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there's a friend of mine
full of love and kind
when you see her
you'll know what I mean
the light baths her in a aura
of warmth and calmness
whatever troubles you
she will soothe you with her smile
her eyes watch, intense
retaining your thoughts
for another conversation.
with all that is put upon her
she stands steadfast,always listening
I know she too is hurting,her life
not perfect
as we layer our thoughts upon
one another,compare notes
our relationship will never waiver
for friendship is love without rules
if the last word you said to me
is the first thought I have when I dream
may I awake with vigor and vitality
then the first word I utter in the morn
reminds me of the night before
could it be a life reborn

these words I pen are not for them
cause they can't contenplate or comprehend
let their voices sway and bend
be blown away in the bitter wind

as their faces cringe and be appalled
their arrows of displeasure harmlessly fall
you and I will stand tall
as we crumble down all the walls

then I say, let them build their pathetic lives
and with our love, walk quiet into the night
the dreams I have of you and I
lasso my heart every night
no struggle or show of might
just surrender to your inner lite

the whispers in my ears so soft
each word holds my senses
a choir of angels sing aloft
my love for you relentless
how dare you tresspass on my heart
my only crime was to glance at you
as you tip toe through my emotions
peeping into my feelings, i'm held hostage
these ropes that bind me, I tug
and struggle to free myself
but your medusa eyes turn me to stone
so carve me to your liking
make my lines smooth
so I can sip every drop of your love
and a thousand years will not erode
my love for you
the beauty of the sunset, will be the last warm
thought I have of you
the last measures of mozart, his beautiful sonata
will end my song for you
the dew that sets upon the evening petals
evaporates with the memories of you
the time and energy that I have exhausted
reaching out for you
will hide behind the dark side of the moon
it seems like an eternity
for me to have this chance
to let my feelings be revealed
not knowing how you'll feel
not caring, cause this is it
been treading emotional
waters since we met, wondering
there you are, here I am
do you notice, cause I sure do
are you my savior, nah, I don't know
but a sneak in the bushes
or behind the old barn
may cure all that ails me,and that
would be fine
when you see this prose,I hope
your not alarmed,cause this is it
it's all I got, I'm sure you'll understand
the early spring night ,the sunsets back glow
enhances the puff of clouds slow fade
and I think of you
the torrents of thoughts that flood my mind
makes it hard to navigate my feelings so true
may I ask you to come on this journey with me
let us go to places out of the norm
take that left turn and somehow it will be right
oh,if you can see into my mind,what I have planned
you will understand,
I'm not a messiah nor a pagan god, just a man
who sees a life without you as a dry, empty desert
these sleepness nights
and lonesome dreams
flashback of memories
calmed by fatigue
its useless to wonder
where you might be
your eyes wide open
wanting to see
your new found wind
glides you away
to a place perhaps
you can finally stay
seems best not to fight
or ponder what might
just want to rid myself
these sleepless nights
yes, you are, I proclaim, the love of my life
not the spirits of wondering thoughts
but in the flesh, warm, human touch
oh how I quiver, as your breath tickles my neck
your sturdiness holding the limpness of my body
seeming to know that my strength, tho fleeting
is resurected with just one kiss from you
your whispered words are from a magical land
those images dancing in my head, teasing my eyes
the mixing of colors and glorious sounds are too much
then, as we wrap ourselves around each other
we know our love will never cease
Who are you and why do you have this effect on me?
You walked in the room and I can hardly breath
Do you make me nervous on purpose, or is it just me?
Are you doing this on purpose?
I'm falling so quickly

I don't wanna rush it and call it too soon
But if you were the sun, then I'd be the moon
Your eyes illuminate the streets with the only light I can see
I'm just a deer in your headlights when you look at me

Take me anywhere you want to go
I'd follow you into the dark in places I don't know
Wherever you are is where I want to be
You're everything I want, and all that I can see

If you have a hint of doubt about the things that I have said
Just believe me when I say, you do laps inside my head
If you leave it up to me,
I'd tell you to stick around
You be the tree,
I'll be the roots in the ground
I'll help you grow and try to give you everything you need
Darling, it'd make me happy if you grew old with me
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