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Jun 2013 · 1.0k
the body man is coming for me
in his sweater vest
in his dockers
'Business Trousers, I keep hemmed high, so the river doesn't bog them down!'
the body man.
He is gentle, soft spoken,
my friend
my guilty conscience
and after he is through with my broken toys
i know he will come for me
Jun 2013 · 888
Control Freak
Losing control
******* in sin
in amber shot glasses, beer glasses,
goblets red like blood and twinkling in the fire

I try not to mind it
I love him and he just turned twenty one
the age of no more
I try, I promise I do

But I watch a woman drink herself to death
And it occurs to me that I cannot see
the difference
between out of control and completely sober

It has gotten to the point where I see horrible fires at beer commercials, lighting them all up, eating away their sin in explosive technicolor
And I want to hurt the woman in the Spirits Store
even if she has done nothing wrong
but sell my mother the evil
No, it's not actually evil,
but still, I want to choke the life out of her body and keep squeezing
until I feel vertebrae pop
red grapes in my hands
will you partake of that wine?
The pleasure is still there, a kick of adrenaline.
Will you partake?
My sin, though worse than yours, is still sin
Waste not, my friends
**** it in like rats
and I will fall upon you like an avenging angel, reaping

But then I realize
that's crazy.
That's unreasonable.
I should just go to bed.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Heartattack Blues
Her hands were so sticky and started to swell
Ugly, red, burgeoning paddles
convulsion nervously at her sides and then at her mouth as she held back a whimper
(The neighbors were still fighting
so no one would have heard anyway.)
Her eyes bulged
as heart heart felt heavy, then light again, then heavy
When her eyes began to swim, she tried
she did
she tried to get to a telephone
but instead she collapsed
like an egg from the carton
and laid there
until the neighbors stopped fighting.
Jun 2013 · 695
My Neurosis: A Summary
The days are shining simple
(the monsters only come out at night.)
Jun 2013 · 420
Old Style God
God, are you there
or are you listening from behind my own eyes?
Watching, waiting for me to sin
and shame myself.
Do you hear me?
I have sinned.
Do you have it to do
to strike me down, to burn me?
Or are you too lazy.
Or are you a hypocrite.

Or am I  merely screaming into a mirror.

If that is the case
I will be an Old Testament God
one who devoured ***** and Gomorrah
and who will drown herself
her sinning form
in blood.
Jun 2013 · 285
Sick Little Girls
So often at night, I find that there is nothing better to do than to curl up in a ball
surrender to the terror in my mind
curse my own paranoia
and weep.
I cry until my bones are shaking
and the bed is too
until they fall apart
like shattered stained glass
and form new patterns of the ground
glittering, ready,
to slice my feet.
May 2013 · 465
SUV Venus
One day, like an island, you showed up
out of the great blue nothingness.
Like a Venus born of an SUV, clad in hiking boots and jeans.

One day.
That was all.

The smell of you lingers, my love
on my shoulder, where you leaned your head.
So now, if I tilt my own,
I can find the ghost of you
as though you were standing just behind me.
Instead, you are being dragged
every minute
away from me
so far away from me.
May 2013 · 226
The creek was quiet
and the sky watched from the gray above
darling boy
you and I
we may only have today, it's true
but the creek, the sky, and you and I will make it all last.
Jenny was the girl in school that no one talked to;
she was addicted to cough drops.
And her piggy little eyes lit up as her bony fingers
reached into the bag again.

She'd roll the cherry lights in her mouth,
lips stained red and sticky.
Her fingers felt the way that toddler's did;
that clammy, grasping goo.
A hypochondriac to the last.
No, no one liked Jenny LaMar
But I
who fell in love.
May 2013 · 352
Bloody Murder(ess)
He loved me dearly.
He made me sick.
May 2013 · 362
Love Letter to a Fruit
The only orange on earth
grows 3 days by train, 7 hours by car, or 30 minutes through the air away
many years it had spent wasted,
yellow and bitter
too sour for any girl to kiss.

But when, by chance, I stepped into his orchard
I found him, not rancid,
but ripened
and sweet, full of western lights .

Now I'm dying for you, my love.
My skin falls off in great swollen swaths,
and the chill from the biting rain cuts to the core,
melts my bones better than any heat wave.

State lines as fences?
I will simply find a way to jump them.
Kumquat loves Orange
May 2013 · 638
There are nights when the only things that interrupt the darker portions of my discontent
is the heavy drone of insects
around my single bare bulb.

