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Feb 2016 · 377
Fight off the fake
A life battle
Until you reach
True rebels

Light alone can't reach the truth
Alongside reason creates wisdom
Engraved in stones, but for long forgotten
Modern has become fake and monotonous
Dec 2015 · 409
Quiet Speaks Silently
If the mind speaks quietly, why not?
It's like pouring rain, without sound
It's like rustling leaves and no sound
Or the soothing sound of silence speaks out

To be introverted, or not?
If you are, let it express itself in its highest tone
If you are, let it be authentic as it is
The Earth needs it, for the balance of the world

If we were meant to be equals
None of the human achievements would be found
It would be only misery and doubt
The world would cease to be endowed
Dec 2015 · 522
Lost Nature
I aimed enough to catch lilies
My precious hope through ages
But I forgot them, I lost it on the cement
It faded away along with its remainders

Nature is not free, it is for free
Thus it costs life itself
Blinded by greed and ignorance
Uncivil under this spell
Oct 2015 · 518
Your Care, Your Violence
The way you care about me
Shows only your silence
The past is not so far away
Your kindness, so violent

The same gentle point
Only points for your little revenge
Passive-aggressive behavior
Nice words, you're deranged

You treat me as a "friend"
But limited to ordinary
To treat me as I "deserve"
Your point is still mad

Honesty is the best
For you
Humility, also good
For you
Sep 2015 · 675
Available Wrecked Heart
I go hobbling
Slippery roads
I fell too hard
Bruises, the dark

I care deeply
Even when reproached
Even when friendship denied
Even when fully rejected in miles

Bruises stands forever
But my heart stands available
Forever, all wrecked, all amiable
In the slippery roads, unchangeable
Aug 2015 · 730
Lonely Secrecy
When I feel alone
Emptiness hovers around
Till I loose all my doubts
Mysteries, emerge around

Alone is not always dark
I still have my secrets
To remember, to allude
Put it in the light of truth

And secrets are kept from many
Its lonely appreciation
Its special connotation
A companion, never mentioned

Secrets,  secret secretion
If I would tell a secret
To one's soul
It's like stealing my own
Aug 2015 · 348
I am, therefore...
If I am
It's because I feel to think
And it's because I think to feel
Or maybe none of these

All I know
Is that I am doubtfully
Every suggestion,
Another question
Jul 2015 · 323
Passion emerges soon enough
And soon enough it finishes
The intense lasting effect
Thus it feels so long

In passion we revive
In its collapse we die
I keep praying for it
Every day, every night

Its lust and lack of compassion
Makes me drunk and want more
Like a drug in my veins
Such fascinating and vicious lure
Jul 2015 · 313
Know thyself
To look at yourself is like hell
Which brings heavens to your soul
After wars non stop
Battled in the interior

To look at yourself is to switch places
With others
Bettering yourself
To not make the same mistakes

To look at yourself is to get rid of vanity
**** and crude, you become
To see the truths
To be confronted
Jul 2015 · 302
Internal Reality
Silence stands still
My fear grows unlimited
Acquaintances hover around
Till wrecked after social rounds

Arrogance stands for silence, mostly
Though deep inside you're trying to fight it
Trying to not let silence set in
But your personality never gives in

Not many ever wonder what really goes inside
It's easier to fault others when insecurity arises
Easier to see outwardly, difficult to realize internally
It takes time and patience to know the other's internal reality
Jun 2015 · 312
On Sunsets
In the middle of the night
You were there, watching everywhere
I was so cold, but still you could reach out for my soul
Your eyes glowing with love, I could hold on

Remember the time we've met?
The most magical I've ever had
You were actually a cat
Then you've turned into a man

On sunsets we've met
On nights we've slept
Everyday was an adventure
Till I was pulled into a hole, to win the game of nature

Please, don't leave me here
I wish I could hear you in
But you just couldn't reach out for me
I was there alone and alone I went free
Based on the story I'm writing =)
May 2015 · 281
Night pervades light
I look into a rose
Her glittery petals
Invade me alone

Cold takes roots in my soul
Fascinated and in wonder
I leave nonsense behind
Life froze in eternal delight

The wind and mud invites me
My feet soaked in the earth
I come alive bonded to life
Through its mysterious signs
May 2015 · 751
Take my hand, just one touch
Reverting all the memories to present time
Unforgettable because in my heart it is still alive
Hope, that one day my love will be enough
May 2015 · 531
Pano Torcido
Eu torci o pano
Até a última gota de suor
Nem assim consegui êxito
Olhos vermelhos de sangue
A mutilar a córnea
Venérea e violenta
A vingar-se por lançar
Olhares satânicos
A todos que passassem
Sem um pingo de dó
Sangra sem dor
Rios cor púrpura
Até secar a carne
Mitigando a vontade
A fé, a vida...
May 2015 · 294
Walking through the woods
Race against myself
Sun shining on the horizon
Melts my heart over reason

