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Cliffy Buglione May 2014
Habitually smoking your gear
Drowning your natural drive of energy
So soon, a year becomes a week which lasts towards a

Trying to reach a high you had in your teens
Sitting there watching your life go by
Until you're ******* by marijuana poisoning
According to your friends you don't
                                                Have any

Straight people industrialise their circles
And despatch you into a corner
Where they keep the addicts, tortured and isolated
                                        Within the buzz they experienced a decade
Paying a fifty or more on something
That causes you loss of memory and an idle psyche
If you are not going to credit your ****
People will look beyond you
Even when they need you.
You are elsewhere in the invisible car-crash.

The relief of escape
the brave gunja smoking cool Mr Frosty
The idea of talking to someone like you
Has really lost me. He hides his snide profile, behind a ******.

I just have a smoke now and then.
It depresses me just enough to be depressed.
1.3k · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
My peppermint days are over now
The sun now sour shines
Ridiculous voices sing a different sky
And I hide behind horoscope signs.

My sandy beaches are lime outside
They cry like flowing wine
Absurd news is static in my grief
Locked in a cage of time

My peppermint days are memories now
The light years closed away
For any story told by children
There is a lonely prayer to say.

My peppermints I'll share with you
If I thought thay'd catch your vision
But you can only judge reality
As if it were spoken out for you to listen
First verse difference of the amount of syllables from first line to second then to third and last being the same. Second verse 5 syllable break from 1st to second and third to fourth. Third verse just 4 lines with different amounts of syllables in each. Last verse 9syll-6.
1.1k · May 2014
WHY #9 (2002)
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
The Soho lights
Were shining like an electric lobster
I was thinking what an Edmonton boy
Should do-
As punk rockers smoked marihuana
In small corners
Shadows danced a routine that was choreographed
                                                   ­         In hell-
And glue, speed and alcohol blended into humidity
Eerybody knew God had no recognition
                                         For this recondite humanity
I thought about something else............

Life became static blind
Drunken dreads were jostling in plastic conversation
****** out of their minds-
There became a powerful flow of left-wing
Political notion-
The stale scent of a previous saviour
Became more obvious and universal
Reggae pounded into the trashed idealism
Like an anti-septic commercial
And thoughts of EXODUS and the bible
We became victims of a faith reversal
But there will will be cold solace in this
For the gloved left fist.

I thought of distant times
Where reality wiped out role models
As their dreams vanished into hallocinogenic fungi.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
This one is for you.


If you love someone
And this someone and yourself
Takes vows to be sincere
Under the eyes of God
Doubt is already here.
The more passion you show
You should know but haven't a clue
Back down on earth
She doesn't like you.


As time slips by
The more you realise
There is no feeling in her eyes
Which don't like watching what you do
She doesn't like you.


Without a notion
Of what is causing this lack
Of emotion
It isn't the way you are or even who-
It is just
She doesn't like you.


However romantic men can be
With concern and care - The more you can guarantee
Altho I haven't discovered anything new-
It is the same accumulative history
She doesn't like you.
1.1k · Apr 2014
Money Grows On Trees (1997)
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Money grows on trees
But sometimes
The ground gets dry
And there is nothing to spend
Except what you buy.

Money grows on trees
It surrounds them
Tenners underneath the leaves
Of what a fool believes.

Money is easy to get
But so hard to get
Buy, sell or let
Every purchase is a bet.

Money ain't love
But we all love money
And we'll join the revolution
once it's revolved
And we are the problem
The revolution must solve.
1.0k · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Lazer *******
Got me spilling my blood
Onto the messiah.

Lazer *******
Got me lick sphere on
The ghetto miscarriage.

When the well of your libido
Becomes the price you live for
There is no turning back
You have reached your exit.

Lazer *******
Got me dying in the underground
dressed as the leather

Lazer *******
I owe nothing to Jesus Christ
So I will ******* until my own

When your life and your memores
Are bartered for one minute of heat
And you keep wondering how they heard about it
                                         In the church
                                         On the street

When the 'roaches speed in the ****** of your soul
You are thrown down and wasted
In torment.

