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Apr 2014 · 744
Tears of Crows
Ciana Apr 2014
This one time, I fell in love with a scarecrow
A face chiseled from spare hand-me-downs
patches to cover the leaks
graffiti to ward off the ones who thought they were freaks
reclusive, yet humble enough to find peace

This one time, I decided it was over
I left that one time with patches to cover the leaks
I roamed with the stride of a fighter
a keep out sign to signify that I was in need
I know you'd say "if it were me, I would leave"

This one time, I went back to his post
dead trees, broken dreams and broken wings
and it was there that his cries called out to me
the crows called out,
feeding their hunger through his defeat

And that day, I left defiant
wiping the blood from my cheeks
the stride of a champion,
evidence of a slate wiped clean

you could say that I'm not clean
that I'm no better, maybe worse

my schemes are pointless thoughts scribbled on notebook paper
that my thoughts are pointless schemes scribbled on notebook paper
and I'd have to say that I'm just here to tell you,
I like to bring home the scruffy scarecrow that breaks the crows wings
and that if you were to request that he act like a civilized human being,
he would simply reply, "civilized my syphilized yarbles!!!"
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
The uglies
Ciana Mar 2014
We’re all the black sheep in someone’s story.
We’re all heroes, soaking in our glory.
We’re the monsters that hide under children’s beds.
We’re the beautiful presence that rattle stranger’s heads.

Full of pointless egos we are.
Going nowhere for nothing.
Trying to prove what we never knew.

We all want to be with the stars.
Heading somewhere to be something.
Trying to find the easy way out,
knowing that riches are for few.

In truth we are the ugliest of ugly,
full of scars and broken hearts.
Hiding behind thoughtless minds,
giving the illusion we want a beginning.
Trying to maintain crumbling walls,
screaming over the masses for something new.

For the world, for the world we are strangers from afar.
Gaining a closer look, we are conniving yet convincing.
Trying to avoid falling into the darkness,
we feed from light which is you.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Hey Ma'
Ciana Sep 2013
(Children in unison)
I pledge of allegiance to the flag
of the united states of america,
and to the republic for which it stands;
One nation, under god, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

Hey! Hey son!
Here, have a beer.
I hear there's not much to drink
but have no fear!
This is for your country
You were born to be here
And tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
You'll go

Hey Ma'!
There's plenty of beer,
and too many women to count.
We've got cheap herb and opiates
But have no fear!
There's plenty of needles here!
and tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
Lt. Calley claims the rain will drown our sorrows

Hey! Hey son!
Here, have a beer.
I hear there's not much to drink
and the drugs are really cheap!
But this is for your country
and tomorrow, oh tomorrow..
You'll go..
Be a hero!

Hey Ma'!
Today I shot a boy.
We set the village ablaze
gunned the innocent
tortured the children
and I helped to hold the girl down
and those..
those heroes ***** her
and they asked me
the-they said
"them zipperheads ain't nothin'
they deserve this! And you!
You sonny boy well I'm sure a fine time
with this young dime gon' do ya' just right!"

And hey Ma',
don't be disappointed in me
but I was wrong..
I was..
I'm not strong!
I'm no **** hero!
Ma', I'm comin home from My Lai
cuz' the guns and drugs ain't too far from my way
the women still get treated like dirt,
and the felons and murderers and predators walk away
as the man who stood innocent lending a hand for help takes the blame
and he gets a life sentence because he couldn't walk away!
I'm no hero!
And the man is the devil!

And hey ma',
I'm comin' home
you'll see me no more
cuz' the boy you raised
has too much shame

But Ma',
Don't tellem' what I'd done..
I was a good man, an honorable one!
But Ma', don't tell no one..
Don't tellem' what I'd done..
(shots fired)
Aug 2013 · 1.5k
Simon says
Ciana Aug 2013
Simon Says
Do not let the anxiety attack
The phrase running through the empty spaces
deep inside the mind of a mad woman
The mind of a malevolent monster,
she who does not see first the good in others
But the pain, oh the pain they feel
Projecting onto her as if she is a goddess
The silent one who walks among the clods
They don't want you.
Telling the voice which feeds the addiction
to fear , pain and manipulation to stop
You mean nothing, you are nothing.
Stop judging and poking and prodding
to create the nightmares.
The things she sees in others who don't care
Those living in fear since conceived,
told who and what and how to believe
If you just agree, you'll have friends
If you just listen you'll have a "life"
Just follow me
Should I die,
as a follower?
Or alone...
It's freedom... It's the way
Wearing a costume to appease while calling it unique?
Believing that beauty is a representation of a Holocaust victim,
the women starving themselves to look like the ones America “feeds”?
Thinking it appeals to show some skin,
when the ones who look either need a bucket or napkin?
Putting the idea in your head that substance is survival,
Telling you not to do drugs while the doctor writes the prescription
Given your own rights,
a bar code with a smile on the side to define who you are
Who... are ... you?
Declare me a young David Koresh,
creating a prolonged disaster

It's not fair...
It's not fair for one so young
to know why her peers are inarticulate
And it's not fair...
It's not fair for a heart so big to build a wall
of all the things, people, places and dreams that once stood so tall
So ask yourself...
Am I the butcher? Or am I the meat?
Should I hate the shepard, if I am the sheep?
It's not fair...
Its not fair to live in a world so small
after all the years of shame and pain,
still unable to find somewhere to belong.
So ask yourself, outside of all the pain
them all telling you to forgive, forget
In the final look, does the deer forgive the wolf?

— The End —