I do not live in poverty, nor could I claim that I ever have
but the tiny souls still dance
around that single bare bulb

It hangs down from an empty rafter where plaster demons creep
like a little necktie party for one
lucky bulb.

It makes me furious to see it's glowing corpse so teased
laughing monsters around it
you're with me, bare bulb

Those who mock you, I will end.
For in my room, you are king
(I could never turn you off)
Forever yours
May 2013 · 1.2k
A Mother's Denial part One
I looked at the clock
ticking, resolute,
suspended pleasantly over the couch's window

Right on cue, the phone rings.m
I set down my magazine, crinkling back the corner of a page boasting "Dog Gone Good Mac n' Cheese"
and answer the phone
on the third ring.

My son, Harvey, it isn't like he's
a challenged boy
or a special gift
To be honest, sometimes he outwits even me
Things just always seem to....

Well, take what happened to Richard
My ex husband
Harvey would just shoot him
side ways glances
and point
point for hours
Some nights, Richard would just wake up
But Harvey was just a baby, not even two years old, I cannot fathom what was so frightening about a prefect little baby

One day I come home
and Richard has decided to see how much
bathtub Kool Aid he could make
with just a razor and some hot water
And Harvey!
Sweet little Harvey!
Must have accidentally locked himself in
with that mad man.
That poor, poor...

Well, anyway, after that, Richard left.
Now it is just
May 2013 · 1.4k
Underwear Clad Warrior
My name is Haley Gilarwald
and I am a force of nature.

                                          Not too long ago, the stink bugs invaded our city
                                               Unlike aliens or the usual sort, these were just
Like swarms of locusts they came, but they never seemed to eat, rarely seemed to die.
They just clustered.
And wings, sounding like B-52 bombers, they rattled around the bare watt bulbs and roared, and I
to Jesus God
Drove everyone here mad.

                                                                          I hate the little *******.
                                                                         I sit in my room, typing a dreadful paper for a dreadful class
                                                                         when that hell sound shows up.
(my floors, they are hardwood!)
and so I stood
notebook in hand
and skivvy clad
I played tennis with the swarming thing
they do not die!
like men, they only keep coming back
little war machines
buzzing at my discontent

                                                          THE                               SAME.    
                                                      (I am certain that they cannot die.)
May 2013 · 574
Miss Percival's famous jell-o molds were
the talk of every summer block party.
No one was sure where she had come up with
exotic shapes that adorned red benches
robins, and faces of famous people
they really were a thing to be envied.

One Memorial Day, though, there came a shriek from Miss Percival's kitchen
and the flowery curtains shuffled as they did so

The first ones in (the couple that brought the waldorf salad every year. It was good, but it was nothing next to Miss P's jell-o molds)
were Mr. and Mrs. Carroway
Mrs. Carroway almost fainted when she saw what was on the counter

You see, Miss Percival was fond of one site for her molds
and they shipped them in every month in big brown crates
there was a big brown crate, to be sure
but no mold inside

It isn't proper to gossip, but I heard that it was a bowl full of eyeballs;
A medical school had put the wrong address on their order.
I bet that there was a confused batch of medical students
being stared at by a jell-o model of Walter Cronkite.
May 2013 · 916
Hand Grenades
     They throw words like little hand grenades
because in our house, we cannot use fists
       (I feel that those would hurt less)
and he,
small boy full of rage and sound and not much else
with fists balled to tight
each wanting to strike out, to break his sister's stupid face

Searching through the catacombs of his mind he thought only of falling through a war chest
searching for some sharpened bone or anything to use
he was a skilled warrior of the shadows
with one jab he could ****** thorns through her guarded heart
the precision of a sibling ****** on his side
he had wounded her before
he almost always won
but his wretched
refused to lose this time
refused to be out manipulated

She too had been training
sharpening a silver tongue
that usually served as a shield to her brother's barbs and wicked advances
but today it was a dagger
and assassin for the old king

"You never loved me," he lunged with a flourish
She parried with a cuss word and a sigh
he danced aside, and jabbed at her flank
"I'm going to jump off the cliff" he declared
she scowled
this move usually did her in, but with one glare, she kicked the sword from his hand, and rounded upon him
no fencing foil was on her, no seemly battle ax
but a dagger
and she drew in close
the killing blow
"You are only my half brother" she whispered
and he
was vanquished

