for him to pass my house
and not forget
i tried my best.
Dec 2010 · 484
a not so hyku
cohdee Dec 2010
I had a muse one,
I WAS a muse to someone
i was used.
Dec 2010 · 563
i have no title
cohdee Dec 2010
Take my hand
i will teach you a little about yourself
im not a teacher
but i will be
take a step,
step out of the normal.
and then you will see
see what im starting too
me playing teacher
will lead us both to grow
learn things we didnt know
we can use someone to help find a light
lead us out of the dark.
Dec 2010 · 1.1k
Self help prevention line 1
cohdee Dec 2010
feelings of emptiness
feelings of lonely
feelings of falling
and feelings of loosing all grip on reality
slowly consume my everyday
Small talk isn't interesting enough
i consume my everyday
with art and reading
i don't know what is needed
but i feel like a fish slowly loosing it's water
swimming in circles
repeating its self day after day
with nothing else
the append is me
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
The ancient past of Marry
cohdee Dec 2010
Step aside
take a look
look inside
read the book.
nonfiction characters
Dance around
In harsh northern winters
on frozen ground.
Speaking of love
new beginnings
and freedom.
That all slowly turns
secluded they become.
Now a witch hunt begins
From the 1600's till now
not much is different
it should be sin.
cohdee Dec 2010
just writing in general,
a diary if need be
makes a person a much better person.
in the days i stopped typing blank words into little box's
days where i just didn't say whats on my mind,
i found i missed it.
i felt something was different,
So  i decided to get back online
type these blank thoughts
empty words,
for all to see.
Cohdee 2010
Dec 2010 · 541
3, 5, 9, or 7
cohdee Dec 2010
I'm not to sure,
i think i meant to loose my count.
When you are alone...
you have to except the seclusion,
Because if you try to fight it
you become even farther in exile.
So i Still paint that smile,
Pretend like it doesn't bother me.
I am reading a book,
and the girl its about,
the one nobody knows...
Reminds me a bit about myself.
Someone had once said,
'You need a degree to go somewhere.'
But i see people with degrees
with ordinary lifes,
who have ordinary jobs
with normal pay,
having a degree doesn't ensure you a great career.
December 2010
Inspired by negative lines
cohdee Sep 2010
A rich man i am,
a decendent from a long line of theives.
my father taught me well.
so did my mother,
an assassin she was.
the kind who took years of fighting classes.
i tell them im a simple man,
who inharted millions from my grandma
they dont know what i do.
or who i am for that,
simple secrets thats it.
im a simple man who comes from a family of fighters, killers and theives. not much more to it then that.
Cohdee 2010
cohdee Sep 2010
Now i sit in my chair,
sipping wine and playing chess.
with a small souvenir, a lock of his hair.
she walks in with her cocktail dress.
We discuss our kidnapping plan,
For a handsome cash ransom.
They don't know they are messing with a mad man.
The kind that has a pet phantom.
They don't know what i have already done.
Lifeless in the creek.
This is all just for fun.
hope my secret doesn't speak,
of the lies i have told.
the things i havnt done,
and made people believe i have.
Cohdee 2010
Sep 2010 · 425
Just 2
cohdee Sep 2010
His eyes,
sparkle like no other.
I can see the emotion,
the love and the Sadness.
Anger he has towards the ones that gave up,
Before he even had a chance to walk.
When he lies asleep,
i cant help but look at him,
and see that he is at peace.
Dreaming his life is the way he always wanted it to be.
Dreaming it was them and me.
And when he awakes,
the only thing that keeps this going,
is the smile we bring to each others face.
Cohdee 2010
Sep 2010 · 825
Is it what we think it is?
cohdee Sep 2010
Love at first sight?
Is it really love?
after all, all love is is a word.
and i dont think one word can possibly describe how you feel.
Lust is a much more better word.
love means lust and lust is want people think is love.
So in this world, i feel like love does not exist.
i just feel like its never ending one night stands,
and lust for each other.
living your life,
one person after the other,
and in the end,
we all die alone.
cohdee Sep 2010
Late last night i bit a bad boy,
showed him who is boss.
The shock on his face filled me with joy,
For the world, it was just on meaningless loss.
Now he lays asleep along the creek side,
Might have even fallen in and drifted down stream.
If he cared he probably would have tried,
He didn't even flinch or scream.
cohdee 2010
Aug 2010 · 659
The only thing about you
cohdee Aug 2010
You are too self centered and conceded
Only one thing ive said or done has been about you
That is this and it shouldn't be needed
but i don't know how else to get it through
Music is music that's all it is
No hidden meaning behind the lyrics
With out you, or them is my Bliss
Its as simple as solving a Rubrics
Cohdee 2:17 AM to tired to care.
Aug 2010 · 558
something from someplace.
cohdee Aug 2010
I am not good with poetry,
and i am not good with speech,
i do not care for symmetry.
and if things are out of reach.
I know i do not speak clearly,
and that my hair is always a mess
but i do say this sincerely
and i could not care any less.
my grammar is bad
and my knowledge is absent
my mind is always sad
and im a little ancient
i can get to annoying
i understand that im immature
but thats what i am enjoying
Cohdee Romano 2010
Aug 2010 · 775
cohdee Aug 2010
My inspiration has run dry,
my love for art is about to die.
the dimming light,
is slowly fading out of sight.
I have a block in my thought,
so these words can not be brought.
I cant express my own feelings,
i have to rip them off like onion peelings.
my enthusiasm for paint,
is getting to faint.

