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Jun 2014 · 488
Christina Spegal Jun 2014
Accept me for who I am. Please don't judge me because you think your feelings are different than mine. You'll fall for her, or you'll fall for him. You might find true love, or you'll get your heart broken all the same. She could be the woman of your dreams, but he could make those dreams come true. My eyes see everything that you do, but I have to live with criticism because of a closed-minded world. If you knew me, you would love and not judge me.  Those who know me love me for who I am, and those who have the courage to get to know me will fall in love with the man I've come to be.
Not so much a poem... more like a plea for acceptance from closed-minded people. Your beliefs are your own, but please keep other peoples feelings into account. I wrote this for my nephew.
Nov 2011 · 945
Only Two
Christina Spegal Nov 2011
She was only two years old…
And what a tragedy.
When she was bruised from head to toe,
And he was found, “Not Guilty.”

There were fingerprints on her face
And on her arms and legs.
Justice would not be done
No matter how hard I begged.

There was a bite mark on her arm
And a black bruise on her ear.
I can’t stand to think of it now
Even though it has been over a year.

The blame was on a small child
That my baby knew.
He covered and schemed his way out,
Or he was covering for someone who…

May have hurt her
But either way
I anger when I remember
How she looked that day.

The fingerprints on her bottom
Was not that of the one who was blamed.
A cover-up or done by him…
To me it’s just the same.

In my eyes, he’s just as guilty
If he’s covering for his love.
No justice on Earth has there been
But he’ll answer to the one above!

The fingerprints were the size of mine,
But questioned, they never were.
I feel so lost and confused.
My concerns are only for her.

Child abuse was dropped.
Negligence was never tried.
I remember that day and what I saw.
I felt as if I could die!

I never saw who or how.
She was gone for nine days.
Anger, frustration and the thoughts I had
Were worth nothing anyway.

I knew then, as I know now…
Revenge and anger brings no good.
They cause only more pain…
Even though I wish I could…

I can not say his name,
Nor can I others that may have been
Involved in her bruising and misfortune.
Is this a trial I cannot win?

I sit and worry every day
That soon he will show up.
Asking to see her again,
But I will not give up!

I have been advised to wait
For him to make the first move,
But I fear that it may be too late.
By then what could I prove?

I will never forget that day.
What she must have gone through.
Thank God she doesn’t remember
What happened when she was only two.
This really happened!
Nov 2011 · 588
Little Angels
Christina Spegal Nov 2011
She looked at him in confusion
With tiny tears in her eyes.
She can’t help but to question Him,
“Why did I have to die?”

He reached out to hold her
With the comfort that he gives…
“No longer are you dead my child,
But no longer do you live.”

She doesn’t understand,
But she listens anyway,
Struggling to rid her tears,
She looks up and hears Him say,

“I saw the pain you were going through,
And each night I heard you pray.
You pleaded me to make you well,
So you could go out and play.

You were so young and innocent,
Unknowing as you are now.
Your time one Earth ended tonight,
And then I fulfilled my vow.

I promised to end your pain
When the sin of man injured you.
So, I reached down and brought you home
And stopped what you were going through.”

For a moment she was silent,
Then she asked how it could be
That she had lost her life
At only the age of three.

He smiled though loving tears
And knew just what to do.
He gave her wings and a halo
And said, “Heaven needs little angels too.”

— The End —