Lazer *******
Selling faster than equinox
Justice melts in pig money
From Bermuda
And if art must wear
The recline against life
Then it is truly wondrous.
968 · May 2014
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
Cinema love is something
In the interlude of suffering.

Cinema love
A cascade of open passion which inspired this beautiful
Cinema love in a 50s black and white spool
Where thunder splits lovers apart
And God blesses tears in the dark.
Love is a dangerous word- Love is
A nuclear war-
A computer message that is sabotaged by a jealous killer
A perfumed envelope containing a suicide letter
Soaked in tears of desolation which long to kiss
The sea-
Seems like a good film to me.

Her love twirled and danced then opened her eyes to a future
In front of a camera called betrayal
Still she is available.

Cinema love '11' A Dinosaur On Parole From Neptune
It is of no relevance which classic blinds the screen
There is a love story in row 22 like there has always been
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
It's a distance from me
Sheffield - City of industry
Where my friend alights to be
Lizzy Boo Green
Queen of my scene
The perpetual adjective that smiles
Like a teenager
             in a disco
Or a burning go-go.


Primary a target of my wishes
That curl friendship in a scribbled
            ­                    Back and forth
                       To indirect overdrive
Where a thousand exits greet you with fire
And say welcome
Where we probably will never meet
Seperated by forests, buildings and miles of cold


If I allowed my candle to burn down
Then tame a buick's wanderings into nature's
                                             blind spot
Then I am no poet
I hold my friendship like a trophy, high
No contact, No coffee, But we share the same sky.


My pledge is to write my verse
A gift stolen be a loved cat,
So here is my rotting composure
I have one golden friend, Whose fretted blue lights
Are visualising something else.
As change haunts the bellringer, The only sound of life
Is deafening bells.


A frail yet stunning femininity masked by
Accumulative beauty
The description holds general putativity
                                   in a broken cup
As it flows into the sewers of of my persona
And tho we will never share
A cobblestoned journey into the opposites that
           collide into seperate genders
It is only my years that say goodbye to that today
I lost my younger years in the afternoon of yesterday.


2 Friends heading into infinity
But without a compass to map direction
Only 1 of us is courting perfection
And I am sorry to say in my selfish unit
That it isn't me,
I'm only a word that's free.


Freedom is so entwined by *******
Tho I'm not concerned with that,
I am blessed from where I am sat
I am, perhaps too old to understand
What cradles  friendship between a young girl and
                                              an ageing man-
A beautiful wide-eyed energy from Elysium, Our Lizzy
Which leaves me nothing inside nothing more
Other than a single image worth living for.
912 · May 2014
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
It's hot
It's kickin'
It's funk!

You gotta drown your Martini
With junk
Until this depression is sunk
You gotta remember it's disco
and funk,
You gotta walk around day-glo and punk.

You gotta hit the wall
To destroy your attitude
Even if there's no attitude
At all
You gotta dizzy shake a palm tree
And smile at the clock of reason

You gotta move up offa dat ting
You gotta set fire to your ring
And let your ****** sing

You gotta Boomshakalak
You gotta twist and grind
You gotta Boomshakalak
And it's fun
****** react
No doubt about dat
856 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
I'm floating down a one- horse town
I drink my whisky like a catfish mama
                                           catfish mama
It's a long way home
And I'm not talkin' distance.............
833 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
He running a line to your ear
There is armageddon coming
Everything crashed
But running...........

Gotta jive
   A rabid dragon
  Like Uganda
He dangerous as
   psychotic moonsoon fever
He eat poison spider
His stench paralyse the bible.

Jesus killer
The earth doesn't move
This conscience
This is where we are in humaity
This you - This me

Looking like a snake
                    in a hurricane
He flip his smile
                    for a fix of crack *******.

