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990 · May 2013
Cloe Ann Rice May 2013
That was the year her father died. She never knew him, but she sees herself in his pictures and regrets not calling him. That was the year the man she took to her sister's wedding turned out to be Gay. The year she lost all hope In love. 2012 was the year her old brother took her hand for the first time and told he loved her, as she tried to hide her snot and tears In a room full of strangers her dad knew. That was the year her thigh developed scars. The year she rode her bike everywhere. The year she never fully knew whether or not she had friends. The year she stopped caring about the relationship between her and her step dad. The year she stopped respecting him. A lot of the Friday nights in 2012 were spent at her older sisters house, watching movies and eating brownies Laughing. A lot. That was the year she grew stronger. That was the time she lived for herself. With 1012 came a new outlook. 2012 *** the year that she knew who she was and what she was doing in life and found out that as hard as it is to move forward, life does go on. Mo matter what.
500 · May 2013
Cloe Ann Rice May 2013
Beautiful. When I see you I see that you are wonderful.
Reserved. When I am around you I want to explode
Numb. Everything is weak.

But you hit me in the stomach.
Like I'm falling off a cliff
Like I'm about to slip
When can we get back to love

Tender. Your fingers are electric
Happineess. You bring me peace.
Love. When you feel so alone, you get blind to the girl who is right. By. Your. Side.

So far there is no balance
In this world
This world where words have no value
Hearts are asleep
And lies
Are better than knives

Beautiful. When I see you shine
Smiles. You bring a light into my life
Freedom. Will I ever find you?
Will I ever be able to look at and move past the blue?

— The End —