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Fear not, My child, what man can do...
Let all thy daily course pursue
that which from heaven brings thee bliss:
Remember this. Remember this.

And should the agony of pain
be covered o'er the earthly plain;
Be still, and know that I exist:
Remember this. Remember this.

And if thou suffereth a loss,
remember He who bore the cross:
No man can feel what pain was His.
Remember this. Remember this.

And should a friend forsaketh thee,
believe that I, with thee, will be
to comfort thee in what ye miss:
Remember this. Remember this.

Remember till thy final breath
that thou shalt triumph over death!
And, live thy life with faith in this.
Remember this. Remember this.
Mar 2015 · 3.0k
The past is gone, the present lives
and what shall come to pass will be.
Let not us dwell on what we lose,
but, rather, seek the victory!

It's never over till the end,
We should strive with mind and might
that we may obtain, with glory,
faith conspiring with the right!

When reason burns, and failure thrives,
and all that 'round you spins is grief....
Be patient; Have a thankful heart
and in despair, you'll find relief!

Above all else, envision well
with all your passion, strength, and zeal
the future that you want to see,
and what you see will become real!
Mar 2015 · 294
Of These Things, I'm Sure
Of these things, I'm sure
for, these things are true:
That God art the Father
of me, and of you.

He lives in the heaven:
The kingdom of light,
and destiny hearkens
us into its sight!

A body and soul,
of this we are made.
Temporal: Eternal
they never shall fade!

To grow and have purpose
is why we were born,
and we must improve
while in this sojourn.

Success is for certain,
and victory: sure
in every encounter:
For, I shall endure!

My passions: fulfilled.
My present is well,
and so is my future
my story will tell!

Exalted I'll die,
and saved will I be
In the kingdom of God
as prepared for me!

With God I will live
eternally blessed.
From trials, and pain,
and fear will I rest.

Of these things, I'm sure.
For, These things are true,
not only for me,
but, also, for you!
Mar 2015 · 238
O Believe, Yes Believe!
That was then
Here am I:
Never there again.

Once it was,
now no more:
Let my life begin!

Here am I,
focused on the now.

No more time
to regret
the where, the when, the how.

Pressing on,
Here am I
in time to achieve

as I walk,
as I run,
striving to believe!

O, believe!
Yes, believe!
It will come to you!

Through your faith,
you obtain
strength and power, too!

This is why
you believe:
Let this be the day

and blessings
come to cross your way!
Mar 2015 · 392
O Tears, What You Behold!
O tears, what you behold

in terms of force and power

By means of strong elation...

through terrifying cower!

O tears, of whom you change

in times when arrows fly...

Pierce the heart in love or hate

giants tumble from the sky.

O tears, what you become!

While captive in the past,

we live the opera of today

and you fulfill the cast.

O tears, your time has come

and let this be the day

we be, we mourn, we live reborn

and you show us the way!
Mar 2015 · 213
Never Before
Never before
have I touched a heart.
Never before
have I lit up a soul.
Never before
could I say that I tried...
Now I can say
that this is my goal.
Never before
have I danced with grace.
Never before
have I courted with love.
Never before
had I known who I am.
Now I can say
I know from above!
Never before
have I had more faith.
Never before
have I felt more at peace.
Never before
has destiny called me.
Now I can say
this lacking will cease!
Mar 2015 · 472
My Brother, Barron Smith
I never quite have met a man

like Brother Barron Smith.

I never knew a happier man

than Brother Barron Smith.

Never have I seen a gait
quite as loving, quite as straight
with such passion to elate

as Brother Barron Smith.

No one bore the light of life

like Brother Barron Smith.

Not despairing, nor in strife

was Brother Barron Smith.

He showed me how to go my way:
A beacon glowing night and day.
And, in my heart will always stay

my brother, Barron Smith.

He left his mark and mem'ry here,

did Brother Barron Smith:

A mem'ry I will hold most dear

of Brother Barron Smith.

He lifted me, and did his part
to give my soul a running start!
I hold a chamber in my heart

for Brother Barron Smith.
Mar 2015 · 7.5k
Loyalty is where the heart is
in eternal lengths and depths.
Bound in love, and sealed in courage
by supernal covenants.        