The battle done, the two sunk to their knees
and sobbed

    They throw words like little hand grenades
because in our house, we cannot use fists
       (I feel that those would hurt less)
May 2013 · 2.5k
Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce writes sermons and gives grace at the Christmas table
his family bowed their heads
and listened to what they thought of as
"old time-y"

Most of them there were atheists
or maybe Catholics
(it depended on the side of the table)
and even Uncle Bruce was not sure what he believed in, not yet, not yet
after 53 years, he wasn't sure
(he had always been a smart man)
even after debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin
and preaching for years behind the pulpit

What Uncle Bruce does know, he does
He gives us all faith
May 2013 · 958
Fat Girl's Haiku
I tried to bake
you cookies but it seems like
I am a hippo
May 2013 · 781
Friends in Japan
I live
In America,
in a suburb by the woods
where the city is just a sneeze away,
but just too far to touch.
And the fireworks at the baseball games rattle my windows at night
and the 10:15 train rattles by
on time
every night

She lives
In Japan
in a little town by the sea
I was there once, among the rice and water
and we both biked to school.
And the cranes that loaded the massive ships loomed over our lives
and the hush of a small town woke me
May 2013 · 491
After the Accident
It hit him hard
and he was left dizzy and reeling
from the collision between his ears
and Penny's mouth

Still laid up in bed
she had been there for almost a year
a year since something else
hit her hard

Every day Kyle had visited
and waited for her to wake up
and the doctors warned that may never happen
but here she was

What were her first words when she woke up?

"Kyle," she asked.
Her voice was quiet
almost deleted by the hum of a dozen machines that had watched her as diligently as her husband had
but to Kyle, they were the bells on their wedding day

"Kyle," she asked, as he grasped her had tightly
the hand that, for the first time in a year, held his back,

"Where's the baby?"
May 2013 · 343
Daddy's Little Girl
A father
Two fathers
I have two
Well, I have one

He cares for me. He is there.
Occasionally, he annoys the
out of me
and he admits that
he cannot understand me
and that that frightens him more than anything.

I want to tell him that my ever present sadness
and the fear which, at times, threatens to vibrate my bones to jelly
till it drips out and down my fingertips
sticky and hot and red red red
I want to tell him that it is not all his fault

But my other father.

I never knew him
but mom says I have his wit
and his artistic flare
she only said that once
and we both cried

tried to email him
round about a year ago
no response

It is your fault, in part
not yours alone
but I cannot help but to resent you
you coward
nothing but a coward
left me when I was not even out and in the light
never once did my blue eyes see you
Did you know?
They look like yours.

A father
Two fathers
I have two
Well, I have one
May 2013 · 887
she was so lazy
that the bed swallowed her whole
"Netflix! Come save me!"
May 2013 · 612
Love Song in Parenthetical
Ah, Jacob
I love you
(look! I have personalized my poem! But alas, that means I have isolated
the audience.
By mentioning your name-
such a wonderful name, it reminds me of church bells
and a good shower after a long run-
by mentioning your name, I have ensured
that those not in love with a Jacob-
and I pity them, for if they do not have one, they should seriously consider finding one-
By mentioning you name, my love
I have ensured that those not in love with a Jacob
will never understand the soaring
never understand what it is they have just read).
I will burn you in effigy
with all of the hate welled up inside of me
watch and smile as I watch you burn
(maybe I will bring a camera! and some hot dogs!)

This is what they took from me
watch as the remainder of my sanity
float upwards of tendrils of spiraling flames and heat
May 2013 · 411
An Ode to White Walls (I)
Oh! Prison box! You hold me no longer!
Tis, by my admission, less than I deserve
But still! White walls! Stretching infinitely stronger,
you have met you match in me! And I shall be gone!
Old enemy of mine,
you are not merely plaster.
This is one of over 200 poems that I have written in honor of the windowless citadel that I go to to learn. Honestly, there are about 2,700 students in attendance at my high school, and only about 14 windows. It was built in the 70s, and is probably a hulking monster for efficiency's sake.
May 2013 · 508
Panic Attack Waltz
He did not come prepared to dance
but then again, he never does
and suddenly finds himself
in the same tux
as always
that is pulled just a little too tight
that was starched just a little too much
and the scratching of the cuffs
reminds him

He always has the same partner
though he never learned her name
some times, he hears her whisper
but that is his name
maybe it is hers too. He never knows.

