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cioreuh Jan 2014
pizza is great
pizza comes in all forms and shapes
cirlces, squares, and such
but be careful, don't eat too much
cioreuh Jan 2014
I'm paralyzed by my own thoughts
Self destruction at it's best
Thinking is a task I don't enjoy anymore
Maybe I should think less
cioreuh Jan 2014
I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?
I'm a teenager; free and young
I feel like I can do anything I want
I can BE anything I want; reach the stars because I have no limits
or boundaries
but this life can be so ****** up
sometimes I just watch myself crash and burn,
see my body lay limp as the flames dance
I want to drink until my system contains no more natural ****** fluids
If there were such a thing -
I want the poison to drown me as I illuminate my true self in desperation of wanting to accepted; acknowledged
Wishing I had comfort to look to;
I know that no one really cares
I'm latching onto my past;
The souvenirs I have of my happiness are faint
I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?

— The End —