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Chubbie Bunny Nov 2013
I’m falling off a bridge into the mouth of deep, black body of water
It smacks my body
Cold depth surrounds me
Tries to pull me under
First my ankles now my wrists
I fight for the freedom of my wrists
Knowing, hoping I could use my arms to keep me up
The sounds of sirens turn to emptiness
It’s just me and the monster of the sea
Salt burns the wounds left open
Icy water stings the remaining scars of my body
Ironic how the darkness pulls out the light
Loves lost and life given
The vicious cycle never end
Number given and taken
I tried to give mine
But warm alien hands throw them back
Another task failed
Or an opportunity given
You judge
Chubbie Bunny Nov 2013
Sometimes I watch “superheroes”
And think just how lucky they are
They can spin a web for the one they love
and become New York’s superstar
When I think about these characters
And the powers they can use
I can’t help but wonder
Which powers I would choose

If I had superpowers
I’d speed up time
We’d have a place of our own
And you’d be all mine
We could stay up all night
We could watch the sunrise
I’d tell you you’re beautiful
And get lost in your eyes
I’m no superhero
But baby you make me fly

Some heroes don’t have powers
Rather a pocket full of money
They buy all their gadgets
To defeat jokers that aren’t so funny
Only their true loves know
Who they are behind the amour
But I don’t have the cash it takes
To be that dark knight charmer

If I had superpowers
I’d speed up time
We’d have a place of our own
And you’d be all mine
We could stay up all night
We could watch the sunrise
I’d tell you you’re beautiful
And get lost in your eyes
I’m no superhero
But baby you make me fly

I would fly around the world a million times
Just to keep you by my side
I would hold you in my arms and fly up high
Just to take you for a ride
I will always be there
I will fight your fight
I will never let go
Because losing you is my kryptonite
I’m no superhero
But baby you make me fly
Chubbie Bunny Nov 2013
Like my eyes, the clouds open up
The sea begins to part
My stomach drops
And my heart starts.
My lungs try to breathe in
But there is no air
How perfect you are
It almost isn’t fair.
To everyone in the world
Who isn’t like me
Who will only get a taste
Of what I get to see.

Looking at you
Is like gazing at the stars
My heart races faster
Than the fastest cars.
Your eyes
Are something I get lost in
To explain the power they hold
I can’t even begin.
I want to squeeze you so tight
You can’t get away
So forever in my arms
You’ll just have to stay.

The softness of your skin alone
Is enough to make me melt
And your touch
Is like nothing I’ve ever felt.
Just one look at you
I’m in a better mood
From being cranky and down
To an instant better attitude.
When you are around
Nothing else seems to matter
I’ve climbed as high as I can go
With you as my latter.

You are the sunshine to my life
The princess of my castle
I don’t know why
You put up with me and all my hassle.
You are
The air that I breathe
The warmth that I need
The better part of me.
You are
My world my sun my sky
You are
My personal lullaby.
Chubbie Bunny Nov 2013
I felt my world crash down that day
When you told me through tears that you wanted space
Now I am sitting here alone
Without your love, without my home
Wondering if you think about us as much as I do
If you feel the way you used to

Your hand was made to fit in mine
Without you here my sun won’t shine
Your smile makes my world so bright
I just want to find you and hold on tight

These tears keep falling
My heart is calling, for you
I am terrified and I don’t know how
I will ever recover if you leave me now
Please don’t leave

It’s hard not to think about the way
The sight of you can still take my breath away
Your perfect skin, your magic touch
I just love you so much
What I’ll lose is everything
If you decide to flip that ring, because

Your hand was made to fit in mine
Without you here my sun won’t shine
Your smile makes my world so bright
And for you I’ll always fight

These tears keep falling
My heart is calling, for you
I am terrified and I don’t know how
I will ever recover if you leave me now
Please don’t leave

This constant pain in my chest just won’t give me a rest
And my body feels so broken from the words that are unspoken
You are the match for my soul, without your piece I am not whole
I’m so desperate for you there’s nothing I won’t do

Your hand was made to fit in mine
Without you here my sun won’t shine
Your smile makes my world so bright
When you’re not here it’s just not right

These tears keep falling
My heart is calling, for you
I am terrified and I don’t know how
I will ever recover if you leave me now
Please don’t leave
Please don’t leave
I’ll do anything
Chubbie Bunny Nov 2013
It’s days like this, when you’re walking alone
When you are stopped in your tracks by something so beautifully grown
I wasn’t expecting to have my breath taken from me that day
But it happened

From her leaves to her roots there was nothing but beauty
How could she not be marked as a national sight to see?
Maybe to the world she was one lost in the crowd of millions
But to me she’d always stand out

My walk through the park would never be the same
The path I took was forever changed
My daily walk was now longer and more challenging
But she was worth it

Slowly I built up the courage to make my mark
I walked up to her, pulled out a knife, and carved away at the bark
I wasn’t sure if the mark would someday fade
But I had to try

I am not much of an artist, but my work would be true
And slowly but surely I carved out the word “you”
Such a simple three-letter word
But it’s apart of a bigger piece

Struggling to keep the knife steady in my hand
I moved on to carve the symbol for and
Nothing more than a conjunction
But it’s what connects us

Tired but determined, I carved the letters “M” and “E”
Finishing a phrase I think is meant to be
A message so seemingly well understood
But each letter holds a meaning

Encompassing the words in an ***** meant to always beat
I step back for a better view, still roots to feet
It’s a little jagged and uneven
But it makes me smile

She is special in every single way
All I could do is hope my symbol would stay
I wasn’t expecting my breath to be taken from me that day
But it happened

— The End —