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1.6k · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
to see something else broken,
and then to feel your own cracks.

the shattered lines that form the distinction
of me vs you.

Coronary arteries, ******* ****
like smokers ******* cancer sticks.
All pulled apart to find
that gorilla glue is thicker than *****

what connection is there in falling apart?
When the pieces are but a farce

apt at choosing word

inept at choosing

faking everything

in hopes that maybe,
when it feels,
I can go from there.
1.4k · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
The eyes are there again
egging for inspection.
Look me in the face
and lose your muse discretion.

The weight it bears
ill prepared
to flow without repression.
To know there is a place
where the lion sleeps
moans and mimes
the holes, they blind.

Not a thing in mind.........
Get out of my mind.
Out of my mind
something I force....
1.3k · Jan 2011
when i die
Christoffer Jan 2011
When I die,
please do not put me in a box.
Do not wrap me in fine silks and do not play me a song when they lower my rosewood coffin into a hole in the ground.
Please do not cry and tell stories of when I was alive.
Do not cry for me.
Cry for yourself if you must shed tears.
Cry because you know that its not that much longer till you join me.

Emote life and happiness and joy when I die, I beg of you.
I want to be spinning in your arms as you sing gaily, spinning my leftovers.
I want to go into the ground naked.
I want no makeup on my face or embalming fluid pumped through my **** or flowers stapled to my lapel.

All I want are two flowers pressed to each  temple.
I want every line, every sore, every hole I have earned to be seen and acknowledged.

Then let go.

I want the maggots to eat my heart and **** the shell into the dirt.
I want worms to crawl through the sockets of my eyes just like a starving child in some third world country that you have only paid any attention to when they make a brief 2 minute imprint on your subconsious as you are pondering the next brief pleasure to get you from now,
to then.

While I Live.

While I live, I want to live.
I want to be better than the bees and I want not to covet their ability to make honey, but understand it as something I COULD bee.
I want to create realms of gold and green where passion is the only thing put to the test.
1.1k · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
Feel something i beg!
The camphor in my demeanor tastes sweeter than the salts spread over the eyes of hour dreamers.
Don't trifle, in menial,
spread fires for three,
Gimel whispers; promises me.
Crawl backwards through womb and bough.
Bow forward through the plasticity.
1.1k · Dec 2010
Bearded Lady
Christoffer Dec 2010
Women with beard
she smile gaily at times,
proud of her eyes,
for unlike ladies mouth
they be weary of lies.
Women she sit
she twist the nest on her chin,
beautiful she is.

She hold her breast high
before she grow her staple,
a flick of her wrist
mend all her mens
willing and able.

She be greater now
she tell you,
though she be thought of
as fable.
884 · Mar 2011
Oh Fantastical Night
Christoffer Mar 2011
I wake to the sound of helicopters again. Ive been sleeping more than usual; trapped in this in between state, not quite awake, yet not quite asleep. I stumble through my days in a haze of hash and dreams. Today i dream that im a man made of television signals sitting on the moon watching the earth and sun die. Tomorrow i dream my skin is blue and made of tiny pieces of faberge, constantly in a state of flux. Being shifts and moves with every emotion, displaying its anguish through skin like a shriveled leaf in the relentless dry light. Or its pulsating with life in its heart. Grinding and passing with an excitedness only matched by two lovers in the embrace of a blind passion. They are alive- the faberge that is. I do my best not to own my cube parts as they do not belong to me.I struggle to find an I. Awake i am numb. Feeling has lost all duality and there is left only "a" Feeling.

I wake up.

Stumbling, drunk on delta waves, animal kicks in. Life easy. **** first. In process of *******. White dog in bathroom with me. It run to window. It escape.

Lucidity returns........ and i am still in bed. Three figures are standing over me. I'm paralyzed and the only breath on the air is a fear that is unusually thick and warm. The mind is wrought with an animal anxiety yet a conscious mind remains- confused. Afraid; it rejects and i....

I wake up in a thick sweat. My breath is heavy and a dull paranoia remains from a night of heavy dreaming. As if moving through soup i push myself out of bed and make my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. Im shivering and fear is licking my skin, yet i don't remember ever having any reason to be afraid. I bite my lip and the familiarity of pain reminds me that im in THE absolute. The bleakness of reality begins as my brain starts its daily chatter, soft, like birds in the early hours of morning.
Her majesty Sky holds a blanket of pink and oranges over her chin, nuzzling the ***** of the cosmos, begging for one more kiss from that fantastical night.
792 · Dec 2010
a fool
Christoffer Dec 2010
Its blinking at me,
And its listening.
Its pondering my friend,
yet we are mincemeat
in the presence of absence.
The hole of the whole
Devouring, and falling out on its own accord.

Let the hand go to work and put the mind to rest,
Quiet the outside and lose yourself to dying-
on a sheet of paper,
on your way there,
in a waste basket ,
in a blown gasket.....

Find a space between the void
and peer into the eyes of a world
a tad perturbed
when you look too long
and things move to fall
that would not have before.

...but who's to boast?
Encapsulated in capsules
to see where my cap goes
to see the eyes of souls.
to know to atoll.
707 · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
Oh mother
of all the gifts you have given me,
to our appetite
for infinity.
703 · Dec 2010
Contrary to Reason
Christoffer Dec 2010
How do i lay this into you?
Eye with eyes and ears for naught,
yet i can not stop wondering.
The sun will never rise in the west.

Passed myself again to yearn.
I empty the cesspit and polished the edges, "good sir!"
Oh, i want to fill your treasure troves to the eye with ****.
Empty my throat for promises; tongue forked to pussyfoot the bits at the zenith of your bone plates.

Out my throat a night-crawler pirouettes.
Up the spiral on waves ridden only by an igno-rant; terrified.
to say sorry for the plague.
Oh yes he OWES YOU!
Owes you only the pock and rust.
575 · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
Everything was as it was when  was was at its everything.
The prance of the gay and the love to dance had made its way through death and trance.
Yet life yet sprum from wherein it bloom,
its fancy's can
oh spare the timids tomb.
"Here i lay," i yell i yell.
"Here i bay the fickle and moot!"
"Still i play on mornings fooot!"


And all was quiet for a quip and a yup,
although for the wassits,
was was enough.
537 · Jan 2011
no outlet
Christoffer Jan 2011




maybe this would take me there

but its hard to connect

when all there


is bare.

So how

do you


a smile that is

but isnt there?
This belongs to everyone, but Christoffer* wrote it. Tm?
527 · Jun 2011
Christoffer Jun 2011
they couldnt begin to comprehend.
495 · Dec 2010
Christoffer Dec 2010
knife sinks in
a smile spread across the lips.
Like cancer, it ate.
Like a maggot, it ate.
Undermining god
if you shall take such a bold stand,
might you have a glorious decent.
Voices raised in cheer
daggers glint and fly in honor
the machete drips the tips
of the fingers held to high
and the guillotine promised,
“your knees are where you lie.”  

The tongues of the wall  lashed out.

They fell their own for the touch of a soul.
To lick its sides
like the ***** to the bull
they envy the eyes
of the martyrs idiocy
and honor the flies
in hopes of validity.

— The End —