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The pain of a broken heart,
As you left me to rub salt in the wound,
I watched your back as you left cold-heartedly,
Sitting in my room alone I weep,
From the exhaustion I cry myself to sleep...
The nightmares of you with another,
Just wanting you to come over,
Just tell me that it's not over,
As I wait day after day,
But no reply, just the awful cold shoulder...
Im starting to hate you, resent you, but still have Love for you...
My emotions scattered as moving on alone is not easy,
The healing of a broken heart is not easy,
To find another without thinking about you? Not that simple...
I am at a dead end. What am I to do? The last few years I've been with you.
I don't know how to move on, I don't know where to start.
At this point I feel empty and I feel like dying to end it all!
I wish this pain onto no one. I ask, "why me?"
Will I ever move on?...

Insomnia flowing through my body keeps me awake
The perks my systems lacking is making my legs shake
Out of frustration I punch my head till my skull breaks
My bruised knuckles are making my hands start to quake
A life of struggle takes it's toll
And I'll be harboring my story until I'm very old
Because this world is filled with people who don't understand
That a starving cold child was not given a helping hand
So as a young teenager I became a man
And now a broken young adult I stand
I couldn't live a life of crime and violence
And expect not to grow up with a mentality of insolence
My mind is the definition of pestilence
But I'll keep on fighting because my heart is filled with vigilance
But how can I succeed when I'm expected to fail
Every time I exhale, I have no hope to prevail
Because when I breathe a piece of my life force leaves me
And I can see it drift away as if it doesn't need me
I'm a disaster of a person
A failure as a man
A demon as a human
A pleasure for the ******
The night brings forth something beautiful.
Bamboo trees sway with the wind,
The lightbulbs have been dimmed,
But the moon comes to life
"It's my time to shine"
And while others
Are locked up in their blankets,
I have rocked up in their gentle
And their not so gentle,
The television
Is no longer humming with static
But instead the sound of crickets
Fills my ears with a buzz far better.
The curtains
Have long been pulled down
As if to keep out any more of the
My bed
Inspires clouds of thought.
Fish can fly
And birds can swim
And I am with you
And you are with me
And unlike in the mornings,
we are happy.

The moment my eye lids flap open,
When the curtains have been pulled up,
When the moon has gone back into hiding,
When the snores are replaced with laughter,
And the crickets no longer buzz,
I cannot wait to say good night again.
1 am is poetry hour, I guess.

— The End —