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Sep 2010 · 718
Clara Belle Sep 2010
I found it a little harder
to pick up my pen
a little harder to smile at strangers
hand limp and heavy
eyelids dry and sagging
life’s **** sometimes
finding myself
caught somewhere between
catch twenty-two and murphy’s law
When did it all turn so dark?

inspiration is a *****

And yes, Today
the pen is still made of lead
but my inspiration is stronger
and ink flows

This morning I sutured my open wounds
tears of blood staunched for now
soon, I wish, I hope
to stitch it all up
slap a clean bandage over it all
Pronounce it done

or maybe years from now
it will fade to a scar, a memory
faint lines, a reminder
and not Reality
Jul 2010 · 725
I like the way...
Clara Belle Jul 2010
Eu gosto da forma como me olhas
eu gosto da forma como danças
e como
o teu carinho me leva
pelas estrelas

or is that too cliche?
because I’m feeling
a hundred other cliches
rising to my lips
as I attempt to describe...

I like the way your warm fingerprints
trace the invisible paths along my arms
And how your eyes light up
when you listen
or how your breath runs away
when we’re pressed
soft and hard together
Scented musk and coconut

I like the time we spend in silence
The soft fluttering I get just from
looking into your eyes
Makes me wonder
what you might be thinking
or feeling…

Your name snuggles against my contours
caressing my shoulders
seeping into my thoughts

And it feels nice
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
Clara Belle Jul 2010
Rays shine
warm breath on my neck
golden light in my hair

Here comes the sun

Catapulting life into overdrive
while smiles glance off
rain dropped tulip petals
and the outside of my spoon
scooping red delicious
watermelon dripping from

My fingers
My lips
sweet sticky
like baklava
or my mom
when I leave home
affection caressing our
words and tears

Honey filling our eyes
as we look back
once more
to see if the other
is smiling or crying
or both

Summers remind me
of transition
coming home
going home

So many homes
Jul 2010 · 671
Clara Belle Jul 2010
The seasons come and go
opportunities pass me by
no telling what’s next
each lesson becomes a piece of the puzzle
making for a new beginning
colors of the rainbow paint themselves across the sky
each different path way
leading to another dimension

Heads turn
the crowd erupts
staring me down
don’t know which way to go
the beckoning hand entices me forward
to reach the beyond
the unknown
the mysterious

Growing up
the world changing around me
my sweaty palms
slide helplessly down the slick rail
I grasp yet find nothing to hold on to
turn my head
staring down the dusty road
at what was there a moment ago but now is gone
vanishing without a trace
unseen steel weights
cling to my ankles
holding me down
the swinging lantern
flickers eerily on and off
propaganda caresses me into the matrix
little black and white children
with blue shirts and red eyes
run across the playground
laughing and playing
oblivious to the menacing
thunderhead looming above
Jul 2010 · 827
Miniature World
Clara Belle Jul 2010
Perched atop my soft granite cloud
I breathe in the apex of the land
the vast miniature world below
awaits the landing of my fingertips

My fingers
wander across the rusty red mesas
slide down between its soft ribbed slopes
caress its contours
feel the sun baked warmth
brushing against their pads

My lips
kiss the lily white clouds
press against the blue glass sky
burn in the flowering sun
nibble on dark rolling mountains
tongue tasting the icy frosted peaks

My toes
test the tiny tepid lakes
chance upon the gritty texture just below
prickle on the rugged treetops
tap the smooth rocky surface retreating from my perch
dancing in time to the pulse of the wind
Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico was my muse for this particular poem.
Jul 2010 · 937
An Airport Moment
Clara Belle Jul 2010
Cotton clouds against steel
Crisp blue over rough concrete
I prefer nature
May 2010 · 705
Clara Belle May 2010
Each scar a story
Each wrinkle an adventure
Live your life today
May 2010 · 804
A Rotting Blossom
Clara Belle May 2010
Each day's eternity goes by
in a matter of seconds
Life is a budding blossom
and a rotting apple
what am I?

Love is a sweet symphony
and an ear-piercing scream
who am I?

Each friend is a foe
grasping life's tender emotions
in one hand
what will the other do?

A kiss is a bite, a smile, a poison, a rainbow
A hug is a punch in the face
and a bond of warmth

One day I laugh
giddy with possibility
exploring myself
feeling through the soft velvet
of curious territory
cautious of new boundaries
sensing new-born flushed cheeks
smelling new people

The next day I sigh
people hurting each other
silly differences
building to satellite heights
mind-numbing boredom
trapped in my

10 year-old yearnings

Nuzzle the sunshine
Explode in lily petals
Sing through the stars

but my singing friend is sad
I've never exploded
I can't touch the rays

Where am I?
May 2010 · 990
Stars for Breakfast
Clara Belle May 2010
I'd like to live
in the stars
and drink sky
for breakfast
and dinner.
Fill my pores with dark sparkles

The sun and I
will elope
with whispered pink petals
and twinkling
eye glances

there is only
cracked earth
and calloused hands

But Tomorrow,
I will gaze
upon a dry speck
As infinite
plum purple horizons
extend beyond my view
May 2010 · 505
The Artist's Thought
Clara Belle May 2010
She hints at the resemblance of his face
Thick intoxicating colors a medium
Lumps of grey possibility scattered around & ready
Creative flicks splatter the paint cloths
Complete rest and silence fill the space but for
Steady breathing in the background of
Determined, dashing eyes,
Searching for the right alter
Her fingers work the sleepy clay
As he remains in her mind's eye
Pondering, imagining, constructing
Perspiration thinks down her neck and temples
Damp, sandy gloves of medium encrust her strong fingers
Cool and grainy beneath her hands
Clicking her tongue thoughtfully
Hours like minutes pass by in numbers
The light begins to fade
She continues deeply thinking and kneading
Till the dawn light breaks

— The End —