From being lost to find
My own soul intertwined
Into the woods and its brilliance
A doorway waiting for my entrance

Sleeping in
Dream on someone
Catches me in a second
To a whole new universe
May 2015 · 365
I Changed My Mind
Possessing all wisdom
Wouldn't ever possess all
Happy feelings and love
Its toil is worthy much of all

Changes save my life
Every time is time
I changed my mind
So the world can change me
Apr 2015 · 276
I Do Fear
To be there, or not to be there?
Your kiss will haunt me
My fears will swallow me
But your death will be mine
Mar 2015 · 530
Hilarious Fraud
I might have gotten wrong
What you've said, what you've done
But I'm sure you're a big mess
Cause you feel bigger than the Sun

Behind that big figure
I know you're the little creature
Trying to make a facade
While you entertain your mates

Maybe you did enjoy yourself
While humiliating me in front of others
To show humankind how superior you are
If that's the best you get, imagine the best you really are

Well, all you had to do was to show your grace
From the top of that castle to show all your mastery
So everyone would wave at you, in great glory
And all would wonder and be admired by such a phony

So don't worry about me
I'll be completely fine
While you try to be someone you're not
Making yourself a hilarious fraud
Mar 2015 · 619
I've Found God
Unsure of hope
Opened up my spirit
Hand on my heart
I've found God

Compassion, everlasting
Comprehension beyond knowledge
Understanding before asking
I've found God

Through wisdom alone
Life is thoroughly unsolved
Searching for guidance
Now I've found hope
Mar 2015 · 540
Um Diz Que Diz
Me recostei na janela
A rua vazia, vazia
Olhos ressabiados
Contos de lorotas entre carolas

Um diz que diz
O que o gato comeu
Que a pia entupiu
E o filho que sumiu

Ai! Já não aguento mais!
A mãe que queimou o feijão
A filha que dormiu no furgão
A empregada que se queimou no fogão

Meu Deus do céu!
Que fazem as mentes vazias?
Que tanto este diz que diz?
Tudo isto faz alguém feliz?

Se fossem verdades...
Não são e nunca serão...
Uns pelas costas dos outros
Difamando e espalhando intrigas de todos
Mar 2015 · 485
Silent Pain
Silent pain
Through life
Devours the soul
Thought chains to blame

Scars deep in the brain
Corrosive failures
Opportunities in vain
Rage against this cage

One day or thousands
On birthdays and trips
Special moments, supposedly
Poisoned and lingered deep in it

Joy, to be craved, pain, to hold in
Starved and thin, couldn't let light shine in
Anger burns acidly your good will to change
Trauma and indignation invoke for revenge

Thoughts mimics one another
If one is dark the other can be darker
So the cycle can never stop
Only if you break the gear of thoughts
Feb 2015 · 421
Verbal Violence
Trust, a word not to use
I've lost it and still loose
Engaging in, till you cut me down
Knives and guns, to what use?
Feb 2015 · 539
Tough Path
Knitting loneliness
With permanent bitter thoughts
Confined in great broad space
I know sorrows by heart in silence to face

Suffocated dreams, losses and the most sad penury
Through such aching coldness
Dawn tries to cheer up such vanished heart
And without humor, beating alone in the dark

Waterfall pours with all its strength
The fallen soul to get up, now standing up
Cristall and pure breaks the dark and heavy spell
Floating, returning to the world, the soul appreciates it well
Feb 2015 · 418
Unite Us, Please
Unite us, please
Our sorrows keep us apart
Our fears, fences around our hearts
Our thoughts hidden to never unite at last

Unite us, please
The troubles oh so dangerous
The intentions so good, but soon vanishes
The reminiscences of joy try to linger, but forgotten to many of us

Unite us, please
The dark veil confuses us
The feelings are suppressed inside each of us
Name it and most troubles will take form, no one has to suffer anymore
Feb 2015 · 422
I encounter a villa
Beautiful beyond words
Every piece in the right spot
White palaces with jewels at the front door

Everyone is united
Time is forgotten
A refuge from real society
A place to escape from ferocious civility

There sleep the minds
There keep the quiet
Fields of pure freshness
Sky yellow as gold, a place to find
Feb 2015 · 377
Looking at the mirror
Shattered in small pieces
I want to cry for long
But my tears won't make me strong

I look at the window
Colors moving in silence
Shapes of fluids
As if my tears could do it