Rhyming is getting harder,
its something i can not do.
to put these words together,
in a mannerly fashion.
its something i can not do.
im more broken now then before.
Aug 2010 · 2.9k
aku cinta kamu
cohdee Aug 2010
I finally know,
why i like you.
You make me happy,
and you make me feel safe.
Comfort me when im sad.
and keep me warm when its cold.
Hold me close,
and complement me.

I finally know,
why i like you.
you are cute.
and charming.
your hairs so fluffy,
and your touch so gentle.

i finally know,
why i don't like you.
you broke me.
you won me over,
even changed me.
got inside me.
then when you left,
you pulled me apart.
leaving me in pieces.
under the salty rain.
Cohdee romano
Aug 2010 · 956
i dy garu di
cohdee Aug 2010
I don't want to forget you.
i don't want to be forgotten.
the very thought of it puts me in this panicked state.
heart racing, sweat forming, scarred im losing you.
knowing im losing you.
moments away from being lost.
Heart aching, gut wrenching, mind spinning.
im broken and its all because of you.
that first look, was the hammer
the first touch was when it came down.
and then my world was breaking apart.
you snuck in, and i forced my way through.
all i was wanting was you.
i was being a child, only wanting that one bear because it smelt so sweet and irresistible, so fluffy and hug able. never wanting to let it go because it makes you feel so protected...
Cohdee Romano 2010
Aug 2010 · 503
cohdee Aug 2010
I wont be able to sleep again.
my mind wont settle down.
my heart wont give up.
but im trying my hardest.
my hardest not to forget you,
but my hardest to to get used to this.
Im all messed up.
and i dont know how to fix it.
i am not even sure if i want to fix it
to be honest,
the pain, is becoming my new home.
its what keeps me going everyday,
but it is also,
the thing that slows me down.
makes me stop with blank stares.
Cohdee 2010
Aug 2010 · 402
cohdee Aug 2010
As much as i hate to lie,
I have lied to you.
I don't even know why,
maybe its because deep down inside,
i know that if i was truth full with you
it would only make what we both knew was coming even worse.
or maybe it was because i am a cowered.
afraid to show me so i hide behind half spoken words
and statements that don't make since.
I cant say i love you
i dont even know if i really do.
one thing is for sure tho
and that is i have to let you go.
even tho it hurts. and i want to scream for you to come back.
nothing i can do can change anything.
whistling wont bring you running to me.
screaming for you wont make you come back to protect me.
and crying will never solve anything.
Its sad to say that we couldn't get to know each other better.
but maybe one day, we will meet again.
maybe one day i will see your smile again.
maybe... one day... you will be with me... again...
one day...
Cohdee Romano 2010
Aug 2010 · 691
cohdee Aug 2010
A face hidden by a mask of secrets.
A body covered by a Vail of guilt.
A soul torn apart by shame.
A heart filled with lies.
A life built for society.
A world built for others.
A time of our own.
A planet never seen by tainted eyes.
A place never bent by lies.
A land out of our reach.
Cohdee Romano 2010

— The End —