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Apr 2013 · 488
Death so final
Cody Boyles Apr 2013
Death so final
at its peak a sheer bottom
nothing left but the remains
a simple good bye is vital

Alone I feel the chills
hoping its the presence I desire
the hair that stands on its end
no more ****** pills

Happiness is what i hope you have found
no more regrets, no more pain
with your mamma once again
Remnants of mine buried beneath the dirt

To have you in my life to share
Felt like I never had the chance
I would **** for it
Do you remember how much I cared?

Your final resting place is beautiful
Ive dreamt of it many a night
The only visitation I can spare
3000 miles away inexcusable
Feb 2013 · 951
Cody Boyles Feb 2013
Amass foreign substance
Abandon the guilt
Among the beautiful scorn
A heathen will be born
Take for yourself
Thresholds surpassed
Throw yourself unto this
Terror and hubris
Feb 2013 · 947
Color and Black
Cody Boyles Feb 2013
Lost inside
A deathly combination of color
and black
These walls of my flesh
The all consuming barrier
Let it go
Color and black
In whole I am fractured
In part I am complete
I am irony

is inevitable
You and I
Sweet like the scent on your neck
As I bite
You bleed
As you beg for more
we scream
Taken for granted, a gift
This curse
As I drift

Destined for greatness
As well as death
Change in path
A recourse
A belonging
Too late
Reawakened as never before
I see far
Too far
Thanks to you
As you've opened this door
To myself

— The End —