The sunset is defined
As it is forever and more
I pick up the pieces
The ones left at the moors
Feb 2015 · 254
Searching for the rare
Taste of honesty
Smell of innocence
Vision of the truth

In a country, filled with fallacies
Penetrated in people and air
Despair could move me
But reality tide me up to its madness
Feb 2015 · 617
You said I'm not your type
Suffocated dreams
Teardrops inside
I feel buried alive
Feb 2015 · 315
I found myself in darkness
When I first met you
You gave me your brilliance
At times so strong, at times so low

Confusion and delight
Doubt grew many times
One time, on happy dreams
But at times, on sadness in between

Bitter times stay stronger
But this affection still holds on
I stay on my knees praying
Deprived of reason, I must go on
Feb 2015 · 288
Orange Turning Red
Twisted thoughts on love
Led me far from you
Vibrant red turning black
Lights hidden till it's dead

At dawn, orange turning red again
My eyes see now and believe
Your ever changing expressions
Of love and fear

The acceptance of your love
Made your doubts weightless
At dusk, my heart is found
Blessed, he is, on this ground
Jan 2015 · 479
Easy Way
If there was an easier way
To outgrow self-love
Violence could diminish
But everything could be unbalanced

The arduous path
Would be forgotten
Our good traits
Now effortless, destroyed

Like a sculpture
If not well carved
Remains brutal
Savage and tarnished
Jan 2015 · 761
Passionate State
The tortuous road
Of finding home
Life's entanglement
To never be alone

Beautiful sights
Are only of beauty
And remarkable
When he crosses my mind

The moment I saw him,
I already knew him
The moment I felt him,
I already trusted him

The trees persevere
I keep dreaming
Rivers pass by me
I still dream of him
Jan 2015 · 229
If I strive towards you
It is only because
of you
Jan 2015 · 269
I thought of you
The air was heavy
I thought of you again
You looked at me with disdain

The way you looked at me
Remonstrating kind
Sums up your feelings
For so long a time

I gave all my comprehension
You gave me little, if nothing
I gave all the friendship can give
You just treated me as a fleeting thing

Now I'm on my way home
Singing my favorite song
Just enjoying myself
You, are the past, alone
Jan 2015 · 400
True Facet
I'll give my best
To be truthful and kind
Loving and honest
Through this life

There are many ways
But the true facet
Might never be the same
If looked from other's eyes therein
Jan 2015 · 514
Left Aside
I give in and don't give up
Smile all the time
Always behind
A shadow, cast aside

I try harder and don't give up
Ready to please
I keep up, always accepting
Never denying

Their prejudice, their egotism
Undermines my good patience
Their lack of compassion
Destroys my efforts in this fashion:

Anger builds up
Anger boils over
It bursts, it explodes, it hurts
The ones I shouldn't hurt

I gave in, now I give up
Leave them aside
Leave them behind
With their prejudiced minds
Jan 2015 · 263
To Feel
To feel
Processing data
Blue or salty
Feel the Earth

Unique procedures
To capture and process
Stimuli everywhere
Greater contact, greater joy or pain
Jan 2015 · 263
Dream and Nightmare
When I wake up
It is you who open my eyes
To see wonders outside
In marvelous colors in mind

When I savor food
It is you who makes it delicious
To taste better tastes
In harmonious flavors

When I go to sleep
It is you who bid me good night
To dream in sweet fantasies
In striking creativity

But I was caught up suddenly
With such aimless truth
I was never your desire
I fall down into the fire
Jan 2015 · 382
Not about fame and fortune
But to the depths of labor
To love it, to earn it
Not to just be done with it

Cherish each task everyday
Improve and master
Loving it, it grows
Innovation emerges and flows
Jan 2015 · 286
I only exist
To the extent of my beliefs
To exist is to be sure
Sure of mere assumptions

I trust not the truth
But of what perceived to be true
To be is to doubt all senses
My senses capture little, if not mistaken
Jan 2015 · 446
Shy People
There are a lot
Who can't never understand
Why we bare it
As if we could have chosen
A better fit in the society
Jan 2015 · 295
As waiting for a prince
All those sacred clothes
The perfect moment
Will not endure

The sky, gets darker
Lights above us
Wishing and expecting
A dreamy life

Reality is like a rock
Hard as a stone
Cruel as a killer
I savor it, too bitter
Jan 2015 · 227
Petals from the floor
I take them
I cast them on the wind
How beautiful that flower must had been

I take another
Like in life
Her beauty will cease
After all given delight

Someone's beauty
It blinds from better aims
Beauty can be vicious
But it is only you to blame

— The End —