Family is the beginning!
First in order from our birth
to whom we give, without an ending,
adorations of our worth.

Our friends in loyalty will follow
after family bonds are made.
And let a friend whose hope is hollow
be lifted by our hasteful aid.

And then, progressing, find a mate
with whom you'll form a family.
Let loyalty with them be great
in time and all eternity.

O man, O man, remember Him!
The one from whom all blessings flow!
Take time to learn of Elohim,
That God that sent you here to grow!

Before your loyalties are given
to those we meet in life on earth,
Put, first, your loyalty in Heaven
and He who gave you timeless worth!
Mar 2015 · 381
Lost is Never Gone
What is lost is never gone.

It is hidden well with care,

and as we search or carry on

within our reach, it is there.

If, though, we find not what we seek

as we check the drawers and shelves

the outcome, for us, does not speak.

We find that we remain ourselves.

What if deeper is our grief

over loss we have to bear?

What if death shows no relief

and sorrow leaves us in despair?

Remember, pain is limited

despite the merits of its toll.

For, with that loss comes great fulfillment

Together, at last, when both console!
Mar 2015 · 419
Bolts of life

lightning fast

Crashing down
from our past.

The memories
will always last.

The storm is rolling on.

Linking, clinging
to another


the distant thunder.

raindrops beading, dropping under

what conditions spark above.

Teardrops streaking
down the face:


a steady pace.

How. when. time. place.

until our time has passed.
Mar 2015 · 545
Let the Saint Prevail
Sunny sky, or heavy rain:

Hope, grief, joy, or pain,

While in this life you travel through

Let the Saint prevail

in you!

Above the rest, or in a hole,

amidst the rigors to the soul,

let humble hearts beat strong and true

and let the Saint prevail

in you!

When filled with doubt, and questions stir

the Spirit speaks of something sure...

'In all that you can say and do

let the Saint prevail

in you! '
Mar 2015 · 317
Let Not The Light Go Out
When passing through the path ahead

fall not into your fears.

For, darkness swells within your fright.

Let not the light go out.

When crystal waters turn to mist

breakdown into tears.

For, streaks of woe become your might.

Let not the light go out.

When stars peek through the overcast

blanketing the sky

and constellations aren't in sight

Let not the light go out.

When passion, glory, victory

glow behind your eyes

It will illuminate the night.

Let not the light go out.
Leave behind a lasting mem'ry

in the world when you depart;

A lovely, warm soliloquy

spoken to the human heart.

Bury deep within the fathoms

of the aching, longing soul

acclamations, and the anthems

of the purpose on patrol.

Show another, in their losses

how to go the merry way.

Help them lift, and bear their crosses

that their night may turn to day.

Be the hero for a season

to a man in time of need.

He will see, displayed, the reason

heart-to-heart, and deed by deed.

When, at last, the bells are ringing

and it's time to meet the grave,

leave behind a choir singing

of the hearts you helped to save.
Mar 2015 · 291
Kisses in the Mist
The story that follows is more than a tale;
It's evidence truly that love can not fail.
As man seeks a mate; a lover divine
he finds that their spirits forever entwine!

It's deep in the autumn in Everglade Park
when Thomas and Sarah embrace in the dark.
Said Thomas to Sarah, 'O, love of my life....'
-in knee-bended reverence-....'will you be my wife? '

Two weeks and a day after then they were wed.
When knelt on the altar together, they said:
'For better, for worse, or whatever may be,
I always will love you for eternity! '

They went to the park in autumn for years,
and there they embraced with passionate tears.
'I love you, my beauty' To her he would say
close to her ear, in a sensual way.

Ten years and a day after they became one
Sarah would die, and leave Thomas alone....
broken and shattered inside by her death,
Thomas was cold as his wintery breath.

Alone in their house for weeks at a time
Thomas was quiet; no rhythm to rhyme.
Never expecting that death could divide
the joy in his heart, nor the solace inside.

