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Apr 2014 · 1.2k
clara Apr 2014
Loneliness is a blue umbrella
A battered, tattered blue umbrella
Left to sulk in a grimy corner
Forgotten in the shadows
Faded to an almost gray
Worn down and broken
Loneliness is a blue umbrella
A battered, tattered blue umbrella
Apr 2014 · 300
clara Apr 2014
To an old friend

Thank you for always being there for me
When I was never there for you
Thank you for always caring for me
When I never cared for you
Thank you for always putting me first
When I could never do the same
Thank you for loving me
When I only loved myself
Thank your for teaching me
To love what I have
When I have it
And not when
It's long gone
Apr 2014 · 364
clara Apr 2014
Winter is the ugliest season
Everything is dead
And cold
The world is barren
Slush fills the sidewalk cracks
Cold air fills your lungs
Bare trees
Slippery ice
Winter is the ugliest season
Apr 2014 · 377
clara Apr 2014
Stupid ugly plants
Is this enough imagery
For you ms doering

— The End —