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Jan 2014 · 814
Vengeance of the Dead
World's shrouded in grey
The enemy now laying in siege
Blades and broken steel covering the earth
Rivers now red from the blood of the dead

In the fortress stand the survivors
Their rage is hotter than the blood of the earth
Hearts gone cold
Colder than the harshest artic wind

New plan daring and bold
Down now they go
Much like the 700 before
Into the night they leave

Armed with Fire's wrath and Ice's cold
Now they take the field
With their companions broken steel they march

Vengeance now personified
Few now charge
Letting loose the unholy screams of anguish
courage against fear

Broken now is the siege
few now stand among the newly dead
News quickly spread
Enemy hurriedly fled
Oct 2013 · 591
past pain
Pain lingering from the past
How long will it last?

Nothing more than a shadow
All empty and hallow

Heart broken and shattered
Soul torn and tattered

By one who toyed
My world destroyed

Soul lost then found
both hidden and unsound

Waiting and seeking
The final resting place

How long will it last
This pain from the past?
Oct 2013 · 969
Love Forsaken
the man love forsaken
shadows open with invitation
soul lost and found
but in twain rather than whole
one looking and hopeful
other shunning all

one looks for her healing touch
other doesn't want her found
round and round they go
and argue to and fro

lost they are
both needing love
but none can love them
because of the man love forsaken

one seeks
other hides
both always here
hiding deep in eyes of ice

the mans heart seemingly stone
wishes to yield entrance her love
to heal scars of the soul
to take the pain from his eyes and heart

but alas they are too afraid
love nearly dealt them the fatal blow
gone has the desire
because he is the man love forsaken

once he thought he had her love
later to be revealed love's deadly sham
oh why hath love forsaken this man
no one knows
but yet the man may never find
why he became the man love forsaken.........
Sep 2013 · 680
Eyes of ice
Heart of stone
Shadow of the past
Looking for home
Where I go
No one can know
Cast aside
Similar to your old toy
Lost and alone
While looking for home
A shadow I am
Locked in a cage
Built by rage
Wounded and afraid
Hidden and frayed
Looking for light
While looking for love
Shadows move
When the trees whisper
Battles rage
On dream’s landscape
All are beasts
No matter life’s walk
Values and ideals
Vary man to man
Left in the light
Is nature’s fight
Sometimes carried over
Into moon’s pale cover
Lost to the darkness
My soul doth bleed
Aug 2013 · 897
Caledonian Rangers
guns blaze while fires raze
smoke adds in haze
the few to defend the many
secret wars being waged
as calls of battle raged
great evils now arise
rangers rise to the task
in evil's fury now they bask
world turns upon itself
rangers to battle they go
even as it rages to and fro
for justice and honor they fight
only because it is right
power and glory have no place
there isnt an enemy they wont face
battles both won and lost
soon will come winters frost
for justice and honor now they die
as the dead on morning dew lie
Jun 2013 · 825
My good-bye
You want it both ways
i say not going to happen
you say things that long ago were tru
i said how they should be
you said that you doubted
i won't be trampled anymore
you once asked empty questions
i gave empty answers

once upon a time we both meant those three little words
after a while you doubted
faith is now gone
trust shattered

you claimed you want me hurting
you claimed you want me going insane
you now can't hurt me anymore
no longer will i let you bring me any harm again

you started my darkness
to another i must go to for light
if your angry by my words
remember that you gave up your right
no longer can my heart be affected
pain now is faded
no longer will i reflect the times we shared

you once called me childish and said grow up
well its my life to live
you claimed us equals
truth was we NEVER were

once maybe we were
but not for a few years in the least

but if what you claim is true
then i wonder if you were using me
once that would have been impossible
now not so sure
there wasnt anything we couldnt solve once
guess that aint the case now

i am not sure if we can be anything anymore
guess you no longer want my company
so without further ado
the final piece writ
good bye and good rit
this poem is directed at my ex
Jun 2013 · 440
heart's pain
Some day to grant my sole desire
that one that ignites my fire
mending that which lies shattered
though it has only been battered

an endless pain
that i wish be slain
i can feel hope fleeing
to darkness it bequeath

this final bit
now be writ
my only hope goes out
seeking the one with healing touch

to the unknown i guess i trust
seeking to heal this ******
Jun 2013 · 503
quiet roads abound
through silent beauty all around
beneath the stars and moon
shadows dance and swoon
wildscapes stretching far and wide
from scorching desert to flowing tide
beside forests standing tall
changing to bright hues come fall

mountains sink into rugged deserts
deserts changing to beautiful plains
plains growing to mighty forests
forests turning to proud mountains
circle start to circle end
one giant cycle of life

as dark is to light
and day to night
surrounded by so much wonder
thieves can't plunder

such freedom unable to be retained
the wilds so feral can't be tamed
if anyone cares to count the lines just know that is how it ended up working out, it wasn't planned or anything
Who can claim to know me
when i know not what i be?
Born in shadows living in light
where can i find my one delight?
Lost found and lost again
hunting seeking searching for some small gain

Lone i am though surounded i be
wondering a vast hall
with many levels hidden by all

lost and afraid
alone and frayed

I know not who i am
but for all before me
what can i be?

cast aside no better than a doll
trying as i might still bound to fall

a ghost i feel
being slicker than an eel

try as i may
my all do i give
time for the heart to be bared
in hopes by all to be spared
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
to counter the dark
whispers and lies
minds let rise
small things they be
yet more damaging be
than a blade tearing
where can there be hope?
a voice to counter the little things
threatening to tear asunder
all that you are
and are to become
loneliness counters praise
insecurity removes wits
fear paralizes body and strengh
shadows tear at the light
unaware of hidden champions
love to counter fear
peace to clear insecurity's haze
and friends to help keep loneliness away

they are few and not many can give them
but to find those that can stem
darkness's power
look to those that stand beside you
also weathering darkness's might
with power of light
Mar 2013 · 323
painful reality
lost and alone
deep into the seas unknown

hurt and strife
seeks to end a life

not knowing where to go
or even friend from foe

all you want to do is hide
and try to keep your pride
Dec 2012 · 661
Snowbourne Cliff
bland is the winters grey
winter biting cold
stands the sentinel bold

winters passed, old to new new to old
blanketing white  to muted brown
soon he must come down

lone he stands
waiting on what no one knows
hoping against hope
the snowbourne cliff

lonely beams play on winter's snow
bitter rise and silent set
look and see him
the lone man of snowbourne cliff

dare to hope dare to thrive
the cliffs of snowbourne
winter does bite
lone does the sentinel fight
Nov 2012 · 1.9k
dark in the light
in darkness i hide
deep inside
comfort light does provide
hiding deep

vision of night
grants moon's bright
looking in the dark
finding night's light

looking deep within
the problem's meddling might
hiding in the darkness light

light hiding in the dark
dark living in the light
fire and flames
dances do the games

dark hides
in lights provide
hidden is the key
to the mysterious me

— The End —