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my throat is twisted up
jumbled and knotted
like the roots of an old oak.
your words bleed through
my pores
and i can feel them
trickling down my skin
until i am
 Mar 2015 Clay Workman
Joe Wilson
He always walks with head so bowed
Keeping from the other’s crowd
For he has shame and guilt to bear
And for mocking voices he doesn't care.

He once bore arms and was a knight
But turned once he from noble fight
And now a coward brand bears he
Upon his face for all to see.

But none can know just why he turned
Why battle honour he had spurned
They cannot know the man he’d fight
His father, that was this man’s plight.

For father fought on evil’s side
A fight against their family’s pride
And now he bears this wicked scorn
His father’s sin, the family torn.

©Joe Wilson – The scorn…2014
 Mar 2015 Clay Workman
Shi Rini
You kept your mouth shut, You Kept Your Mouth Shut!
Whilst, I, kept My Ears Wide Open,
And heard the thoughts of you
drift upon others hearts.

Was it only bitterness that kept you for a stone,
Or was it I alone?

You kept your heart shut,
But your arms wide open for my touch,
And tears to shed for my love,
or the longing of...
Though only upon others hearts, always upon another's.

Then Why, Love, should I feel this scorn,
When my love was given,
When my love was worn,
Just to clean your hands of regret..
Was it met?


— The End —