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Christina DeBart Oct 2013
I remember when you told me to wait,
When you whispered not to leave without a hug,
How you curled your arm around my waist,
And kissed the sweet spot on my neck.
I remember the way you sounded in the early morning
And the way you rolled over and trapped me beneath,
Begging for five more minutes but keeping me for six.
I remember worrying about you on that winter night,
Scared to death that you'd slipped off the road.
You hadn't been answering your phone,
And I started to pace the tiled floor of your kitchen.
I remember when you told me to wait,
And I've been waiting ever since.
Christina DeBart Jun 2013
Six months since I've seen you last,
Can't forget all that filled our past,
I tried so hard to make you stay,
But you insisted on having it your way.

Six months since that day
You swore you'd never leave,
Making promises to stay,
To be with and love me from beneath.

I've tried so hard to forget the past,
To erase any thoughts left behind,
But my perseverance just won't last,
And I'm left to utter a goodbye
That never seemed to pass your lips.
Christina DeBart Dec 2013
Those pale, blue eyes speak words she can barely even mumble.
Christina DeBart Dec 2013
Trying to convince myself I don't need you
Those green eyes I surely won't miss
But my heart won't even come close
To granting me that one wish.
Christina DeBart Oct 2013
Though my heart is broken,
It still wants more,
Of what, I do not know,
But I'm still hoping
For something, I'm not so sure.
Christina DeBart Dec 2013
I tried to fight for this
Though I knew you'd never go to war
Clinging to what was left of us
Praying for something so much more.
Christina DeBart Dec 2013
I could feel your heart breaking
As you clung to me
Nothing but merely hoping
To become whole once more.
Christina DeBart Jun 2013
I try so hard to evade thoughts of you,
Yet in the rare occasion I become mesmerized by something other than you,
Memories come flooding back,
And I'm left to fight you off once more.
Christina DeBart Sep 2013
I'm tired of lying awake at night ,
Wrapped up in my empty bed,
Staring at the same old city lights,
Your name racing through my head.
Christina DeBart Jun 2013
These days I'm barely sleeping
Staring at the same old ceiling
Without the will to forget you
Trying every night to pull through.
Christina DeBart Dec 2013
We're bound to break
Can't you see
But we'll be okay
So don't you worry.

— The End —