Yet, in his despair, not a tear did he shed
for the love of his life: fallen and dead.
But, months would go by, and pressure embark
that Thomas must visit sweet Everglade Park.

He valiantly walks in the crisp autumn air
on the eve of a night that fate would prepare.
Almost at dusk he enters the park
where once he and Sarah had kissed in the dark.

He stands for a moment, and then starts to cry
and lets it all out; his tears can not lie:
held close to his heart, now outward they flow.
Yet, in this collapse, a presence would grow!

At first 'round his ankles, then up to his knees,
a crystal white mist comes in with the breeze.
Now the mist has him completely surrounded,
and what he beholds would leave him astounded....

What enters the park, through the entrance's gate:
A bright silhouette, with purity great.
As closer to Thomas the personage nears
he stares with amazement, and stops with his tears.

In front of him now, as he's never seen,
is the spirit of Sarah, most perfect and clean.
She smiles at him, and he smiles, too.
They stand and just stare for a second or two....

And then they get closer and kiss in the mist,
and she comforts Thomas with what he has missed....
'For better, for worse, or whatever may be,
I always will love you for eternity.'

Each other they hold, for a minute or so
and then, in his arms she whispers, 'I go....
But, when you are cold, and in need of love
come here and cry in this Everglade grove.'

The mist and the spirit dissolve in the air....
Softly said Thomas to the cool autumn air...
'For better, for worse, or whatever may be,
I always will love you for eternity.'
Mar 2015 · 178
In The Hallows, By The Sea
In the hallows by the sea

ran a lonely boy

Stumbling and distantly

looking for the shore.

Snarl and bite, fearful flight

through the fog and rain.

No more is there sacred peace

upon the broken plain.

Dashing, slicing through the muck

not a chance to rest

puffing out fatigue and fear

from his pounding chest.

Suddenly, fatefully

the chase is now at end.

He runs into a clearer view

and body meets the sand.

Consciousness awakes the boy

not just taste is bland.

Shivering, soaking wet

atop the naked sand.

Raining ceased, fog decreased

out, he looked, to see

an ocean, lifeless as a corpse-

true and loyal be.

Down onto the sand he laid

his head of good intent.

He mumbled praise to start his days

of which his faith was meant.

Up he got, death be not,

limping down the shore

in a lighted wooded realm

none had seen before.
Mar 2015 · 373
Shape your heart
mold your soul

to your great eternal goal.

Sink the ship
end the fight

if it is not for the right.

Kneel in faith
stand for truth

starting in your early youth.

Build your ground,
Solid; Sure

that atop you may endure!
Mar 2015 · 518
I Stand Tall
I stand amidst a turbulent storm

inside my soul.

I stand tall as winds take form

and waves begin to roll.

Atop the rock on which I stand

I am steady

as terror reigns across the land

and darkness encompasses me.

Looking out, I see ahead

wars, death, and sorrow:

The music of a tragic dread

felt today, and seen tomorrow.

But, on this rock of glory,

I stand tall.

Amidst the shadow of this story

I have might, and will not fall.

A whisper says 'You're not alone! '

I turn around

and see several standing on the stone:

A multitude renowned!

For as woes capture, and saddened fates steal

we stand strong

upon the rock on which we place our zeal:

The rock we've stood on all along!
Mar 2015 · 266
I See Her Dancing
I see her dancing in the night:
A glory to behold!
Her beauty precious more than gold,
in my opinion's sight!

She shows me in tranquilities
what this soul seldom ever sees-
The spirit to attract my gaze,
and all my passions to amaze!

I see a daughter beaming bright
and, in her dancing, show-
in awe-some admonition's glow-
that she bears heaven's light!

A festival of harmonies!
A symphony of melodies!
She dances in her youthful days:
A virtuous presence she displays!

Let her vigor, pow'r, and might
so manifest in zeal...
Let, through her dance: so pure, so real,
inspire my cause to fight!

Let it confound the mysteries
of what mortality oft sees,
and open paths to better ways,
that Hosts above we may amaze!
Mar 2015 · 349
I See Amazing Sights
I see amazing sights
as I'm blinded by the lights.

