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Clive Feb 2014
There once was a rabbit named bunny
From nose to his toes he was amazingly fluffy
He was raised with tales of adventure
Of places his grandfather used to venture
He spent days and nights listening to his tales
Of pirates, princesses and magnificent space whales!

One day bunny decided to leave his home
He was determined to go on an adventure alone!
Bunny was a strong rabbit he didn't need any help!
And off he went with all his things strapped to his belt
Games, candy and blankets for when it was night
Binoculars for things just out of his sight

And off to he went to the places his grandpa had seen
He traveled at day, crossing a ridge almost losing a shoe
At night he discovered all his games were meant for two!
Adventuring was not as fun as it seemed

Bunny hopped around not knowing what to do
So he hopped up a tree to see the full moon
Not realizing that his loneliness would be ending soon
That was when Bunny met a cat named Roo

Roo, Some would say, was a very strange cat
He never left home without his strung out hat
His fluffy furry belly was covered in spots
Roo's strung out gaze made him look permenantly lost

Roo was a bright cat, a bit of a loon
Bunny was skeptical of this Roo had no doubt
As he pointed to the sky and gave out a shout
Bunny my buddy we're going to the moon!

Roo and Bunny wasted no time!
They built the though that came into Roo's mind
Rope, engines and wood they needed it all
The Things they gathered made a pile mighty tall

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into days
Bunny could never tell, Roo's calender told time in a very weird way
Both friends happy as can be, oh my how they shone
Looking at their spaceship, they were finally done!

Bunny and Roo we're ready at dawn
The ship went forward it began to shake
Bunny imagined the clouds they would soon overtake
there was a sky to be won!

They pierce the clouds as if they were open gates
Then it finally hit them
they were in space!

He could not believe he was seeing things from his grandfathers tales
Out in the distance he could make out a space whale!
There it was flying above the skies
A pool of wisdom hidden deep within his eyes

There they were admiring the stars
Roo took a wrong turn and they ended up in Mars!
there they met a very fine mouse
Who was married to a sweet and chubby spouse

They stayed at their home for days
While the mice showed them their martian ways

They traveled up and down mars together
and found that the whole planet was made of cheddar!
All their food came from a huge river of cheese
It gave them more food than the mice could possibly eat

Bunny and Roo enjoyed this martian weather
Although they knew, they could not stay there forever
So they gathered their stuff and packed up their bags
They said goodbye to the mice who were very good chaps

The duo was back in space!
Who knew the form their next adventure would take?

I'd like to tell you something, Roo
and this is true
I am so glad that I travel together with you

He smiled, Bunny learned something, Roo was glad
Wisdom was about to come from this very strange cat

Adventurers know this, they know it full well
To share an adventure with someone is absolutely swell!
Because even if the adventure might come to an end
What you gain is not only a story but also a friend

Even though they might eventually part
An end eventually comes to every start
A time will come where one or the other might go home
Both of them knew that from then on they'd never be alone
Clive Jan 2014
A late summer breeze is a wonderful thing
It penetrates deep
Pushes out the old
And refreshes the soul

After a long walk up the mountain
Sitting down on moist grass
A tired
takes it in
Clive Sep 2013
Oh Betsy
Did you let out a single solitary moo?
In the assembly line of death
that is your life

Did that moo echo out
into the barn yard?
where the grazing cattle raised their heads
as the moo penetrated deep into their soul

Offering them brief realizations
four fences constitute their lives
destined to fall to an unknown reaper

They lower their heads again
content with grazing
as moos begin to fall on deaf ears
Clive May 2013
Happiness has become standardized
I can open happiness
And find it at the bottom of a bottle
Not the same bottle
The message still drowns me
Clive May 2013
Felt down
Consumed by unreal memories
Of times I wore a crown

Remembering the times I had it together
Cracked jokes and made friends feel better
Now I want to cut down their stem
For not knowing who I am

They don’t understand
Happiness isn't something you can demand
A clown you can order to dance

“Give happiness a chance”

Four beautiful words
So easily spoken
So meticulously chosen
An exercise in the absurd

Put that smile upside down!
Of course! That helped!
Until no one was around

Our lack of compatibility
Defined the word futility
Imposing happiness on someone else
Solidified the misery of the self

Other people’s description of joy
Was a horse of Troy
From person to person there is change
Their joy, to me, was strange

My mind was out of whack
Until I realized I could achieve it
By not looking back

I found in rhyme
Happiness that was truly mine
Putting to paper what my thoughts are storing
Through this, this poetic outpouring, my soul is soaring

Writing gives me the stupidest grin
Even though my rhymes don’t always ring
Clive May 2013
I'm tired of modern life
People are walking
Not really stopping
Unwilling to raise their sights

A wonderful world the neglect seeing
Can one be content with just being?

Looking for company, didn't go far
I popped down to the local bar
Sat down with my drink
Hoping to forge our link

I had a chat, he had several
Eyes unable to keep leveled

Are you here alone?
Nah man, I'm connected with my phone
Wondering who had made his homemade sweater
There we sat
Alone together
Clive May 2013
I have this very old pink Marlboro shirt
I don’t even remember who gave it to me
There’s nothing inherently special about it
Yet, I can’t find myself throwing it away

The years have faded its color
It isn't as vibrant as it used to be
Doesn't do what it’s supposed to
All the holes make sure of that

It can’t cover my skin
It can’t keep me warm
Things every shirt should do

It never was a very distinct shirt
No fancy patterns or letters
It just was

By all accounts I should have thrown it out
It’s a useless shirt that serves no purpose
I tell myself I should, but I never do

How can I throw something so useless away?
If I can find myself loving something useless
I can imagine other people loving useless things

I can imagine people loving me
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