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676 · Feb 2012
Christian Joshua Feb 2012
When do you forgive
I say sorry but what does that really mean
Do you believe me
Who does that effect
I said it
I meant it
Why are you mad
It doesn't pertain you
You can be mad still but this is my sorry
These are my feelings
These are my sorrys and this is me forgiving
Why can't I forgive
Am I  going to be the same as you and hate all those you do
NO! I stand up for my feelings and my thoughts
I am one to forgive
Im not the one to hold grudges or pro long battles for a long period of time
I forgive and forget
While you may never forgive and forget
Is that a problem
Why can't we talk about it
Why must you be rude
I'm sorry again
I didn't want this
I didn't want to hurt you
Please forgive me now
Why can't you forgive me too
502 · Feb 2012
Fire and Ice
Christian Joshua Feb 2012
Words can burn like fire
Words can be cold like ice
But who is the one to determine how much a word hurts or how much it effects you
Words are one of the most powerful objects in the world
Fights are fought
Wars take place
Hatred is spewed
It affects all
Words circle the head and once put together and said out the mouth or written from the hand become a meaning of unthinkable proportions
Words can burn like fire
Words can be cold like ice
Within these words and meanings not all is harmful
Some are powerful enough to invoke love
Once words are put together in there many different shapes and different contents they can flow like water and sooth the soul
They can come become a web of melodies and lines of rich purity
Marriage is indulged
Love is made
Friends are found
Words take form and are marveled at, praised, and sung
Words can burn like fire
Words can be cold like ice
367 · Feb 2012
Take me higher...
Christian Joshua Feb 2012
Take me higher
I want to feel the sensation of nothing
Take me higher
Let the sounds pulse through my body as if I am the speaker itself
Take me higher
Show me a world of joy and laughter
Take me higher
Peace and calm are the goals take me higher
I am higher...

— The End —