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Jun 2012 · 572
The Random Lesson
She told me I was too cute to be depressed,
After she kissed me not knowing she'll bring stress.
Now looking like a fool my mind says I'm a mess,
Yet slowly hoping that this is a test.

What the hell happened within four months time?
Was it an illusion that things were fine?
As I poured tears into every single line,
Poetry was the answer for the question of mine.

Born of two, given gifts from a king.
Born with a simple song I wish to sing.
Known to be blessed with one simple thing,
Yet my wish life has not yet bring.

I have learned a lot from her,
For problems she did try to stir.
She is no longer one I prefer
And I still I didn't meet her.
May 2012 · 501
Better Me
The choices I make
The countless mistakes
All of my actions
All for one purpose
For you to believe
I'll become a new me
Not for any of you
Or for those who asked
I do this just for me
To become someone better
Someone I may respect
For those to see it
Shall see the changes
From who I am now
Into the better me
May 2012 · 557
As Time Goes..
As time goes on,
We tend to learn
That nothing lasts,
All will become pasts,
And life is temporary.

Some also tend to learn
Love is forever and just,
When you find the right
You each will then fight
And Hate is never the case

As time goes on,
I have learned a lot.
Life is unexpected,
Love is given as a gift
As patience is usually the key

What does it mean to me?
If time isn't with I
Or if love never touched my lips,
To never hold a loved one on her hips
And dance into the sunset.
May 2012 · 384
Many months
Every single day
I have been searching
For this very one person
Who can change my entire life
Will she ever appear to capture my heart?
May 2012 · 2.1k
True Beauty
True Beauty
Something that is not external,
But it's thy true self
That lies within.
May 2012 · 697
Useless Words
The more I try to say it,
The more you say otherwise.
The more I deny it,
The more you push it on me.

I try to reassure you,
Yet you simply ******* off.
I can't ignore your words,
So they just eat me alive.

We are all friends,
Yet you make me feel low.
You make my words useless,
Yet I try to speak anyway.
May 2012 · 417
Some of us want to be seen,
Others don't want to be known.
Those like me aim to make history,
Throughout our actions soon to be shown.
May 2012 · 811
Left Behind
where is the honor in leaving
to go and never look back
to know that they are alone and hurt
to fight a battle all alone

where is your soul
what are you planning to do
knowing you let there life go
knowing they were your help

time and time again
you will here less Hoorah's
you will lose your back up
you won't have your team

the team you had is gone
they were all left behind
you hear of the victories
from other teams' battles

then listen to the story
listen to the fall of my team
we all died together
for we followed our special code

*no one gets left behind!
Inspired by the song No One Gets Left Behind by Five Finger Death Punch
May 2012 · 1.1k
what can you say about trust?
can you say that it is hard to come by
can you say that it is easy to do?
many people have difficulties with it
due to the past that they have
my problem with trust is that i love it
i tend to trust way too easily
no matter how much I've been hurt
i still choose to trust even more
for i hope i will never be hurt
hope that respect will always be there
that my secrets can stay secret
that my past doesn't leave their lips
but it's foolish to trust everyone
it's sad to be easily hurt again
to be sad at the fact i trusted them
then get disgusted at the site of my face
disgrace is the word in my heart
I must learn to trust them less
learn to trust my heart more
for not all friends are trustworthy
not all deserve my tears and trust
only my confidants can have as much
Apr 2012 · 747
To Be Lonely
what does it mean to be lonely
is it based off of you having no one to love
or is it based off of your minds perception
is being lonely a curse
or is it merely something that is temporary
is to be lonely to be without love
or is it to be alone in order to learn
is this something we all must face
or is it something we choose to be
for me to be lonely can be a curse
it can also be something to learn by
i have yet to find one to love
i have yet learned my possible lesson
i am lonely until both of these are complete
so until then even with my friends
i must truly face this fact
that i must be alone and *lonely
Apr 2012 · 546
The reason why I travel
The reason why I am alone
The reason why I take lives
Is because my life was taken

The very reason for my existence
My wife and my two kids
Were taken from me in front of me
By the ones who I worked for

Now my eyes are soulless
My heart has a black hole inside
******* all types of feelings
Except for the hate I have

Slowly I choose linger on
Killing those who stand in my way
Even the women and the children
Until I can get my vengeance

I've been torn from happiness
Ripped away from life
I shall never stop this at all
Until I Tear them from their love

**All At Once
Apr 2012 · 561
Countless Tears
the more one cries
the faster time flies
you see by the countless tears
people grow through the years
sometimes it makes the strong
for their weeping isn't long
no matter what one may say
people will cry everyday
some shall tell a story
of either pain or glory
no knows how it ends
  with their cries a message sends
all their faces filled with tears
telling tales throughout the years
Apr 2012 · 468
I am right here
are You listening?
I am right here
it's this relationship you're finishing.
Are you here?
Am I who you're missing?
For it is my lips,
You are no longer kissing.
Apr 2012 · 396
Deep within the dark shadows
He was known to many
He was loved by none

During countless nights
He went and took lives
He ran and broke many hearts

The more he did
The more unhappy he became
He was never satisfied

He was a murderer
He was everyone's nightmare
He was his own enemy

He was the lonely assassin
Apr 2012 · 470
Who I Am
I can say who I am
It is simple to just say my name
People tend to just judge me
Yet they still don't know Christopher
They don't know the pain how lonely I am
They don't know the insecurities I keep
People must get to know me
Instead they are too quick to judge
How can you say you know me
When you never got to speak to me
I know who I am
I am someone you can't manage
Someone you are afraid to love
Someone you may never know
Apr 2012 · 4.7k
For a while we've been friends.
As time gradually went by,
We have grown closer to each other,
Yet I still have my doubts.

For I still fear you don't trust me,
Or possibly secretly don't like me.
You always reassure me
And always cause me to smile.

As time goes by,
I feel that what I do isn't enough.
I feel that as we continue on;
I tend to fail at what I do.

I still feel I have much to prove
And I must give my all.
In order to prove my loyalty,
I have to prove myself everyday.

— The End —