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Mar 2013 · 379
Outside looking In
Christiana Trent Mar 2013
Outside looking in, tapping on
the glass she waits for a response.
Outside looking in she calls out
only to realize there is only silence.
Outside looking in, suddenly there
is rain, and her fragile flame becomes
wet and confused. Then, she wakes up
and realizes she has been inside all along.
Mar 2013 · 323
In the eyes of a Child
Christiana Trent Mar 2013
In The Eyes of A child
In the eyes of a child you
can see a twinkle of light,
a gentle glow on their fragile
being. In the eyes of a child
you can see yourself walking
in a field of roses, with soft feet
guiding you on your journey.
In the eyes of child you can
find yourself and be lost in that
field forever.
Dec 2012 · 528
Walking on Water
Christiana Trent Dec 2012
She walked on water.
Her white dress flowing
in the light breeze. Her
gentle spirit sang a soft
song as her soft feet hit
the water. As she continued
on her journey rose peddles
fell from the sky gently kissing
her soft face. She walked on
water and each step told a
chapter of her story.

— The End —