Lights of color
Lights of bright

Shining clearly
Day and night.

'Who am I? '
my heart screams

as it sees amazing things
through the veil of blinding light

Shining clearly
Day and night.

Friends of young.
Foes of old.

Days of hot.
Nights of cold.

It is there.


There it stays
and remains.

Through the winds.
Through the rains.

Even through the blinding light

Shining clearly
Day and night.
Mar 2015 · 288
I Hear Her Singing
I hear her singing in the day,

in tune to my desires...

She knows how to ignite the fires

that to my essence stay.

O, sweet the wond'rous song she sings!

How beautiful her carol rings!

O, sweet the nurtures me

and opens up my heart to see!

O, that she knew the precious way

to which, my soul, she speaks!

She evermore, on mountain peaks,

would trump her song away!

O, what the world would beckoned hear;

A hymnal psalm to every ear!

Every man on earth would be

blessed to hear her melody!

As the trees and flowers sway

against an autumn breeze,

she has swayed my soul with ease;

A marvel to this day.

And though mortality oft stings;

Her tender, wond'rous carol brings

a meaning that is meant, to me,

the very point I choose to be!
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
I Am Fire
I am fire, feel me burn!

I am passion, flames I churn!

Deep within me, embers glow.

All throughout me, rhythms flow:

Screaming: Soothing: Soaring high.

Illuminate the human eye!

Dance with me, Oh, souls innate!

Burn, with me, flames intricate!

Celebrate it: Life ablaze!

Friends and family amaze!

Now, and always, flare with me:

Let the world your brilliance see!
Mar 2015 · 427
I Am
I am the **** in the vase.

Meticulously crafted.

Flawlessly sculpted.


I am the scuff on the wall.

Brilliant blue.

Solid finish.


I am the scratch on the record.

Smooth song.

Steady beat.


I am the glitch in the brain.

Routine start-up.

Keep it going.

Mar 2015 · 347
This is a personal record of times

an account of my life:

The joy, the strife

in counts of rhythms, in sequence of rhymes.

These words my story tells:

The preface is done. My life has begun.

Yet, long will it be before I recall...

I toddled, I played, I cried, they said.

And, then I remember: The start of it all!

As family grew, I already knew

The glow in my soul, and the gold in my heart.

I knew from within, with friends and with kin,

I'd form moral values I'd never depart.

I noticed a change: a self-rearrange

when things had come forward that hadn't before...

I thought differently: I felt differently...

This was the start of what life had in store.

Imbalance was found; a symptom renowned

for pain and for trials inside of one's mind.

What certain was sure; I was to endure

internalized trauma- The un-imposed kind.

This lasted for years; While haunting my fears,

Each day was a struggle: A fight to survive...

While all the day long, when nothing seemed wrong,

A war I was fighting, where anguish would thrive...

I fought hard inside, and almost I died,

till stabilization had entered my life:

And then: The relief! A sprouting new leaf!

At last, a decrease in this crippling strife!

It didn't just leave: Hear, and believe:

The pain went from raging to dormant in state.

At times it still flares, despite current cares,

But, overall, life went from dismal to great!

I still stand today with lurking dismay...

against mental flaws; A solid heart beating

provides me the rhymes, in rigorous times,

that this tumult inside, I'm defeating!
Mar 2015 · 158
I ask you simply, what is home?

A place where kindred people come?

A space where residents reside?

What makes a home a home inside?

I ask you now, is home a house?

Can people buy homes with their spouse?

In houses can a family be

together for eternity?

I say to you, it is not so!

A home is where a man will go

to seek his flames of strife to douse.

A home he seeks, and not a house.

Inside a home a man has love:

From here below, and from above.

At home, he'll be with family

for time and all eternity.
I see rabbits, mice, and crows

here wherein the meadow grows.

Yet, with wand'ring heart elating

and no syllable debating

of what splendor swells herein:

Let thy eloquence begin!

Splendid lilies, bluest skies,

tell me secrets, speak no lies;

What or whom hath made thee shine

and, with radiance, divine?