Him come wid a high priest's
Talked aboutta tragic morning
He is the Jesus killer.

Your mother must never know
Don't give him
           Time to grow
He is the Jesus killer
I told you many deaths ago
Don't let him grow-
The Jesus killer.
800 · May 2014
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
You gotta groove
If you wanna groove
       To the funk groove rap
You gotta be far out
        And on the track

You gotta throw up at a silver moon
                     To do the bump
                              To do the bump
You gotta sweat from tongue
You get a sweet ******* echo
                               You gotta lay low
                                 Act flash
                                          Hold on to the bottle
                       And never carry cash

You gotta answer the call of the trapped
Boogie spirit
You gotta tell me you love me
And I'll know you don't mean it.

No what I really think is
Love is like movement
It's there but you can't see it
As the vehicle shows the movement
                      it's worth
                               Out of Utopia to Earth
A victim of love has nothing to do
With with cards and poetic words

                                              Whilst I was walking down Pasteur Gardens
                                                Which is quite near to me
                                                     I heard a child's sad voice
                                                        Fem­ale it appeared to be
                                                           About the age of 3
                                                               'Mummy, please don't put it in your
                                                                ­     mouth'
                                                          ­                To which the mother replied
                                                         ­                    'I will because big Graham is
                                                                ­                the master of the bedroom
                                                         ­                         Now that daddy died.'
671 · Apr 2014
WENDY (1998)
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
The nightmare voice
is whispering to me again
Telling me you don't belong to me
The acoustics are driving me insane.

I tried to tell you I am the messiah
In a hope that you'd compromise my anticipation
as to be a king
Really I'm just obsessed
And Wendy I'm obsessed with you
I'm only obsessed with you.

Elvis never inspired your prophet
Things were stolen
Sweet scented flowers were crushed
and destroyed - Such beauty left as junk
and tho a ****** was *****
Jesus lit no candles for this punk.

I tried to tell you
I was the only valantine
                               for you
In a hope that you'd pity what is true
from my direction
Romeo and Juliet didn't have a clue
Of love's perfection
But by and by we all take the ride
Just an alibi for suicide
Really I'm just obsessed
And Wendy I'm obsessed with you
I'm only obsessed with you.
Just you
660 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
I'm out in the morning debris
I got my pistol wid me
The sky cries like a child
The sun is bright and wild -
And there is color everywhere
To be honest life is fair
But that doesn't bring too much joy
To a lunatic child holding
A broken toy.

I'm out in the morning debris
Waiting for the people to come and save me
A vortex ***** at my presence
The air rocks my essence
And for the day I'd exchange my pain
In the mirror of karmatic blame
Of my tropical angel.

You move on the delicacy of your smile
Forever sunny, your blue skies
And you greet your memories
With a summer afternoon
As I toil thru the darkness
And feel so alone
And afraid
Day after day
I fall into things and places
I'd rather not display.

I don't want to cause you displeasure
So I'll just say-
I'm okay now.   You see, I'm okay
647 · Apr 2014
We All Lonely (2007)
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
We all lonely, blood
Tis true
Witcha friends and close love family
Each adem a solitaire island
Reaching outta sanity
As they sink into the blue.

We all lonely
Tis true
From Everton Grey ta Tom Driscoll
All the way thru
Then the vision it project
Only red, green or quicksand blue.
We struggle-
We survive-/
But do we want to ?


We all lonely
Dat one we can all pass da clue
Touch is tempory
Togetherness is empty
And millions od family guy
Pretend, as each lickle day pass by
'Cause wit loneliness you find
That da preacher guy tis just as blind
As the offering of a psychotic mind.


We all lonely, De'Anna
Eden da guy wit letter arta tis name
My boy heart it cry 'me soul tis lame'
He study for good, good 20 year education
But him just makin' a reservation
My boy just another at de station
Where trains come and trains go
When the night in his world cloud oder
Tis long, Tis painful, Tis slow.
My boy hold his qualifications hi
But thru the blindness of it all
He fail to spot an obvious lickle lie
Tis not tis mind that hurt
And him guise all the brethren
Ended trampled down
Under 6 foot dirt.


