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 Jun 2015 Chrisso
brandon nagley
Walking in the grocery aisle today
A shan't little place called ( aldi's)
Cheaper food I must say

I saw a man
An older man
Maby seventies or so
Well whatever age

This man I could tell
Could tell the wildest stories
As in his time
Maby he fought in a hellish hideous war

Maby world war two
Maby Korean war
Maby no war at all

The sleeves on his button up shirt said to me quietly
They whispered

As I didint know why his sleeves were rolled up
Maby because he was just hot
I mean
The sun is blazing today like hell at night
Well anyways
Back to storytime
This man's harsh look told me
He hast seen a world of things
Us younger ones couldn't fathom or want to

I thought his sleeves rolled up showed he was a man
Who didint give two craps on what others had thought of him
And for that grocery shopping cool man
Kodos to thou dear sir
Kodos to thou!!!

— The End —