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The dull colour of nature,
The sounds of still, grey water.
Yet, it is a spectacular sight to see.
(Based on the Brambles-Salt) Photographs
I wake up to a wonderful morning.
I see the magnificient green grass,
The scorching yellow sun
and the light blue sky.
and still I wonder if it is all a dream.
So you probably heard about the birds and the bees,
Let me teach you about the flowers and trees.

You see they need water, sunlight and some shade,
Their journey starts off by digging a whole with a *****.

Once they bloom and grow into a beautiful sight,
You look back and think you've done something right.

As a child to an adult you experience some changes,
So do the planet with all of its strangers.

Then finally it will all come to an end one day,
At least you can look back and proudly say.

That even though its all God's Will and you are but a creature,
We are all sometimes Naughty By Nature.
There was a God of the sky,
The only question I have was "Could he fly?"

There was a God of the waters,
In my notes, it doesn't state that he had any daughters.

There was a God of the underworld who was filled with greed and
So instead he abducted a woman, because he couldn't get h
is own date.

— The End —