What can thou attribute to

thy golden grass, and beauty true?

Marvelous and heaven sent!

Beautiful and elegant!

Here within thy core is felt

summer's cloth of golden felt;

Smooth and gentle on my skin.

Gracious! Glorious! Felt within!

Stay with me, and never stray

holiest and gorgeous day!

Let, with me, thy grace abide:

Fill my hungry heart inside!

I'll, forever, be with thee;

Peaceful, pure serenity!
Heartache may I leave behind...
Close a tattered, broken door...
Put it on my back, and sink-
as a cup of pain I drink-
onto the dusty, wooden floor.

Help me to forsake emotion
felt in times of sorrow's snares;
As I sit; behind me knowing
that a fest'ring bond is growing
between my past and present cares.

Lift my head, with tears from crying,
buried deep between my knees.
Help me feel, from this room's blunder
that admist emotional thunder
blows a soft and tender breeze.

Suddenly, I feel much calmer...
Not as much bound to my past...
For, what has happened now is done,
and all control of it is gone...
Why, then, should these emotions last?

Behind this wooden, tattered door
is not who I am inside.
So I stand, and step away,
turn around, and firmly say...
'My purpose, you will not deride! '
Mar 2015 · 348
To make another laugh
is simply to succeed

in reeling in the bass
and not the ***** ****.

And as they give the fish
to the caster of the line

Their satisfying dish
is the rhythm of the rhyme.

They thrive upon the bait
on the ending of the hook,

each of which they ate
in the manner that they took.

Though everyone has dined
from the fisherman today

he loads another line
and flicks it on its way.
Mar 2015 · 188
Fear is the shock.
The bolt that

It is the lightning
that destroys
a man's

Fear is a brick
in a

It is the height.
The thickness:

Fear is the poison.
The venom.

Hold it inside
and it will
turn you

Fear is the thief.
The silent

Pride. Joy. Ethic.
All the things
a man
Mar 2015 · 306
I've never known a thing to be

so close to me as family:

Where love abounds on sacred grounds,

and bonds are made, nourished, stayed.

I trek through this mortality

and share my load with family.

I often say, and always know

my family will always grow!

Inside the walls, and hallowed halls

of our sweet home; Our safety dome,

we come from worldly cares to flee,

and unify as family!

This much is true; This much is sure,

Together, pains we will endure!

Unbroken still, determined will

we'll share as kin, and conquer sin!

and this we'll do as family

for time and all eternity!
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Faith is doing.
Faith demands.
Faith is knowing.
Faith commands.
Faith is endless:
Faith is all.
Faith will save us
from the fall!

Faith is purpose:
Faith is wise.
Faith deserves us:
Faith makes ties!
Faith is mischief.
Faith is sure:
Faith is this if
we endure!

Faith is surging!
Faith is light!
Faith is purging:
Faith abright!
Faith is healing;
Faith within.
Faith is cleansing
us from sin!

Faith is stressing!
Faith is strong!
Faith is pressing
Faith along!
Faith within us;
Faith, abide...
Faith: Redeem us
from inside!
Mar 2015 · 288
I am He from the beginning,
long before worlds came to be,
Who sought to bring to pass redemption;
Who sought to bring men back to Me!

Come to me, my son: my daughter,
enter now into my space.
Sit, and partake of the knowledge
of life within the human race!

You shall enter through the veil.
Much shall you forget therein.
You will receive the flesh and bones
and, thereby, be akin to sin.

Brought to you will be my Gospel,
You will face the sacred choice:
The gentle Lamb, or the serpent?
My Lamb shall cause you to rejoice!

Be even as the Lamb, my child,
for, He shall be your guiding light.
He will be your source of strength
through thin of day, through thick of night.

Remember Me, remember Him,
and live your life with purity.
Hope all things, endure all things
with faith, and prayer, and charity.

Bring to pass much righteousness,
and suffer all temptations passed.
As Satan seeks to steal your virtue
through winds an hail, you shall last.

'Come follow Me' the Lamb has said
to every kindred, tongue, and nation.
Walk the path that he has laid:
The path that leads to exaltation!

