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As i walk threw the valley of the shadow of death,
I look and see all these things i got left, in my path,
never to let me threw. All these things I enconter i have the rite to blame on you,
You made me cry and threw me at my weekest point,Never to let me speak Forever to make me weak, in the heart, mind, body, and soul. I look to the strongest leader to help me grab whole of my own life,
But always you come back stabbing with this knife. Let me be who i want, Who i aim to be.
But remember when i get back up you will truelly see i am crazy XD
I feel my life falling apart day by day,
I feel my heart wasting away with time,
please dont mind these tears i shed,
there just drops of pain waisting away threw the fields in may never to stay hidden in the darkness of my soul.
I try to take whole of it and hide it but sometimes I just break wishing for you to take my life with this daggerd knife.
MY hearts broken with words misspoken,
I thrive to hold my rage and feel to mend the stage im in,
I holed back the tears that poeple thank of as fear.
I cry blood at night hopping to never fright the people i love,
And the ones up above, i look to god for a helping hand but never get what i ask for.
I feel as if im walking to deaths back door little by little day by day never more to speak again nomore words left to say.
I feel the fire burning deep inside this rage i feel i recon to hide away from the world,
I feel as if its unreal. This broken heart i know will take forever or maybe never to heal.
So help me lean to the light if not the world could see the side of me that will strike the fright into the hearts of the inosent my mind is bent on one thing.
I try to hear as the fallen angel sings to me " we wish to make you happy,
You know you still have me I'm here to stay,
So take my hand and I will help you to understand the life you live   </3
From the heart to my soul,
My world is feeling cold,
I look from behind closed doors,
Threw the open windows.
To see all staring back at me.
My life is gone down the path of no return,
All those hurtfull words,
Tend to burn threw my skin,]
Down to the bone. Why Just why
must i live this life alone.
One day.......
I will leave
the world n never come
back ♥
U will cry when U will see
my number ♥
U will miss me when U sit alone
There will be no more ME to
irritate, tease,
make you
n say sorry stupidly
Tears might flow out of
But i will be gone,
long n forever
So Enjoy my silly stupid company as much
before i
close my eyes forever .
to hands to hold, one love to mold,
A life together,That'll last forever.
I look into the eyes of an angel,
See the stars from every angle.
I love her smile, her laugh, her voice,
I love everything about her. ♥
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