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Christa Casper May 2013
The only thing i see
in your seaside eyes
is love.
i don't see the mistakes you've made
or the rumors and lies
that everyone seems to see.
I don't see a delinquent in you,
that's not who you are.
I see beachy hair,
curling around your face,
just right.
I see a tall lankiness,
as you tower over me.
Those eyes, and
that smile.
I see how kind you are,
and how much you really
care. i know you aren't who
they think.
You are who you are with me.
I see you, and i wish you
could see me too.
Christa Casper May 2013
I could fall asleep,
and never wake up.
That thought, that fact, terrifies me.
But it fascinates me more.
Christa Casper May 2013
It's Autumn and I'm waiting for love again,
Like the cold changes the leaves, i want someone
to change me too.
I want to turn red with blush and fall
into his arms.
I'd be a fallen leaf and
he'd be the gentle, crisp wind.
He could carry me to happiness.
Christa Casper May 2013
We're making this up as we go along,
afraid of what will happen
if we have a plan, that doesn't go as planned.

But right now i know,
i just want you with me,
i want you in my life,
on my lips,
your scent in my head and on my clothes.

And if wanting, no, needing that
ruins what we're doing right here,
right now,
then forgive me and
please, please stay.

— The End —