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Christine H Jan 2011
It isn't a privilege
Or some dort of miracle.
It is a test.
A test to see what you've done
Who you are
And what you deserve.
Whether it's pain, joy
O neither.

Do you deserve to live among the shadows?
Where the sun never shines but the clouds never darken -
A world filled with emptiness.
You are neither hero nor villan,
Friend nor foe;
You deserve nothing.

Or have you killed?
Wronged the Gods in one way or another?
You deserve more than death
To be filled with hunger, food and water always out of reach.
To be live among fire, pain always present.
You deserve endless torture.

If somehow you managed to live your life right
Defending family
With everything you've got.
You will continue to live on
Your name and story passed down
People will whisper your name for strength
For help.
You will wander the fields of Elysium
Surrounded by endless beauty
Blue lake,
Green hills.
You deseve more than can ever be given
Part one of my little series, we have to explain things by artisic way so I chose poems....hope you like :)
Jan 2011 · 707
The Labyrinth
Christine H Jan 2011
You see me sitting here
My eyes cast in the distance,
Head in the shadows
You wave and wait for a reply
I give none
Infact I'm not aware you've entered the room at all
Actually I'm not sure I'm even in the house
On this earth.
My thoughts, in my head
Are twisted
Slithering just out of my grasp
Lost forever in a maze
Or a labyrinth.
A place where time speeds up
But movements slow down.
Where there's an hour glass stuck in your mind
Sand dripping
Marking the end of your life
The end to the confusion
The misery
The pain
It can all only last so long before it becomes to much
Until you get a break from it all,
Before you're ****** back into this world again.
You better hurry
You only have a few left,
But a few what?
The list goes on - but why bother wondering
When you only have a short time left
In the labyrinth.
So this is what I came up with during English class....not much to say but even I'm confused as to why I wrote this, I mean apparently my thoughts are all jumbled and lost out of my reach - something I wasn't aware of haha well tell me what you think. I hope you like it :)
Jan 2011 · 659
No One Cares
Christine H Jan 2011
Just focus
On the pain rushing through your body
Pulsing within your veins
Like wildfire
Or acid
Filling every void with a burning
Beautiful sensation.

Reminding you that this is as bad as it gets,
There is an end to the pain
And you have reached it.
Live through this
And nothing can hurt you again.

You will be invincible
Like an angel
Or a God.

So curl up in your little corner and weep.
No one can hear you.
And no one would help you if they could.
They'd watch you die with a smile
With a wave.
They hate you
Everyone does.

So, go on
Focus on the pain
And tell me what else you feel.
Are you frightened, scared of my power, what I can do?
Are you angry, wondering how I could be so cruel, heartless?
Or have your become numb to my advances, abilities?

Shut your mouth.
Stop crying.
No one cares.
What do I say about this one...? It ***** and for that I'm sorry, but I felt the need to put it up, so I did....
Jan 2011 · 658
Don't Breathe
Christine H Jan 2011
Don't breathe
If you breathe
He will hear you
He will find you
And you will die.

You see him
Through the slits in your door
And he sees you
But still you hold your breath.

He calls out your name
His voice soft
He says that he gives up
Like this is some sort of cruel game of hide and seek.

Your lungs burn from lack of air
Your body aches
Tears fall silently from your eyes
Don't make a sound.

Without warning the door slams open
You see his dark eyes filled with
His mouth curles up into a smile

"Hello Sunshine."
This poem was something I wrote when I thought about my dream I had the previous night, my dreams have become very dark and vivid. And, yet, I still call them dreams for reasons unknown to me...I would like to say that I want no one to use this for anything except with my permission but I doubt anyone would want to-so do whatever you want twist my words until I get pulled and pushed away from what any of these words were supposed to mean.....just talk to me first.

— The End —