Tis psychology guy
We all stuck inna freeze frame
Where we don't recognise eachother
It no register who talk.
So some woman invents a personality
On the internet - in da gallery
She actin' real cool
Tinking she makin' progress
'I'm happy' she say
'I've friends'
Sooner or later her converse ends
And da computer say wipe clean
And the imaginary places her mind has been
Get drowned by da lickle message she hadn't seen
An she overcooks a dinner for the alcoholic business guy
Who has shared with her this lifelong lie
20 years gone by.

We all lonely, Wendy
We find someone new
But we forget dey lonely too
And both skies seem to rain
Eden tho da sky tis blue
I'm lonely now
Wit you.


And God who gave us life
And God who gave us all
Probably gave us loneliness
Cause he didn't want to be alone.
611 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
You grind
   my yellow cactus
Like an asphalt pomegranite
You slime into my universe
  Like you are not of this planet
You guage my tumbling body

Many fireworks try to chameleon
   The colors bright
But you enter my daytime tea
Like you are of the nite
2 men ******* and you blame the doctor

By spoken word transmits you to lay
Under the gun of my evolution ladder
Sniding God for the interlude in which you play
Screaming geese beckon to your strange turning psychosis
I have all these ribbons and sellotape

I suppose there are many radios in Spain
I guess that my jive-box is a measurement of pain
Tourists chat and snap poloroids
Just a normal day.
608 · May 2014
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
A neon advertisement of Elizebeth Arden was sparking in a wonderful 3D
I was passing thru Shanklin, Heading towards Sandown
And beyond Black Gang Chine, Heading up to White Cliff Bay.
Walking thru a prehistoric night,
And Evelyn suggested that we liberate a boat-
I replied, Why don't we awaken our ghosts
to float on the still night airway ?
240 feet above the Chanel aqua-spray,
Aware of only night from day,
And however angelic my love is,
Her personality can revolve in a mysterious way,
She blessed my notion
And her first idea joined the corrosion
At the foot of White Cliff Bay.
Her eyes spoke to me.
You are only as conscientious as your persona allows.
We watched the angry coast, Coaxing and tormenting
Where the ancient ocean bows
And nature steps over a part of time
That tells of it's own decay,
And man has no part here to play,
As the wet chalk laments to the sky
And the Devil crashes into innocent pacified
Clay, Chaotic and ruthless against a naked White Cliff Bay.

This is how I came to be,
Shaped by the perpetual onslaught of endless sea.
Knowing that the harm that has been done to me
Can never be justified,
Just as childhood promises always have their fruitition shunned
As every story book lied in the same fixtures where faithful ancestors
Were betrayed
As they knelt in hell - Burning as they prayed
To a God who was now a witness here on White Cliff Bay.

But I feel a new direction is drifting my way
And she touches my forhead I feel okay,
And the whole unexplained truth of life is now unfolding
Like the relics and the fossils of White Cliff Bay,
And the new life I am holding.
587 · Mar 2014
WENDY ANN (1995)
Cliffy Buglione Mar 2014
I was too happy day after day
I was too happy for it to stay that way-
I was too content to stay by her side
Used to thank God every night
But somewhere in the back of my mind
There was some doubt about that girl of mine
But even as I try all that I can
I can't remember what gave it away about Wendy Ann.

I was locked within the love we shared
So grateful of the prison there
But it was joy itself which gave away to
Which was destined to be the end of Wendy plus
                                                            ­      me.