For, so, this life is but a gift.
And, also, it shall be a test.
Do these things, and you shall enter
safely back into my rest!
I no longer search for the darkness...

I was there once-

in the dark-

with everyone


I couldn't see.

I couldn't see anything.

I used to sing a song

when I thought I was alone...

'Soon enough will come the light...
Soon enough will come to me
all the things I dream about...
As only in my dreams I see.

But, looking forward, while awake,
I hold this in, yet I want to shout...
'There has to be a path for me...
with darkness, doubt, and fear without! ''

I've felt alone for many seasons.

Nobody to talk to...

Hear...Feel...Even sense.

How painful: The darkness!

I only knew there was anyone near

because they used to sing with


very softly...

'Soon enough will come the light...
Soon enough will come to me
all the things I dream about...
As only in my dreams I see.

And, looking forward, while awake,
I hold this in, yet want to shout...
'There has to be a path for me
with darkness, doubt, and fear without! ''

But, darkness is not all I've known.

In fact, it ended years ago...

One cold evening I was sitting on the ground-

Knees close to my chest-

my arms tightly wrapped around my legs...

When I heard footsteps walking towards me...

They eventually stopped, and it was apparent

that she was in front of me.


The girl who put her hand on my


in the darkness...

and softly whispered...

'Let me teach you a song.'

'Wonders! Wonders from on High!
Beams the brightest heav'nly cry!
Now, rejoice! Pain is gone!
For, your life has now begun!

Nevermore acquaint with grief.
Light requires, first, belief!
And belief with faith will shine,
making life a joy divine! '

Ever since that blessed day
I knew, for certain, every day
I would no longer seek the dark,
and ne'er forget that perfect spark!

Now I speak in rhyme, and sing
to those with open hearts to bring
to listen to a burning voice
and sing with me, and rejoice...

'Wonders! Wonders from on High!
Beams the brightest heav'nly cry!
Now rejoice! Pain is gone!
For, your life has now begun!

Nevermore acquaint with grief.
Light requires, first, belief.
And, belief with faith will shine
making life a joy divine! '
Mar 2015 · 300
The time between the phases change
easy, hard, normal, strange.

Places come and people go
and still they pay to see the show:

The fire and ice we truly know.

It's sculpted us along the way.

Yet shiftless is the stubborn change
easy, hard, normal, strange.

Years, months, weeks, days:
Raindrops in a cloudy haze

constant as a singing bell

'Ding! ****! All is well! '

But 'well' is surely not the change
easy, hard, normal, strange.

'Victory! ' The story reads
as forward on the stallion leads!

The mighty one atop the horse
is proud that he has stayed the course.

Stay the course.
Accept the change.

Easy, hard, normal, strange.
Mar 2015 · 462
Captivation will not be.

Certainly, it is not me.

Inevitably, it will see

the path on which to flee.

Captivation is inside

with nowhere left for it to hide.

Reason has become the guide

to put the grief and lies aside.

Captivation, with no doubt,

will not wait to let it out:

To sit and pout, to stand and shout,

as virtue settles in throughout.

Captivation: Not today.

Here is where you will not stay.

Out the door, and on your way

so I can be with you away!
Mar 2015 · 637
Born Again
Bad impression
Cold depression
Mass rejection

Fight hard to return again,

Faithful intervention!

Filled with doubt
No way out
Angry shout
Sulk and pout

Come back to the light again,

Regret and doubt, without!

On your knees
Worldly freeze
Start your pleas
Soul at ease

We are spirits born again

Heaven and earth we please!
Mar 2015 · 251
How much can the only heart take
when love and life combine,

When solitude and misery
are compliments entwined?

A needle here, a dagger there
will pierce the pumping soul,

But take a spear, by sight or ear,
and it could drive

the fatal blow.

Protect the precious, naked heart
from the manipulating mind:

the killer of the good in men
who stabs you from behind.

The mind can work to its dismay
not even half the present day.

The twisted traitor of a man
will do its deeds with blinks at hand,

and as you draw the veil of dark,
it wields the pains within your life,

the suffering, the loss, the strife
and throws them at you heart.

