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365 · Mar 2014
Chris Hayward Mar 2014
Giving pleasure without also giving affection
Giving *** but withholding love,
Reduces the whole to a mechanical exercise.

To love is to take a risk,
The risk of losing oneself,
Yet in the softness of a caress,
A miracle can happen.

The touch becomes dazzling and reaffirming,
The power of the mysterious connection, between human beings,
The long-time proof that they were made for one and other.

Chris Nugent - 1978
312 · Mar 2014
Chris Hayward Mar 2014
I dream, of someday, having someone special
To care for and care for me always,
To hold me when I need comfort, to be my friend
To keep me safe and warm on cold wintry nights
Be my lover, my man
Tis a pity it’s just a dream
By Chris Nugent  1979
257 · Mar 2014
Chris Hayward Mar 2014
Don’t let anyone ever tell you do not cry
For they have never felt the pain and devastation of being diagnosed with a Cancer or disease that can take their life

Let Your Tears Fall

We all have triggers that bring the tears,
The fears to the surface
We all fear what the future holds

Let Your Tears Fall

They give us the release we need,
The solace we seek
Never be afraid to
Let Your Tears Fall
Chris Hayward - 2014

— The End —