I was going in the right direction
I was floating on her affection
My first taste of love's perfection
Was only an after-taste of rejection.
First verse and third verse same syllable, syllable breakdown of 7-13 a line. 2nd verse, no two matching amounts of syllables used. No rhythm or freestyle. No freestyle because it is deliberately freestyle. Last verse all words end in tion. Beginnings of a rhythm Beginnings of 10 9 8 7 syllables but for freedom of expression last line 11.
567 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
In an effort
To seperate himself
From his his
Agonising loneliness
He pursues his echo
From the burning wildernesss
He knows that one day
His pain will dissolve into redemption
But he can't face
his immediate existence
but life isn't one date
That leaves you at the cinema to wait
That's just something that didn't
go your way...Tomorrow as they say
It's just another day.
From 6th line the order of syllables as much as convention dictates the ordination 4 being mid-sentence with 4 syllable last line and first
558 · May 2014
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
I'm sitting here
@ Where nothing can be done
I'm just sitting here
        Waiting for death
      to come.

Whatever it's shape I'll recognise
My faltering eyes
In that invisible mirror
That trades our goodbyes.

So I say 'goodbye'
Just in case I die
Before I see you
It's a bit morbid
But afterlife ?
Who knows ?
     And I'll be glad
When this verse is closed.

I've had so little to say
                       and such a long time to express it in
I ended up not saying anything.
542 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Time rolls on tragic wheels
Past the moment gone
How searching thru images
React with memories

Jurassic days, cretacious nites
Where fate eyes you up in a place
                                     where danger dances
                                      On your shadow
This wasn't always as dark
Countless suicidal creatures
Laugh at you rather than themselves.

Bonds broken - Freedom shaken
Don't talk too loudly
They'll be awoken.
This universe and hyper-space
Is never such a lonely place
I pledge my regret wth a vague
                                    few words
As vulnerable as flightless birds.

Where disappointment manifests itself
Behind blinds
And with age
love fades.
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
When I'm sliding down another line
And bells in my head liquid chime,
When I'm disco dancing
                   Across the floor
And the feeling's building
                    From the basic core
Playing good funky and loud
And I recognise the faces
                           In the crowd
When the demon of joy
                           is laughing and prancing
In the stuttering strobe
I gotta slip, I gotta do some disco dancing.

When I take my time to rush not hurry
When I'm completely free of emotion
                                       and financial worry
When I'm with an aquarious **** girl
And she is disco dancing as well
When I'm rising and the lights are trancing
I'm inviting you for some disco dancing.
517 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Most of the people in my story
Have disappeared
into a far away mist
There are only a few I can say
I genuinely miss.
One in particular
That I wouldn't if I could
Because altho paradise has faded
She is the thing which made paradise good.

Decades have passed and I still
                                 drag my cross
                                   Thru the quicksand
Dreaming of when it was held high
                                  in the clear sky
By Wendy Ann

Too many people invited into our life
                           Took away what life is
Too many people hearing too many secrets
To socialise with
Too many displays of vulnerabilities
(Or is that too many self-protecting excuses?)

Most of my life I've pretended to accept things
\but memories hold too many tombs
                                  Of relationships blending over
                                     To loss of dreams.

I'll never return to Utopia
However, I experienced it so intimately
I can rotate fiction to fact
But I wouldn't believe that
If a miserable monument of pain
Sold me it.
Cliffy Buglione May 2014
Whose resurection is this
                                anyway ?
Has anyone seen the messiah today ?
There is never a messiah around when
You need one ?
Perhaps I shouldn't speak of th?ese things

But what can be done ?
Have you ever smoked a ******
In a temple ?
Do you know what these kinda words
Resemble ?
Did you ever think life is just incidental ?
I can picture druids hovering above sacred corpses
Laughing at their impunity,
And tripping on their vulnerability
It's not a long way between Jesus and sin.

Having *** whilst wearing a strait-jacket
Is better than having no *** at all
I always echo the optimist's call
But I'm tied to a spastic cross
Were I present my loss.

All theses thoughts came to me
Much later in history.
Question mark inbetween the letters of the sixth word at the end of the first verse, instead of it being at the end of the sentence.
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
The moon ain't gonna ****
in the sky
It just sortta hovers in the y'know sky
Without making any sortta y'know
Irregular sortta y'know
People look at at it y'know
But it don't get enough y'know
attention from the sorrta y'know
Average type sortta thing

The buildings never tango with God
It isn't really y'knows sortta
but y'know
What can be done ?

