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And I just want to feel your breath
On my neck
And your *******
On my chest
And I just want to feel your lips
On my cheek
Telling me I’ll be okay
When I’m feeling awfully weak
And I just want to see your eyes
Meeting mine
Soft orbs of blue
Too mature for your time
And I just want to hear your voice
Whispering softly in my ear
Be here with me
Be near
I can’t handle this distance
Not only of miles, but of mind
I never could catch you
But god how long I tried.
 Oct 2012 Christian Ivey
It's nice to feel the warmth
The weather's never bad
Living surrounded by the wai
And by the sweet sounds
Of the ukulele.

Many people live aloha
Living proud of their culture
And friendly to another.
Ohana is important
And friends are part of it too.

A beautiful tradition
Giving of leis
To someone special
On a special occasion
Or just any given day.

It will be sad to leave one day
There's so much sunshine.
The mainland's all the same.
Here there's so much diversity.
I think I'll miss the food the most...
Here are the meanings to the Hawaiian words: "wai" means water, "aloha" means hello, goodbye, love; there's many ways to use aloha, "ohana" means family, and "leis" are traditional necklaces given for anything that comes up; birthdays, graduations, parties, even if you just haven't seen someone for a while.
 Oct 2012 Christian Ivey
All of us write,
late into night,
Simple rhymes becomes prose,
As night draws to a close,
Connotation becomes denotation,
Expressed or implied,
Painting pictures with words,
Of a world much denied,
Of heartfelt regret,
Or anger or pain,
We elude to the simple,
And write about rain,
To illuminate others,
Of that which we see,
Another perspective,
Of what may be,
We invite opinion,
Of comparitive worth,
The definition of judgements,
Are all that we need,
So bleeding and ugly,
Take care to impart,
A wonderful meaning,
To a forlorn heart.

'...He went like one that hath been stunned...'.
You crossed the line
No surprise,
You never could resist a line.
I'll never tell
you not to leave
you are a free woman
you are free like the wind
I'll never tell
you I love you
You should be able to feel it
You should see it in my eyes
You've got a mouth full of lies
I've got a mouth full of venom
Let's see who makes it out alive
You'll never play fair with me
You always have something up your sleeve
Just because you cheat,
doesn't mean you'll beat me
I'll never tell
you what I'm thinking
I'll never show my cards
It's not like me to be layed out
I'll never tell
you I miss you
While I sleep
She cheats
on me
While my eyes
are closed
she cries
to nobody
She's sorry
but she's not
for me
we met like two birds landing on a wire
and chattered with our chirping sounds that sing
at distance where no flights could we conspire

though thoughts of love nests set our ******* on fire
like humans holding tight to form a ring
we met like two birds landing on a wire

that laid upon the face of earth's attire
so far that only light-boxes could bring
at distance where no flights could we conspire

yet caught by love like wings snagged in a brier
two lovebirds sought to ease loneliness's sting
we met like two birds landing on a wire

and dreamed since then of hatchlings we could sire
with eggshells cracking at the scent of Spring
at distance where no flights could we conspire

above the clouds now dreams have floated higher
and soaring past the heavens there do sing
we met like two birds landing on a wire
at distance where no flights could we conspire

(C)2012, Christos Rigakos
 Oct 2012 Christian Ivey
One more day like this,
blood will turn to wine.

Another hour unseen,
another promise broken.

One more battle,
One more scar to keep you ashamed.

Blink once,
don't you dare look back,
walk away with the sunrise
keep the devils stare.

I'll meet you there.
I'll meet you somewhere
away from here.

Sleepless nights,
harvest the worst dreams,
I thought you said you didn't feel pain?

Two more lungs,
dried up and corrupt,
we'll walk out
and drown together.
I've got a confession.
No matter how much you love me,
Care ,
And swear to never leave.
I'll always think of going back to him
That guy who uses me.
Why? Hell if I know. 
Though, Id go if he'd take me,
And stay, if he'd break me.
Even though I KNOW in a month or less
I'd be no more than another ex.
I hate to say this...
Because I do like you,
But I can't stay away from him,
Like I could to you.

— The End —