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Cin Aug 2013
Leaving you and forgetting you was one of the hardest things I had to do and Lord knows I have passed through some of the hardest times.
I honestly loved you with what seemed like everything I had to give.
Love I couldn't even reward myself with was lavishly placed on you.
Oh, how I miss those nights we'd spend together, embraced in each others ideas and care. We'd ooze about how we felt like one entity, our love so strong and tender. Slowly, we'd drift away from the problems that plagued us both, problems that haunted our every waking minute.
Two lost, tortured, tragic souls we were. You, more out of control then me.
Silly how I thought I could contain you, settle you down into my cold heart with hopes that your faux light would shine the way through the never ending darkness I would hide from.
Ill love you forever I'd say so foolishly, knowing that I would regret every word.
I never allowed myself to use those words with anyone, to anything. That was childs play and I was never a child.
But you, you deserved every word in the universe. You deserved anything that made you feel like the beautiful creature I saw you as.
I loved you I loved you and I say loved because I would be a fool
to be in love with you
if you knew me in person, you would think I was never capable of feeling or writing about this
Cin Aug 2013
who said I had to grieve
who said I had to curl up and die
who said I had to obsessively remind myself of the small curves of your roughly shaven face
who said I had to hold you like I did when you would cry, pain in every tear that brimmed on your face
who said I had to kiss you endlessly and without stopping just to make you calm and serene
who said I had to leave you behind like a mother leaves her ******* son
who said I had to settle for your unworthiness
No one said it but me
Cin Aug 2013
Working through my emotions
and problems like a daily chore
to be completed
in the wee small hours of the morning.

Beautiful sadness, they say
How romantic

If that's the case then take your ******* beauty.
Id rather have ugly joy
then this menacing,
threatening melancholy
dressed up in gorgeous linens.

Just ******* let me live without you.
I need to get back! I NEED TO
Cin Aug 2013
You are left
with regret

He meets you and greets you and taunts you into playing with his building blocks of "what ifs" and "should haves"
A miserable play date
I stay and entertain him because he knows that that is what I deserve
I owe him time
treading heavily
Cin Jul 2013
my mom is getting older
pushing 55
while i'm treading a mere 18
this shows and displays
alone, alone, how i'll always be without you
the lord knows i walk alone
he tries to walk with me as i run
into nothingness
ive been sad lately
Cin Jun 2013
i cant
you tell me i can
but in the end
I will prevail
because I got the good working for me
and you have nothing
nothing but despise, hatred and contempt working with you
those guys are out for you, not for you.
good luck
i got this
Cin May 2013
i like to think that
i know what i am doing with myself
i am a liar
a compulsive liar
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