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1.6k · Feb 2010
after jogging
chris Feb 2010
the frequent occurrence
of which
muscle fibers fire off
quick twitch
rapid movement
atoms in mind
looking for a topic
to define
but the great abyss,
our mission denied
677 · Jan 2010
a legal method
chris Jan 2010
a scepter hangs
above their head
a course of action
they must carefully tread
pull the right strings,
an adverse decision
567 · Jan 2010
hello poetry
chris Jan 2010
gaze upon the fallow
pigs like to wallow
in the muddy remains
of tomorrow

how do you know me
eye to eye,
i recognize thee
us pigs
squeal "wee!"

a sight to behold
two pigs on a roll
one wasting time
the other, on hold
548 · Jan 2010
the 25th
chris Jan 2010
be afraid
vibrantly staid
in despair
beyond repair
shambles of a life
still, she is my wife
despite the petty games
we play
545 · Apr 2010
dim sum confession
chris Apr 2010
she said to me
what makes your heart sing?

paused for a moment
whispered quietly,

not a **** thing
we wondered

is this wrong?
i only listen to the radio

and my heart,
she merely hums along
542 · Dec 2011
A Hard Day's Work
chris Dec 2011
Work is work
I cannot escape
Stare so hard
At those pearly gates

I wait my turn
For that dying day
Time is endless?
He makes me stay!

I wonder when
I get to leave
This fleeting life
Please, end this dream!

— The End —