In 500,000 years
We'll all be primitive
The new is told of the new
This is the y'know southern
Y'know recognition
That is going down
by the sorrta y'know
People who know what sortta
dilemmas come from that.

7 days TV
It is still a long way down
Keep falling, y'know that
is the only position y'know from the grave
to the womb
That suits y'know the 77th private exodus
Of your own.
No two lines are consisting of the same amount of syllables. Each line has 3 vowels or more. The letter T is in every line.
456 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
So nobody has ever heard a single word I said ?
Nobody cares if I'm alive or I'm dead
I know that I'm alive
And now I'll show you how I live!
452 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
5, 6, 2, 1
2, 3, 7, 2,
4, 7, 3.

8, 5, 14, 0,
45, 7 ?
7, 3.
6, 3, 98,
6, 3 98/

74, 9 ?
448 · Mar 2014
Obsession 9 (2007)
Cliffy Buglione Mar 2014
The price we give to vanity
In the mirror of a loved one
We curse God's reflection-
And delve into depression
When want flies it's price
And seizes our esteem
Which disappears like ice
In the veins of our idolised doll

Come with me loved child
You seem to float around my identity
The way confetti crowds the vacancy
Of the doubtful past-
Echo me
Echo me

You'll never echo me
This paradise is painful
Because love is peculiar
And obsene to somebody
Who only witnesses the one they love
    In a place where nobody understands
The universe remains like an obsolete sentence
Scribbled by a troubled hand
Perhaps a death sentence in Bermuda
Perhaps, in a third place, Something that chills
Our perfect day.
first verse- syllable amount difference between one line and another 2.
Each line in last verse has a grammar mistake or other disorder(Echo me, being reflectively rheotorical. You cannot echo somebody else. Echo, echo, being in order. The past always certain rather than doubful. Rhythm sequence exists but is lost in memory.
430 · Mar 2014
Cliffy Buglione Mar 2014
If you are searching for a way
To illuminate our inner-self
And conquer the barriers inside us
Then I have a light for your smoke
May I introduce you to L'Bastardos.

If you're feeling low
For no particular reason you can think of
Then maybe it is time to be thinking of making love.

You've got all these hang-ups about cash flow,
And you are not too sure of how things will reveal themselves
Everything is taken care of and I will take full control-
Give me your body till morning, I don't need your mind presented to me,
And the Devil has your soul, I'm just seeing out the tenancy,  
The day has brought the sky to watch you play-
A thousand miles away.
First verse2 syllable difference 1-2 3-4 then 3 again on extra line. Because of fifth line deliberately placed the free-style is ordered into a ordered convention but without any connection from one line to next.
427 · Apr 2014
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
I like to smoke flowers
When the sun is shining
And the colors
Are all clear
And the sky is blue
That's the time I like to
           smoke flowers

I like to watch nature
As she turns and glides and turns
Thru my mind
And I can inhale the scent of summer
That's when I like to
           smoke flowers

I can hear bells ringing
I can see the warmth of all
I can hear bells
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
As I sit here...... this tranquil
Peaceful scene...
I am able to focus
On my immediate worries
And stress forming
Anxiety..........I feel
Confident that it
Will not spoil my self-esteem
And the stress and my
Self-esteem are 2 seperate subjectives.....
........I feel capable
....of achieving....
Anything I put my mind....
to.....I remain calm.....
And aware.....calm and
Aware.......relaxed and calm
Aware and relaxed...
All these things...
Combined........aware and
Aware........moving on......
....I think of all the obstacles
Which face me at this time.....
.....This doesn't daunt
my determination......or cause me
Fear as it
Once did.......As I know..........
I am able to reach
The goals I have set for myself......
.....soon I am ready to count myself
Out of my hypnotic state.

— The End —