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 Sep 2014 Clinton Stremme
I find weakness and I seek this.
Awkward treatment,
And a past of bleakness.
You tie me up after I dance for you.
There's no blackness that this *** can't,
Rip through.
I find you charming in your soliloquies,
In fractured moments,
You're artless,
Dressed up in a talent,
So opulent.
Politically you're **** is,
 Sep 2014 Clinton Stremme
Your eyes study me,
Searching for the signs that we are,
The same.
Do you see the years,
Gone by?
I can see you want,
To try.
 Sep 2014 Clinton Stremme
Small shoes and,
Tiny dresses.
She holds my fingers.
And he takes another bottle,
From the fridge.
Puts it to his lips.
She's crying,
We're hungry.

I wake up from my dream.
It was not real
She is not real

He opens his eyes.
It's just us two,
And his breath still smells,
Like the wheat.

"Marry me" he says,
I can't.
I can't.
Live my nightmare.
 Sep 2014 Clinton Stremme
This is what empty feels like.
We fought too hard for you to quit the race.

Staring me down and finishing that last,
You ask me to open another bottle.

I don't want to open anymore of these bottles.
You don't want to fight anymore of these battles.
You just,
Want to **** me every night.

I just want to feel whole and,
All right.
Crying when you **** me from,
Hiding my face,
Mistaking sobbing for satisfaction.

We're ending. We're over.
It's the same thing,
Old and worn tired.

We didn't crumble this time,
We didn't cry.

You've still gotta' leave my bed tonight.
I can't pretend that this is fine.

I can't pretend to be your ***** *****.
You never say "I love you" when,
We **** anymore.

Push my head into the pillows,
hold me
just hold me

Nobody holds me.
 Sep 2014 Clinton Stremme
She dried her eyes.
Removed the old and tattered clothes.
Washed her face in the sink.

She removed her garnments,
Laced, pink.
Slowly, careful with every piece.

She picked out his favorite dress,
And decided on the jewelry.
Gold, silver, diamonds, she'd keep.
Slowly, careful with every piece.

She applied her make-up,
With expertise,
The powders, creams, and primers.
Slowly, careful with every piece.

She let down her hair,
From that day old bun,
And fashioned it up,
Slowly, careful with every piece.

She cleaned those shattered dreams,
From the floor and walls.
Her heart was broken, crushed porcelain.
Slowly, careful with every piece.

— The End —