She wears a light champagne dress
with an iridescence about the aura
that keeps changing
he can't
he can't quite
but she grabs him before he can figure it out
this strange girl
and begins to spin
feet thrown wildly
she rests one hand above his crotch
it is almost nice
and then he feels the blood
of a stab
to the waist
he can't scream
her lips muffle it
the kiss melts his bones
sets him vibrating fast
she has him tight; one hand wrapped around his intestines and her tongue ****** down his throat and they are still spinning
May 2013 · 1.6k
Swing Set
The swing set was an old thing
like the brittle bones of an elephant
so worn that it had started to forget;
that's what her Gramma said, at least.
But Calpurnia Gray loved it
sat in it
till the seat sagged before she sat down
inviting her to rest.

Calpurnia Gray preferred the city
but the suburbs were what she got
and the swing set looked over some deep gulch of the woods
where even the suburbs ended.

It filled her with such strange fantasies
of leaping through the trees like an ape
tearing off her clothes
and chasing down game
like some odd Tarzan with cobalt blue painted toe nails.
That would be the life for her if only she could go back
to the wilderness on the other side of the suburbs.
To the place where concrete monoliths lit up the sky at night
and rivers of asphalt carved always changing paths
for some intrepid explorer
to find a new bookstore
or museum
or something strange.

But Calpurnia didn't have either.

She had the suburbs.

And the swing set.

The swing set that always sat there, that never got away
the swing set that was crumbling with time and stagnation
but at least it was what she knew.
May 2013 · 345
still a baby girl in the eyes of my mother
who remembers my blue eyes fresh and wild

I look more wild now
hair shaved off with one streak leaping across
eyebrows always lifted
like an ***, really

To tell the truth, though
I have become meek
and she knows it.
May 2013 · 1.0k
Ballet Feet
Ballerina's feet
are calloused
bruised and ugly from far too much use

My friends and I used to compare the carnage
which we called, forgivingly, feet

I was never much a dancer
Flexible, but ungainly
I could lift my leg over my head and hold it for a minute
keep time to music
but there was something about the rigidness of it that I never quite-

I loved it
sweet passion of a not so distant youth
and my feet were always the most battered
May 2013 · 1.4k
Dawson Pool
It was just one of those days
when the haze of summer had just started to lull the suburbs
into a sticky heat
of grills and lawn mowers
of air conditioning
(everyone pretended not to use it; windows! barked the mothers, windows!)

and the sweat stuck to the brows
of the life guards
napping in the sun
above an empty pool
the Dawson pool.

No one ever swam there
and the lifeguards knew it
those teenagers, sunning themselves lazily on hot days like this
(and the mothers! They complained about the tans. Cancer! the said.
In a way they were right,
but really.)

The waters were clear but the fences were rusted
the diving boards were falling
throwing themselves off the deep end

those lazy days
and the mothers! the constant nagging of soccer moms
lulled around the pool
on the day
took her

Her face was like shoe leather
tanned by no fewer than 98 summers spent on porch swings
plodded slowly,
like  her feet were considering
this woman presented her 5 dollars to the girl at the gate
(some surprised lifeguard, because, you see, no one ever swam in Dawson pool)
and pushed inside.

Cassandra never left her porch.
and the mothers! how they scolded their children for teasing her
(even though they had done the same thing at that age.
That's how old Cassandra was).
Decades of the suburbs
and push mowers
and world wars
stayed like photograph around her face.

The lifeguards stared.
Cassandra kicked off her flip flops and shrugged off her mumu.
In a pink bathing suit she sank into the water.

The age melted off of her as she danced through the water
the strokes were slow and deliberate
and the lifeguards watched as she pulled herself from one end of the pool to another and back.
She made 16 rings
remembering her childhood
23 more
for her marriage
and then 60
60 rings!
before she stopped.
60 years old, the year her husband died.
The year she had stopped talking
aside from the hushed prayers in church
but she was talking to him; that didn't count.
60 rings.

And Cassandra just disappeared.

No one found the body
no one found anything
aside from flip flops and a mumu.
The lifeguards were nearly scandalized
for letting Cassandra drown
but soon she went from a news story to a ghost
and the mothers! sniped at their children
for whispering
"Did you here about old Ms. Cassandra?
They say she found God."
May 2013 · 350
Natural Progesion of Things
it got to the point
that all she could hear was
the fluttering of moths

— The End —