Surrender fewer counts today,
to send you heart the shears.

Rely, not on the black today,
but on the brightness of your years.

See the beauty in your life
the color, rhythm, song

and hold that sight without the fears
of puncturing the heart.

For I say trust, that when you must,


And as you yield, you raise a shield

which blocks the centered love

from the rusty needles, knives, and spears

which plummet from above.
Blessed Prophet, chosen seer

wrought in glory from thy birth!

Called to be the Lord's Apostle;

sent to lead and guide the earth!

Humble farm boy; revelator

saw the Father and the Son:

Learned his plan from Deity

and became the chosen one!

Hated hero, truthful teller,

Lived his life against the vain.

Brought to pass the restoration:

Sought not honor for his gain.

Hunted from the great beginning

of the plan for fellow men;

Sought for death from wicked heathens.

Apostasy was here again.

Murdered for the cause of duty

given him from hosts above.

Even though they scorned and mocked him

for his brethren he had love.

Blessed prophet, chosen seer

we are grateful for thy call!

We will meet with thee in heaven

and commend thee, one and all!
Mar 2015 · 278
Beauty is
unique admiration.

A sparkling star...
in a galaxy

amongst the common.

Perceived by
the wandering man
in the twilight...

Under the cloudy coat...

gazing at
the many dulls.

None reflecting
within him...

longing for his
to ignite him.

For he, too, holds
a sparkle

that shines within another.

The natural void that
must be filled.

In the vast pool

of dim twinklings

She holds the
within him,

beaming her
natural glory,

Through the years
of space
onto the land,

catching the spark
in the eyes


the wandering man.
Mar 2015 · 309
As the Darkness Fades Away
A new day rises with the crows

and the dark night fades away.

As a fleet of fleeting fear

dissipates from far and near

a power rises; Mesmerizes,

Turning darkness into day!

In the air is found relief

when the sun has made its rise.

To myself, I think 'Today,

all my doubts I'll cast away.'

This defines me, and refines me

as the darkness fades away!

Now I see the light of life

as the dark night fades away:

Beaming clearly from on High

through the planet's eastward eye.

All perfecting: All rejecting

darkness, as it flees away!

Always present in the dark

of the cold and broken world

is the light which I now bear;

A light with men I long to share,

To typify, exemplify,

and cast the dark of night away!
Mar 2015 · 547
Anger the deceiver...
Makes you evil.

Eats the love in your heart

and turns it to ice...

Pulsing through the veins.


Anger the killer...
The bucking bull...

Kills you...
Kills them...


The heart.

Anger the stealer...
The selfish twit...

Stealing the love
in the hearts

of others.

Anger the virus...


Many unfortunate things can start

a running river to the heart.

Desperation; Passion; Yearning;

A rotting heart of malice burning;

Lost or stolen innocence,
Pestilence and bitterness.

A loss of almost anything                                      

can-to the heart- a river bring.

But! Joyful things can also start

a running river to the heart.

A lended ear when needed most;

The witness of the Holy Ghost;

Love in all it's raging power!

Solace in your final hour.

What's in your heart that makes you sing

can-to your heart-a river bring!
Mar 2015 · 262
A Gospel Message
What more is life than empty space?
a void that we must fill
with works of good, unceasing faith
and Gospel-centered will!

What more is time than open chance?
Eternal life awaits
for those who sing, and do their dance
through straight and narrow gates!

What more is happiness than hope?
Ask in prayer; believe.
Put your trust in heavenly hosts
and through your faith, receive!
(When I soar swiftly) through the veil,

through death's immortal pass I sail.

And passing from a world of fears,

I leave behind my mortal years.

I enter into paradise:

A world withdrawn from sin and vice,

and wear the robes of righteousness,

and turn to men to teach and bless!

I take on immortality,

and enter life eternally

into my mansion well prepared

and live the dreams I never dared!

With God Almighty, now I dwell

with every soul who served Him well.

In happiness and love I live

and all my praise to Him I give!

— The End —