She speaks in figures, nuances,
in subtle hint-drop rain,
the truth's in what she never says,
her spoken words are vain,
for nothing heard is what it seems,
she'll only hint at what she means,
to hold a dialogue is quite insane.
So when a question grabs her mind,
to ask it she'll refrain,
instead she'll traipse around, behind,
from side to side in pain,
to ask ten questions unrelated,
avoiding that one unabated,
all questions leading to that single, main.
Frustration builds at every step,
with every question asked,
for every one such question shlepped
around's a weighty task,
I answer all and each reply,
confounds her every subtle try,
for none of them fulfill the one not asked.
(C)2013, Christos Rigakos
Septet Naarative